Team I am beyond excited for us to start testing our new auto-retweet app!!!

The set up for the test is very simple:

Step 1. Signed into your EtsySocial account:
(if your account is not active, just let me know and I'll renew you)

Step 2. Set up the Auto-Retweet - follow this link:

Fill in:
1. Team's Twitter Username: etsymeetntweet
2. Team Retweet List: etsymntt
3. Team Hash Tag: #etsymntt


The main objective for this test is to determine if the app is behaving the way we need it to. ie is it...

1. posting a max of 10 retweets an hour to our Twitter accounts?
2. posting in a minimum of 5 min intervals?
3. only posting team # retweets from our Team Twitter List?
4. retweeting 1 team # tweet per member per hour?*
5. filtering out profanity (we don't need to test this one :D just know the developer is working on building a very long list of bad words!)

(* this rule is to protect us from having our hashtag abused...along with rule no. 2... the goal is that even if someone posted 5 #tweets in an hour only one would get retweeted.)

IMPORTANT Please Note: With this test you may or may not see an increase in your tweets being retweeted since we are using our main twitter lists of 223 members. We're testing with this list first so that the app has a large pool of retweets to pull from.

The next test we do will be with a new smaller list and then we will see ourselves being retweeted. Depending on this first test, we should be ready for the second test by the middle of the week! ...and maybe by this time next week, we will be implement Team wide and get this party started!!! (but we will talk about a new team hashtag before then).

So far for the test, I believe we have:


Feel free to join in!

And please post below if you're set up or if you have questions, need help, see something strange or whatever your thoughts are!

Team, I feel like jumpin up and down, I'm so excited! Missed you all too!
Conversation Maker

Re: EtsySocial Retweet Test!!

I have not been retweeted by #etsymntt in MONTHS though I manually retweet this hashtag about four times a week ... thru tweetdeck. I am unsure how to tell if I am retweeted to be honest but I have made columns in tweetdeck for retweets included and retweets not included and don't see me anywhere other than on other teams ... :(
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Re: EtsySocial Retweet Test!!


The easiest way to figure out if your #etsymntt hashtag is getting retweets is to post tweets with only that hashtag. That way any RTs you get for that tweet can be attributed to the app. I make the point of doing a few posts with only that RT hashtag.
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: EtsySocial Retweet Test!!


I just looked through your twitter feed (@swirlingO11), and while I see a lot of retweets from you, I'm not seeing a lot of your own tweets. For Aug 8 through 12, I only found about 8 to 10 tweets that weren't retweets, and of those, only about half had the #etsymntt hashtag.

Each of the tweets I saw with the team hashtag had been retweeted by several people, and I know there was at least one person from this team that retweeted all of them (there may or may not have been other teammates retweet it, but I recognized one name as definitely a teammate).

For months we haven't had a viable option for auto retweeting, so most retweets have come from the few people that have had time to go in and manually retweet teammates. Now that we're close to having a working auto-retweeter again, my suggestion is to tweet more original tweets (meaning not retweets) with the team hashtag.
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Conversation Maker

Re: EtsySocial Retweet Test!!

Coyote & Crafty okay ... I will tweet my own with only that hashtag to test it out and see what is up .... I do use two twitter names for the last test with etsy fu I used @swirlingOrange1 which helps me to distinguish which I tweeted and which was auto tweeted.

I am going to set up 12 original tweets with only the #etsymntt hashtag to see how this is working.

I thank you both!
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Re: EtsySocial Retweet Test!!

Crafty I posted one new tweet on Tweetdeck with two hashtags EmnttM and Etsymntt. To post at 3:06 am.
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Conversation Maker

Re: EtsySocial Retweet Test!!

I posted several tweets with #etsymntt this morning from 9am throughout the morning and evening. I am going to tweet deck now to see what it looks like. I am so looking forward to the new program that is in the works. I am also retweeting #emnttM manually each day (2 for 1) under @swirlingorange1
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Re: EtsySocial Retweet Test!!

The best way to track RTs and other interactions (profile click, expansion, link click) is on Twitter Analytics, You can see how many RTs you get for any of your tweets. Give it some time, as I mentioned above and some of you have also noted, the RTs trickle in over time.

I'll check on your tweets later today when I'm off work. (Can't access social media when working.)
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Not applicable

Re: EtsySocial Retweet Test!!

Are we still using round team? I have tweeted round team 6 times in the last 24 hours. The tweets appear to be original tweets not retweets. I tweeted using Etsy social auto tweet maybe 4 times in the last 24 hours.
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Re: EtsySocial Retweet Test!!

Just checked my Twitter analytics( I never think to check):
28 day summary
Tweets are up 58%
Impressions are up 30.1%

This looks very positive!
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Conversation Maker

Re: EtsySocial Retweet Test!!

Okay, I am NOT being retweeted on either @swirlingO11 OR @swirlingorange11 checking the past few days and NOTHING but my "own" retweets. I have also been manually retweeting (randomly) so I am not seeing ANY retweets of my posts. yesterday I put a series of posts about an hour apart (7 or 8) and none have been retweeted that I see on tweetdeck!
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Conversation Maker

Re: EtsySocial Retweet Test!!

my tweets are DOWN 58% on @swirlingO11 and 108% on @swirlingorange1 this is NOT good :( Not sure how to fix it
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Re: EtsySocial Retweet Test!!

Must admit I'm now a bit lost about all this. I am getting lovely retweets which is great. I don't seem to be auto retweeting anyone so should I retweet manually? Also I stopped manually tweeting and adding #mnttnM but should I continue with this? Confused person from the UK!!
Of course nil sales since mid June -goes without saying!
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Re: EtsySocial Retweet Test!!

I'm giggling, Jan ... (confused person from the UK) .... I'm rather confused too! WHEREAS I WAS quite diligently doing some manual retweets on my #emnttM column, I have OBSTAINED from doing so since we started running this test about a week or so ago, so we can better see how it alone is really performing. I just now took at look at TweetDeck at 4:31 p.m., Monday, East Coast time. I'm not impressed with what I am seeing. First of all, I'm (through automatic retweeting) seem to be tweeting people not at all displaying the #etsymntt sign. I DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHY THIS IS! Second ... Natalie, the rose petal lady is DOMINATING my retweeting. WHY!!! Poor Swirling Orange, Vintage Orange, or ANYTHING ORANGE, for that matter, is no where to be seen. Where are the bulk of my #Etsymntt teammates in my automatic retweeting? Why aren't I automatically retweeting THEM? As I stated, I have deliberately kept "hands off" so we could better see how our new app is performing. I'm certainly automatically retweeting people, but not the people that I feel I should be. How long should we let this go on? Should I go back to doing some manual retweeting soon? I've taken and used this opportunity of "hands off" for self study in new directions for my art ... but I feel that this testing period, letting this app do its own thing, is starting to get us further "off course" ... not sure that we are continuing in a progressive FORWARD direction. It's rather disconcerting to see whom I'm retweeting (without input from ME personally), on Tweetdeck. Help! Not sure this is going well. Doesn't look good from what I am seeing!
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Re: EtsySocial Retweet Test!!

I'm not surprised you're giggling! It is all very confusing. I have started manually retweeting team mates as my auto retweeting doesn't seem to be happening at all. Think I will start using #emnttM again tomorrow too. Meanwhile after my huge moan I got an order this evening!! Hey ho.
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Re: EtsySocial Retweet Test!!

Well, GOOD for YOU!!!! :) I haven't had an order since January, if you can believe that. I've been too busy too worry too much about it, but I'm starting to pay more attention now. This is the first time that this has ever happened to me, and it's not that I've made changes or am doing something differently. Strange! I've now received a commission for a painting from someone local, and I'm just now starting on that .... and people have come to my studio here at our home and bought originals and/ or prints, about six pieces over the last year, but my online shop has been absolutely dead ... people looking, or saying something is a "favorite", even in the last week or so, but no sales. However, for the time being, I think I'll refrain from cutting off my ear, as someone that we know of did ... sounds too radical for me.
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Re: EtsySocial Retweet Test!!

@VintageOrange11 - I just did two manual retweets for you; one for VintageOrange11 and the other for SwirlingOVintage. We will see what happens to them now. It certainly is not that I found them on TweetDeck ... NO ... I had to go looking for them on your Twitter pages. Meanwhile, Miss Rosepetals is being automatically retweeted by me almost constantly. I certainly don't know why this is, but it's not good. Something doesn't seem to be working right.
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Re: EtsySocial Retweet Test!!

Have you all noticed that since Clarissa started this thread by a new posted link on the previous thread on page 31 of the original topic post, that it is not updating/showing the current person who is commenting when we look at our team page?
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Re: EtsySocial Retweet Test!!

Guys, I don't think we should be manually RTing #etsymntt. Bonnie your instincts are correct, manual RTing would confound the test.

I was seeing about 2 RTs for tweets with only my #etsymntt tag. More recently, for the past day I have seen about 6 to 7 RTs for each such tweet.

I am automatically RTing tweets without the #etstymntt tag and I am RTing the petal lady with or without our tag.

I am disappointed that at this stage of development and testing of this app that the basic decision rule: only RT tweets with the #etsymntt tag are beyond this developer to program.

Bonnie, this discussion thread is a new one and is not linked to the previous one. Clarissa apparently chose not to "pin" this thread therefore keeping it private. Only members of this team can see threads that are not pinned.
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: EtsySocial Retweet Test!!

I'm a little disappointed that things aren't working better too, but I also feel like we need to cut the developer a little slack.

I'm married to a developer, and was nearly one myself once upon a time. Let me tell you, sometimes things seem to work fine in a test environment, but then problems come up in real-world testing. That's why beta testing exists, to find the bugs and fix them. In a perfect world, the bugs would all be worked out in the alpha testing environment, but honestly it's really rare.

The best thing we can do to get this fixed as quickly as possible is to keep reporting as clearly as we can what is and isn't happening with the retweets. Sometimes the issue isn't what it seems at first blush.
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Re: EtsySocial Retweet Test!!

Good Advice ... I'm sure, MadamCoyote and Crafty Schmantcy. I'll refrain from further trying to help out Swirling Orange 11. As you both say, we'll never get this app fixed if we try to "help it along" manually. I guess patience is what is called for.
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Re: EtsySocial Retweet Test!!

Whoa! I just checked on TweetDeck before going to bed, 1:58 a.m. East Coast Time ... and my Frog in the Moonlight shows in my @BonnieLouLane column with a 38m after it (which I assume is 38 minutes) ... and it has been retweeted THIRTY TIMES! My "Pomeranian Posing with Pillows" has a "2h" beside it, and it was retweeted THIRTY-TWO times! That is impressive.
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Re: EtsySocial Retweet Test!!

Ok Crafty I will refrain from manually retweeting you guys. I just feel bad that you appear to be retweeting me but I don't appear to be retweeting anyone at all!!? Patience needed.

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Conversation Maker

Re: EtsySocial Retweet Test!!

Hey Peeps, here is what I did ... I changed my etsysocial auto tweets to contain only #etsymntt which I stil l DO NOT see any retweets or even "AUTO" tweets, this is upsetting.

#emnttM is a manual tweet only and it is two for one whenever you want to do it. I do this about 4 times a week and only 3 people are using it. Janet I have retweeted almost all of your #emnttM tweets when I see them. JKMurano also uses this and I retweet those as well for #emnttM.

@Bonnie ... to find my twitter @swrilingOrange1 (my name is SwirlingOvintage on that handle but it is NOT @swirlingOvintage, for some reason I could not make them work together.) If searching a name on twitter in the upper right search box always use the name after the @ regardless of the name shown on the profile. My Original tweeting/retweeting name for this team and when we used roundteam was @swirlingO11 but for the test I changed it in order to see specifically if was being retweeted.

I also use @swirlingorange1 for #EmnttM to track who is actually posting/tweeting.

Once all is ironed out I will use my original #swirlingO11 ... I do not want a bunch of random unwanted tweets during a test.

@madmanCoyote I always Manually retweet you as I will NOT pay for roundteam any longer I think they should have grandfathered us in, particularly "CLARISSA'S TEAM" as she brought them many many many users. They are just GREEDY in my opinion like all programs that start free.

The old saying "No such thing as Free Lunch" holds true with roundteam LOL.

Janet confusion reigns so don't worry ...

@bonnie ... if you search on google (not signed into twitter) and put in @swirlingorange1 you can find me as the number one suggestion in google for twitter, not sure why you don't see me but hoping this all gets fixed and is working by Sept when Christmas buying actually starts, for me that is !!!
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Re: EtsySocial Retweet Test!!

Thank you Swirling. I went to your twitter pages and reweeted you too.
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Not applicable

Re: EtsySocial Retweet Test!!

I'm not sure what happened but, I am no longer retweeting any one else's tweets. It also appears as though my tweets are no longer being auto retweeted.
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