I feel like a bit of an intruder, I'm living in Singapore for a year, but I'm from london, will be returning to London next Summer. I hope I don't get banished from the group!
My partner's at home revising for exams this week so my photo taking's been put on a hault, so my goal this week is for when he's out doing exams, to take photos of my new stuff! Can't wait to get it all on the shop. Overall goal is be putting a few new things on the shop every couple of weeks. Most of my business is from friends and family, only two sales from complete strangers, that needs to change!
I need to start pushing the shop and advertising it better for xmas, but I'm travelling so much in the next few months, I'm not sure how it's going to work.
I'm off to Vietnam in a week, hoping to get a lot of new amazing gemstones out there! Fingers crossed!