can't post in forums

I know that payment processing is down, but at the same time, I am not able to post in the forums, wondering if anyone else is having this problem.

Says I don't have permission to do so. I was able to post yesterday, the 6th. Between that time, I can't for the life of me figure out what I have done wrong (sure, sure, you've heard that a thousand times, I know). But I'd like to know what I have done wrong so I can fix it, or if it is a bug. Do they email you when your forum privileges have been revokes explaining why?

Just posting here because asking in Etsy Help takes forever!
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3 Replies

Re: can't post in forums

What part of the Forum were you posting? Can you post in another section? Maybe sign out and in again? If none of this works, perhaps Etsy restricted your access as what you post was against the rules? I don't know what you posted...just saying.
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Re: can't post in forums

Thanks for the Input. I can post in Teams but not the Community Forums (questions discussions chit chat promos bugs)
I really haven't posted anything against the rules and hope that if I did Etsy would contact me to let me know what it is I did wrong. I did sign out and back in and that hasn't changed anything.
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Re: can't post in forums

Thanks, I got it figured out. I am not supposed to suggest that someone read up on copyright infringement and intellectual property laws in the forums.
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