Hi teammates,

You guys have some super creative shop names that I love, but I often find myself wondering what the story behind them is. What do you like about your shop name? How does it relate to your business? Is there a funny anecdote behind it? Is it a pun? Is it a tribute to someone special to you? Did you have a different name before switching to your current one? How do you think customers interpret your name?

I'll go first. I got the name Sassafras from a good friend of mine who always called me Sassafras when I said anything that was a little snarky. I also have a passion for botany, so a plant name just felt like a perfect fit for me.

Now it's your turn. Share your stories and thoughts in this thread!

Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

"hal the gal" was my childhood nickname from my torturous (loving?) cousins.
some people stumble over it as one word until they know that my "real" name is "hallie" and "hal" is the short version.
it's easier than being mistaken for "haley" "holly" or any other mispronounciation. was born on guam and "hallie" means "comtemplating the ocean." so i LOVE my name, but keeping it quirky and kid-like keeps my brand just that. :)
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

Well, I love nature, and obviously the word "tree" reflects to it well. Moreover, as I make jewelry made of natural gemstones, so I guess the word "tree" share the same natural element here.
As I love anything related to art and craft since I was small, thus all of my ideas were poured into a "diary" I have in my mind.
Eventually, in 2012, I took a step forward, building my new empire to design jewelry accessories for unique seekers who adore the art of nature.

A label Tree Craft Diary then was born.
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

I named my shop after a medieval Princess. Also I make jewelry to last for many years. So, it can be passed down through the generations. My actual name is Timeless Treasures But Etsy already had that name so I had to come up with another shop name. They both have the same meaning. When a family loses their Mom like I did. My sisters and I divided her jewelry up and by far one of the the most cherished. That is what I wish for anyone that buys my product. Everything is made with Love and passion.
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

While we were trying to come up with a name for our brick and mortar studio/gallery, my son sent me a copy of his latest artwork (Landy in Black - http://etsy.me/1gYk2Do)
Every time I looked at her snooty, snarly expression looking back at me from my drawing board, she seemed to be saying "huh! You call that art!?!" - and voila! A name was born!
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

I started my craft business with the creation of linoleum prints out of my home. Since I did not have a printing press, I used a spoon to print the lino cuts onto paper - hence spoonprints. I have since moved on to explore watercolor, sewing and ceramics, but I still like the name.
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

I too asked friends for suggestions because I was looking for something catchy. First I chose Footstools by Kitty, not so catchy, then a friend came up with feet seats. I loved it and then my husband says,"what if you decide to sell other things too?". Hence the 'and more'. I saw handmade footstools at a craft show a couple of years ago and recently decided that I wanted to make them, so here we are!
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

My shop name comes from my last, Saylor. We use nautical themes as much as possible. Since I crochet, the dock is the nautical part. If i could have figured out to use "anchor" in the name successfully, I would have. Anchors are my favorite!!!
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

(From my "about my shop" page)

The story behind the name: My Proverbs 31

In the Bible, Proverbs 31:10-31 poetically describes in detail “The Woman of Noble Character.” This woman is in high demand and is worth a great deal to her husband, family, and community. She is not idle and takes pleasure in working hard night and day managing her household - making sure her family is fed and clothed – reaching out to the needy - making linen garments and selling them for profit. She is thrifty and spends her money wisely and also knows that hard work is more important than charm and beauty. She fears the Lord, but does not fear the future because she is secure in His love for her. The Proverbs 31 Woman is strong, dignified, and wise, but most of all her work does not go unnoticed by her husband, her children, or her community. In fact, they honor her and bless her.

This etsy shop is a way that I can be all of the things that I am called to be, while also serving my God and my family. I hope that you enjoy the things you see in my shop - and always know that when you buy something from me, you are getting a prayer for you as well.

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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

We are Forgotten Ways Farm. We named our farm that because we practice primitive skills and living here on the farm. Forgotten ways of the past like splitting your own wood shingles, we raise, butcher and preserve our own meats and vegetables. We tan hides in old time brain tanning methods. We make herbal salves and do a lot of wild foraging of herbs and edible wild plants. And that is only a few. These skills used to be passed down from parent to child as thoughtlessly as many now pass down how to use a TV remote control. They truly are becoming forgotten ways.
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

Obviously my shop name is my name, so nothing to wonder about there! I started with just my paintings, which I also have on FineArtAmerica, and I wanted to keep it all simple and clear. Now I have many other painted things I make and a whimsical name would be fun, but I probably won't change it. I have two other shop names reserved for potential shops with a different focus, when I have time to develop them. Its been fun to see how so many creative names were chosen! Thanks for sharing your stories :)
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

I get asked this question all the time! My last name is Tuco (pronounced two-co)
My husband has always been called his last name and when we got married I am a tuco too, thus 2co2! Simple, short and hopefully memorable!
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

Hi: My name is Joan Gibson. I am a newbe to Etsy. My business name is The Closet Potter and I had to add the word Shop at the end since the name was already taken. Now, how I came up with that name. I make pottery on a wheel. My home is rather small so we took a 4 1/2' x 11' closet and made it my studio. Therefore, making me The Closet Potter. The kiln wouldn't fit in the closet so it had to go in the family room but who cares when it is your passion.
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

My Etsy shop name PEGGYTOES comes from the fact that the first business I had selling my wares in magazines, was called PIGGYTOES, but because my name is PEGGY ... I used to get checks in the mail from customers writing them to PEGGYTOES! I liked it and stuck with it.
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

What a wonderful thread! My shop, SLO Yarn and Fiber, comes directly from the initials of my married name. I spin yarn and knit constantly. I got lucky with these initials, since they can be pronounced "slow".. and that is fitting for my philosophy when it comes to food, fashion, just about everything, really!
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

My shop name is a combination of things: My hubby and I love to dance (okay, he just likes it), I love (gem)stones and our last name is Stone!

When I originally signed up for Etsy I went under the name of DancingDals, combining my love of dance and the love of our Dalmatians; but that never would have worked for a jewelry shop!
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

My Business Name is Lyrically Speaking Designs. The very first design I did for my shop was Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds and they both share that notorious 60s link to the initials are LSD. Most of my poster designs are representative of that psychedelic time in the 60s and 70s when I grew up, and they are lyrically inspired posters, so there you have it! John Lennon said it was a coicidence, and ironically, mine was too!

Song Lyrics Art = Lyrically Speaking Designs (Music @ Play!)
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

When I started making jewelry I liked more the fairy style.
So, I thought that my brand name should had a fairy's name.
I searched in Greek mythology and found the nereids names. I chose "Ianira" because it sounds me good (in Greek - Heanera).
I imagined this water fairy making her little treasures in her underwater palace, singing and dancing...
And that was my inspiration - Ianira's Artifacts are the special little treasures that are made there, in this underwater palace by "Ianira".

This is my story!
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

Oh its pretty bad..I was up in the middle of the night having decided not to put some vintage things in the shop with my paintings but to start a vintage store instead..I wanted to call it Vintage Now but that was gone..Now I wish it were something like NW Rustic, (but that is taken) or Three goats vintage! I am afraid to change it now tho!
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

My last name is Mundo, in English World. My shop name Otros Mundos in English Other Worlds.
I use to make crochet for other uses than the regular (doilies, bag, mat, rug …) I change my doilies to be the perfect tool to meditate in different aspect of our life. My little bag or sachet are magic bag for talisman or amulet. Some bags are for the tarot and other for the rune or mala. My spiral rug or mat to sit down and meditate. Everything have a mystical and spiritual meaning.
Then in the crochet world are other uses for each piece of art. Then there are other worlds. Then my shop name Otros Mundos
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

Well, Rachel Rare is my nickname to my mom and her boyfriend, and it came from the game of life. We were playing it on my phone, just passing it on the table. My character's name (because I guess the creators of the app, thought names and faces were better than pink and blue stick figures) was Rachel. My mom's boyfriend's character was named Bob. So, passing the phone to him, I called him Bob. He smirked and then a few minutes later called me Rachel. That soon became a thing, as well as, my mom becoming Mary. So, my mom and I decided to pick last names. She came up with Rachel Rare and Mary Marvelous, and "Bob" came up with Bob O' Blob. He said that my mom could have an o in the middle as well and then her initials would be M.O.M. and his would be B.O.B. Anyways, I was asking them for ideas for my shop name when I was just setting up and he brought up Rachel Rare and said I should use that. I didn't want to just say bracelets or jewelry because for all I know, I might try some other things as well. So, creations came along for a more general, yet almost mystical or magical sounding if you say it in the right voice.
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

I'm a singer and find tremendous grounding when walking beaches. Hence my shop name, WaveSong.
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

I use to paint and do the art work on carnival rides, carousel horses, fun houses ect.... In the carnival business there is a saying " Flash is cash". Razamataz sounded very flashy to me, so I took it on.
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

So many stories have been told about your shops' names, but I'd really love to tell mine, too! Since I was a child, animals (and children, and the elderly, and all who do not have a chance to have a say...) have been my mission. Hence, a shop where, by working the way I love, I can also help around me. And, to say the truth, after all, I feel very "stray", too!!!
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

My shop name is pretty simple ... It's the street on which I live, but spelled as one word, Fairview. I split the words because referring to my designs, each is a "fair view." A view (or a piece of work) that is pleasant to view.

Great thread and some great stories!
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

I work with bead I love bead. And.... HeartbeadHeartbead :)
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