Hi teammates,

You guys have some super creative shop names that I love, but I often find myself wondering what the story behind them is. What do you like about your shop name? How does it relate to your business? Is there a funny anecdote behind it? Is it a pun? Is it a tribute to someone special to you? Did you have a different name before switching to your current one? How do you think customers interpret your name?

I'll go first. I got the name Sassafras from a good friend of mine who always called me Sassafras when I said anything that was a little snarky. I also have a passion for botany, so a plant name just felt like a perfect fit for me.

Now it's your turn. Share your stories and thoughts in this thread!

Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

Well my first name is Gwen and goods sounded so easy, so my shop name is gwengoods. I use it for everything sort of like a second personality.
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

I call my oldest "bug", and one day meant to say lovey bug, but it came out as lovely bug. Hence the name.
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

Hilda is our house rabbit, and we often find great things in attics, so... Hilda's Attic! She's the reason most of our icons and banners include a bunny.
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

I call my shop LittleStarsinPrints because I make children's clothing using the gorgeous African print!!
I believe all children are stars....therefore, LittleStarsinPrints was born!
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Registered Buyer

Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

Great stories!!

My shop name came from using a combination of my nationalities. I am half hispanic and half Italian so the "Mi" translates to My is Spanish and the "Sogno" means Dream in Italian. I was hesitant in choosing this as my shop name since some people find it hard to pronounce but I really loved the combination so I decided to stick with it. :)
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

We named our dog food company "Pawerful Organics" because the word "powerful" perfectly embodies the ingredients used in our food. We use ONLY 100% organic ingredients that are packed with nutrition. "Paw" was used to show that the brand is animal-related. :)
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

My husband and I call each other Beb since we married 51 years ago.

I see dolls. He fixed my great grandmother's old house as a shop for my dolls, and it became....... Beb's Cajun Doll House........

Later he began working with wood. It works out very well for us :)

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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

Since I have always love Japan and my items are inspired by Japanese fashion. I give my shop a Japanese name -スレッド屋, house of thread.
Making and selling things made out of threads.
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

Hi everyone,
I am newbie. My shop name is Megayabali. I was born and lived in beautiful island named Bali. Megaya also taken from Balinese language meaning stylish. So i think this name can represent my shop that sells clothes that can make people who wear them feel comfortable and look stylish. Beside that i think Megaya is a simple word and wasn't difficult to pronounce :)
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

My married name is de la Cadena, or, "of the chain", in Spanish. It seemed like a natural for a jewelry shop. My initial interest was Mexican silver. I considered Chain of Jewels, Silver Chain, and variations on the word chain. I didn't want to limit the perception of the name and my merchandise offerings, so I settled on the The Jewelry Chain. Simple, yet it encompasses my last name, pieces of the actual jewelry for sale, and captures the whole concept of vintage jewelry, which is passed down through a chain.
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

I picked my own name because I figured I would never have a problem with anyone else having the same name! I also figured I wouldn't have a problem remembering it! Mostly I choose my own name as that is what I signed on my art when I used to do a lot of art festivals and I figured name recognition would be great over time. I design my own fabric now and I noticed a lot of fabric designers ent with their own name.
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

The song from Grey's Anatomy:)
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

I named my one shop after my son Sam who passed away from addiction. ♡ he's my heart and soul. SamsMuddyMomPottery.etsy.com
He use to help me design our lighting design at
Claycafe.etsy.com I just miss him♡
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

I'm very sorry for your loss Lou Laino ...
I named my shop Bombay-cotons because I grew up in India and that the first thing I put up in my shop was the gypsy cotton macrame earrings I make. Coton is written with only one T because I'm French and Initially had only a French shop..
I don't know if I should change it for the Eng spelling ... :)
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

My shop name is about my lucky number at beginning. And actually I don't know if I can make a living just by this shop, even though I have quit my job already. So I hope it just happens like a magic. Then it's called "Magic1668". and now it has changed the name to be "Dressromantic", because this name is with two important key words for my items. Yes, just it is now.
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

I am "Wicked Stitch of the West".....the first is obvious, I love the wizard of Oz. Second, I sew fun, funky clothes. Third, one of the first hand embroidery I did when I was about 7 was Wicked Ways. Why? Just to annoy my Grandmother who made us sew every Saturday morning at 9am!!! I wanted to watch TV!
Now....I miss her terribly and bless her for the amazing talent she brought out in me!
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

My dad always told me his ancestors were gypsy. When I researched the family tree I found they were from the Czech Republic which includes the region of Bohemia. I guess I come by my love for Bohemian style honestly. Gypsies are often depicted in folklore as wearing lots of jewelry. I use natural stones in the wearable art I make, and it turns out, lots of a Jasper because of its variety and beauty. This is how I came to use AGypsysJaspers for my shop name.
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

What a great post idea, I love hearing where all your names come from. As for me, I am a redhead and often get called a ginger, a name which I embrace. My interests vary and I just love doing so many things and get bored if I remain static. I put my heart and soul into every piece I make, hence the name GingersEclecticLife, It is a little piece of my fun, crazy life. My motto is, "Do what you love", and I live by it everyday!!!
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

It's great to hear about other's shop names, Thank you for sharing part of your stories.

My shop name, Inner Cathedral, came about from a dream I had years ago about being inside a little chapel with a golden light and a deeply peaceful feeling. From the dream, I had the sense of a vast, silent space within me. I had seen Cathedrals on a visit to France when I was 12 and loved them. It came to me that I have something like a cathedral within me filled with Love and Peace and Gentleness. I go there within myself to be quiet or to cry or to allow myself to be comforted. I call it going to my Inner Cathedral :)
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

Hi there! Lovely idea to share this stories.
My shops name is EvisQueens. It's a name I picked out after many hours of brainstorming. I wanted a name that is easy to remember and that expresses the feeling I want my clients to experience when they purchase my handmade underwear. Since I knew I wanted my clients to feel like a Queen the rest was easy.
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

Ha, what a fun idea and interesting to read how others came up with their shop names. I literally paced around my house spouting out and writing down shop name possibilities and kept coming back to this one. My first name is Patti and I love all things decoupage and use ModPodge a lot. PattiPodge just seemed to flow well so my shop name was born:-).
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

My mother is behind the product. Her name is Nelly.

Growing up I remember the aroma coming from my mothers kitchen. Families and friends always felt loved and welcomed especially around the dinner table. Nelly pride herself in her cooking, which always made all of us feel special. I always knew this extraordinary seasoning had to be shared with the world. During my years of extensive research, I came to the conclusion that this seasoning is one of a kind or as many would always say, “It's something out of this world" . NellysSazon can enhance dishes like meat, rice, pastas, beans, soups, etc. It is free of chemicals such as pesticides, GMO's, and MSG. At NellysSeasoning, we take pride in that this product is 100% natural bringing the finest herbs and spices in one jar. NellysSeasoning elevates natural flavors of food, therefore, you can use it as a rub, marinade, flavor enhancer or along with other ingredients, depending on your taste buds. Our family is inspired by the everyday families that enjoys cooking and are devoted to their kitchens.
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

Hello! We are new around here and we are from a sunny and beautiful country - Portugal. I'm Rita and Miguel is my husband. Our project´s name is "Um Mundo Novo - A New World by Rita & Miguel Galante"

My passion for design and arts lives inside me since childhood. But unfortunately, due to family influences, I graduated in management. I quit my job when my oldest son was born and became a full-time mother. Since then I let my inner child reborn up (it feels sooo good) and started again to do what I always really loved to do: to design and to create magical new worlds, because for me art is magic happening. And so "Um Mundo Novo" that in english means "A New World" was born. This Art & Design Project reflects our truly desire that one day we will all live in a world of love, compassion and peace… a world full of beauty, joy and harmony… a New World!... ♥

And how can we build a new world? Changing our inner world a little bit everyday! :)
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

What a fun idea! My shop name Hen Pen is a name that has followed me through life for several years. While in college & dating my boyfriend (& now husband), my friends nicknamed me the Head Hen because his last name is Henning & I seemed to always be the one everyone came to for advice. Fast forward to a few years down the road, we're now married & my last name is now Henning. My husband & I decided to become backyard chicken owners & naturally, it seemed appropriate to name them the "Henning Hens". When I decided to launch my business, the name continued to follow me. When I first started, I illustrated most of my greeting cards with a pen only. Thus, the Hen Pen name stuck & the rest I guess you could say is history :)
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

I was originally, Princess Lin Designs, inspired by my daughter. After a couple years with it, I felt it just wasn't right. I changed to Three Eleven Design. 311 is the rural highway number that I grew up on, it's also my daughters birthdate, 03-11, March 11th. Seemed pretty fitting!
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