Hi teammates,

You guys have some super creative shop names that I love, but I often find myself wondering what the story behind them is. What do you like about your shop name? How does it relate to your business? Is there a funny anecdote behind it? Is it a pun? Is it a tribute to someone special to you? Did you have a different name before switching to your current one? How do you think customers interpret your name?

I'll go first. I got the name Sassafras from a good friend of mine who always called me Sassafras when I said anything that was a little snarky. I also have a passion for botany, so a plant name just felt like a perfect fit for me.

Now it's your turn. Share your stories and thoughts in this thread!
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

I want my name to show that i am here to put together things to make it easier for parents. One step & done for you!
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

Love this thread!

R+R Handmade is our Etsy shop and business name. "R+R" stands for Raina and Ruben, our first names. We feel it fits in its simplicity and ability to encompass all that we do as our business and partnership evolves. In this moment, R+R Handmade is a collection of unique hand forged home objects that blend sculpture and function. For us, the name also points to our journey of creative, intentional handmade living – connected to the land, our food, our art and a vibrant, evolving community. We intend to share more of this aspect of R+R Handmade through randrhandmade.com this year. Happy 2016! Wishing all of you an inspiring, creative year.
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

My boyfriend started calling me Pineapple years ago, maybe 5 years ago. He would always say Pineapples are sweet. I decided to make it The Pineapple Loft because it seemed like a cozy place where I could go to create and put my ideas into reality. I know a lot of Art shops use their name with the word art behind it but I don't like to sign my art on the front as I feel it takes away from the paintings so I sign it The Pineapple Loft on the back of all paintings.
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

When I started my business I actually couldn't think up a name for it at first. I knew that I wanted to include either my middle name (Dawn) or my nickname (Butterfly) which were both given to me by my late mother. She was the one who always taught me to be creative and I somehow wanted to include her in my business so I would always be reminded of her.

Just like her I have always been drawn to anything sparkly, blingy, shiny....or whatever else you want to call it. Most of my designs even include these things.

Since I couldn't figure out a name for my business on my own, I recruited the help of my hubby, step dad, and brother. After about a week of collaborations between the 3 of them....they came up with A Sparkling Dawn Design and I immediately knew that was the one. I knew that if my mom had to choose a name from a list....that is the one she would have chose.
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

My Name is Suni (my dad use to call me Sunshine that is how I got the name). I really like designing and creating jewelry, so I put the two together of Designs by Suni
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

Hi Everyone, This is such an interesting thread, I'm loving the diverse explanations for shop names. So many wonderful creative names. I do wish my little shop had a more interesting story, but yourbuttonshop was simply so practical. Anyway, I wishing you all a great year.
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

I Got Crafts........that's what we're gonna call it, I Got Crafts. My name comes from a line in my all-time favorite movie Dumb and Dumber. Lloyd Christmas and Harry are young and hungry entrepreneurs (like myself) and put their passion into opening up their own worm farm. They call it I Got Worms, haha.

Naming your shop is so important and so difficult! You want the name to be catchy. I think I Got Crafts, while grammatically incorrect is a catchy name. I sell homemade ceramic drink coasters. I didn't want to put "Coasters" in the shop name in case I expand my business at some time in the future.

I wish everybody here lots of Etsy success and a blessed New Year!
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Registered Buyer

Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

I'm named after a flower and my husband has always called me Petal as a nickname. 'Petal to Petal' describes the process that I work in, drawing one petal at a time :)
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

My shop name "RobyGiup" comes from the nickname my elder sister gave me when I was a little girl: she used to call me "Giupina", an invented word that in her mind meant something tiny and thin (yes, I was a very little girl!) and then all my family started to call me so and abbreviated it into "Giup"!
So I started to sign all my creations with the name "Giup" but then people kept asking me "Is your name Giuseppina? (italian translation for Josephine)" because they thought "Giup" was the abbreviation of my name! That's why I decided to add also my real name in the shop: Roby (Roberta) + Giup
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

I really love all the the fablouse stories. Silkdribble because that's what I love to do.
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

The story behind my shop name is at first a combination of the love of my life and I's name, Kevin and Kayla. And then it clicked! I work with gemstones and where do some gemstones come from? Caves! So, it's a neat little play on words; it's unique and special to me while also representing the uniqueness of my shop!

I look forward to reading more of these interesting stories!
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

When I was younger, I use to dream pictures, and in the daytime, I would try to recapture what I dreamt. It just seemed like a natural name for me to pick, even though selecting a shop name was one of the hardest things I had to pick for my shop!
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

My shop name & my logo is an abbreviation of the reason I launched my line of apparel and my etsy shop -
FTLA Apparel ~ For The Love of Animals Apparel
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

When I was a child, when my father was working on a gift in his wood shop, if we asked what it was, he called it a "Fruit Jar". In my family "Fruit Jar" meant it was special & a surprise, and not to ask any more questions. :)
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

Up until 2010 the only thing I could crochet was granny square blankets and I had stacks of them and I went to a consighment shop. The woman asked me if I could make flowers I told her I could even though I had no idea, then she wanted hats for the flowers to go on and that is how it began. She said I needed a business name and cards so since I live in Smyrna and have always been told how sweet my creations are so Sweetness in Smyrna was born.

I loved reading the stories and creativity behind them. Even learned a few things which is always good.
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

I know that every one is special and unique. All of my pieces are handmade and although I use the same material and process for each one, they all turn out differently. I LOVE this so my shop is named Just BU Jewelry. No one piece is ever the same! Just like my customers.
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

My name Zorica (Serbian name) have the same meaning as Aurora! So Aurora and Art was just perfect! And it is sooo easy to remember. Now everybody knows me as Aurora :)
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

Our three shops start with Kehingi.
It is an Algonquin word.
Kegona Kehingi means "and so it is " It is about acceptance in life and is said at end of prayers as well.

Marg and Gaetan
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

Hi all!, My shop name says it all... I really would really get so board doing the same piece of jewelry over and over again!
I've been making pieces for more than 40 years! There are so many choices of style, color, design, and influence, I could never make my mind up to pick a century, decade, or influence.
I truly make only one design of everything. There will never be anything made exactly the same as any other piece I've made. Even if requested, I may be able to make something very close to what I've made; but there will be something different about it; to make it truly " Only One"
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

Hi!! Love your stories!!
Its Optim Impera because its lingerie & loungewear made for the empresses. ​Optim Impera is not meant to be super sexy nor super cute, its not for those who need others approval on who to be or how its "normal" to act , so obviously it cant be " sweetbutterflylacebaby" or "sexykitten" or something like it :D Optim Impera items are meant for the intelligent and powerful persons, they see the details, they see the future and they will wear a pair of fully hand beaded panties, that were made to measure and took days to make, not because they want to impress someone but because they are worth it and they know it, they feel good, they own it, they own the world 💜

See more about here: http://www.teverani.com/about.html
and get a pair of free panties here: https://www.facebook.com/OptimImpera-436547256546419/
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

After studying jewelry design, my daughter originally created 'elle & belle' which is named after me and my mother, Isabel. My mother loved and collected jewelry so it is fitting that my daughter paid tribute to her gandmother in this way. As part of 'elle & belle', my daughter started a Hearts for SickKids campaign, donating $5.00 each from her best selling necklace to the SickKids Foundation at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, Canada. After she moved to New York City, she taught me how to make her heart necklaces. I continued making her heart necklaces originally under 'Lizzy's Hearts' but after developing a passion for making jewelry I branched out and put a different spin on my shop and now I sell under 'elle & belle jewelry'. I have partnered with the SickKids Foundation and still donate to their cause.
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

My shop name is actually my childhood name. My mum and dad called me Katenoula as a babyish term rather than the more formal alternative Katerina or Katherine. I was taught by my mum how to crochet and knit and cross stitch and sew and all the other crafts her mother taught her, I did not have to think twice when name my etsy shop because it is a wonderful reminder of my childhood memories of learning with mum. Originally I was just handing out all these blankets and on occasion I still gift baby blanket to family and friend with new addition to the family but had accumulated so many a friend suggested I sell on Etsy and that how Katenoula came about.
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

Well the name is actually H & G Crafts but Etsy didn't let me use the Ampersand sign. It's the first letters of my niece (and business partner) and my last names. And Crafts is so that if we decide to make something besides just bows, or have our custom ribbon, or digital stuff. Then it can include ALL crafts.

If we had done it with the first letters of our first names that wouldn't be a good thing. Her's is Sasha and mine is Misty. We didn't want to be called S & M Crafts lol. Don't want people to get the wrong idea about us :).
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

I've always wished for a daughter.
I've dreamt of being a mom as my mother was to me.
I've dreamt of designing her dresses and matching them to a pair of shoes.
Put a bow in her hair and buying her dolls.
A girl with long hair and a beautiful dress.
I knew exactly what she'd look like,
What I would name her,
What dress I'd choose for her and how I'd decorate her room.

But... I had 2 beautiful Boys :)

I love them, They're amazing and I'd do anything for them.
But... they're boys.
A few years later we got a kitten, I named her Princess.
Finally I had a girl in the house. took her to the vet only to find out she was a he.
So, I still design my dream girl's dresses...

Cuties is a quality children's clothing line by me. I've design unique and comfortable girls dresses, a dress every girl would Love to wear. I mostly design girls wear, including dresses and accessories.
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

I got my name by throwing around letters and coming up with something that sounded unique. My original name was Woje, but when I looked it up one of the definitions in the urban dictionary was for a man's you know what! So I decided to swap the a for the e.
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