Hi teammates,

You guys have some super creative shop names that I love, but I often find myself wondering what the story behind them is. What do you like about your shop name? How does it relate to your business? Is there a funny anecdote behind it? Is it a pun? Is it a tribute to someone special to you? Did you have a different name before switching to your current one? How do you think customers interpret your name?

I'll go first. I got the name Sassafras from a good friend of mine who always called me Sassafras when I said anything that was a little snarky. I also have a passion for botany, so a plant name just felt like a perfect fit for me.

Now it's your turn. Share your stories and thoughts in this thread!

Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

After launching our two sons into adulthood, my husband and I moved to the quiet of the country. We felt called to purchase a rural home for ministry: housing Christian missionaries home on furlough. Hence when we found our home in Amissville, VA we named it Harvest Home.

This is the first time in 50+ years of sewing that I have had a dedicated space to create. In 2013 I opened my Etsy shop selling upcycled denim items to raise money for our mission. My room is my sewing studio (although when I give my business card to people they sometimes say "I didn't know you paint" so I have to explain) and Harvest Home Studio was born! It just fits...
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

I used to be called "Hanushka" which was my nickname but after about a year I wanted a change to a name that will better describe my jewelry. I went to marketing consultant but even she didn't find the right name for me. We decided to have a contest where everyone can suggest a name and the winner will receive one of my jewelry as a present.
One of the suggestions was "Piece of mine" and I loved it so much!
The meaning for me is that my jewelry are a piece of myself that I give to the world and the mine is because who gets the jewelry can enjoy that it's hers and show off :)

Thank you for giving me the chance to tell my story!

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

Nice stories. I choosed Mamuparati because my little girl used to called me "mamu", as a baby-variation of mami or mama. When I started to explore names for the shop, there were several Mamu's; not so much in Etsy but in Social Media. I then decided to add the extension "para ti" which means "for you"; but then I thought it looked nicer all together as one standing alone word.
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

Great Topic. My shop was named in honor of my Father. I bought a house by the water and my Dad thought it needed a name as it was place of zen. We went through tons of ideas and puns and finally settled on the play on words "Whimsea Cottage". I loved that as a name for my home and it was just a natural progression to name my Esty Shop Whimsea Cottage as the designs I embroider are whimsical and created by the sea!

My shop represents my love of what I do every day and is a tribute to my wordsmith father. Thanks for letting me share this!
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

My shop name has changed two times, I call it an evolution. I started out as Fine Feathered Finds and still some of my local customers recognize that name! That was a tongue twister though, couldn't keep it. I am now In Fine Feathers. This has a lot of personal meaning to me that coincides with an overall good feeling it produces with others. To me, it has to do with a spiritual feeling of being led to knowledge by peace. This year I came up with a new logo that expresses this idea.
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

No story really, I sculpt flowers using glass seed beads and wire so that is where the BUDDING part comes in and I am always creating new pieces or custom orders so that is where the CREATIONS comes in.

I am very happy with my name and never plan on changing it :)
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

My wife is the originator of all our products. In her spare time she enjoys posting pictures on instagram. However, she noticed that some people were using her pictures without giving her credit. So she started putting @sea-val (Valerie is her name and we love the ocean, so it seemed natural.) When we were discussing the name that we wanted to go with, we felt the name Sea-Val worked for a business, plus it encapsulated something near and dear to my heart. It grew to include organics, because we felt we needed to create and image of what we were creating, without pinning us down to a specific product.
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

Interesting reading some nice stories behind the names.

The name of my shop is Clemenblut. It's a combination of the words "clementina" and "blut". I've been called Mandarina Clementina (a type of tangerine) for years, so my first idea was that my creations have the essence of myself. The word "blut" means blood in german. So I just decided to call my shop Clemenblut.
A little bit messy but for me makes a lot of sense!!!
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Registered Buyer

Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

The name of my shop is very simple and say it for itself.
When we were creating the name my daughter said : mom everything in your shop is handmade by you, why don't you make your shop name
MaritaHandMade and it was created :-)
Thank you to everyone for sharing their stories, very interesting and inspiring.
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

The origin of my shop name is pretty boring, as its my surname....but wanted something that was personal to help show that the items in my shop are all made by me.

Its been fascinating reading this thread :)
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

Well i came up with lots of names before this one but some were taken so i wanted to make a name that relates to the actual reality of my items 'Make it your style' and i chose that with a friend present because you can chose my items and make them your style, your colour, put anything you want on it, and even make up your own theme, so it is actually something made just for you. And even if i remake the same theme item for another person it will never be exactly the same, so each one i make - whoever buys it will always be the only one to own it in the world, hence makeityourstyle !!!
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

The story behind my shop name is "ShoeClipsOnly" as I have bridal shops but was getting too large for all the accessories so I split the shops into 3. I have my hair accessory shop kathyjohnson3 but I needed to put my shoe clips into a different shop so I named it "shoeclipsonly" as that is all I sell in that shop. :)
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

Very cool stories.

In my case, "Nabaa" is an acronym of the names of my family with "ands" in between: N (my son) and b (my hubby) and anna (me).

I wanted the shop name to represent, in some way, the abundance and joy this life holds for us (all) and I thought the word "Laughing" summed that up well.

Plus, the whole name reminds me of the laughing buddha, a joyful, peaceful image. Plusplus, the little green smiling buddha statue that is in my shop image sits on my kitchen window sill and every time I look at him, I remember to breathe, smile from the heart, and count the myriad reasons to be grateful in that moment and to remember the abundance of life. I wanted him to be a part of it. It's all wrapped up together in there somewhere.
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Crafty Poster

Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

Hi all, my shop name is Modestly because I find it really hard to shout out!! That is why I make really, I am a small voice doing something that nurtures my creativity and enhances life. I wish sometimes I was better at shouting but then what would I call my store - Loudmouth? !!!!
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

I love reading the stories behind everyone's shop names. They are so inventive. Mine is actually a combination of my children's names: Mikayla and Brandon. We call my daughter Kayla for short...so became KaydonCreatives.
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

hi ı am new on etsy thank you for visiting and fav my items

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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

Hello - my shop name is not so hard, but I thought a lot about it when starting out. But then I decided what better than use my own name, plus I love to create art, as well as love the idea of going to a very small boutique type store i.e. a "Shoppe" in Paris that will sell cute hand made cards, beautiful pieces of art, etc..thus the name Su's Art Shoppe!
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

My initials are SAM, so I thought having a name within a name was kind of cool, so I chose that for my shop name. The "once again" refers to my use of recycled materials like leather and wood.

A lot of people think my business name has something to do with Casablanca, but the line from the movie is actually "Play it, Sam". I get that a lot!
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

My shop name is Ocean d'Amour, which is French for Ocean of Love. I've always been fascinated with foreign culture, French culture in particular. When I came to college I wanted to study foreign language, but my college didn't offer it as a major or even a minor, so I took every class I could while being a Biology major. Ocean d'Amour came to me because I have always had a fascination with the mysteries of the ocean and its creatures. This was my way of incorporating my biology background while still holding onto my love for mystery, travel, and foreign language.
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

The first doll I ever made was for my daughter, Gianna. We call her Gigi. So, when I opened up my shop it seemed like the perfect name since the first doll was "Gigi". And...kinda cool...I still make the Gigi doll. She's the Asian doll in my shop. :)
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

My maiden name is Smith and I come from a family of metal smiths and fabricators. I love that a smithy is a maker and I am a maker of art! I wanted something that was personal but not so obvious as my name.
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

Hi guys!, new here... Very interesting topic, I got mine from the nibs... they are used to do calligraphy and lettering (I'm a graphic designer and very often use them), also lite because I love photography, people say that photography wouldn't exist without light so I thought that both combined sounds good. Like giving birth to new ideas all the time :). Sorry about my english!.
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

When my parents came in to live with us I lost my sewing room. We decided to turn our unfinished attic for my new space. After going over many names, I came up with stitchntheattic. I love my sewing room, as a matter of fact I'm heading in there right now for a day of sewing.
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