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Unhappy customer

Hello, I'm hoping to get some advice. I know that we cannot please everyone all of the time, but I truly try to. I've been dreading my first "problem." Today, I rec'd a message from a bride saying that she just rec'd her bridal sash from me and that rhinestones are missing and some are discolored. I know disagreeing with her is not good customer service, and so I will refrain from that. I actually obsess about each item I send out and it takes me a lot of extra time because I'm paranoid that something might be seen as wrong by the customer. I quadruple check all rhinestones, their integrity and the color to make sure everything looks as perfect as possible. I also package everything very well and have not had one complaint about any damage. This bride says her wedding is "right around the corner," and "what can I do" for her. I read my previous correspondence from her and she has not even had her first fitting yet, so. To sure how truthful she is being. Should I refund her money in full and she keeps the sash, refund part of it, offer to take it back and then refund her? I do have a no return policy because each item is custom made, but I do not want to enforce that and want to avoid an unhappy customer. Help from anyone is appreciated!
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12 Replies
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Re: Unhappy customer

you could as her to send photos of missing and or dis colored gems. im not sure how expesive or time consuming making these sashes are but i would most probably ask the customer to return the sash so you could repair it. but its what you and your customer both mutually agree on
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Unhappy customer

I don't know if I can be of any help, but do not refund the cost in full and let her keep the sash!!!! I have a feeling your sash is perfectly fine and she is trying to just get it for free or get a great deal. I agree with having her send you the sash back and then you will refund the cost after you have received it. Ask her to have tracking put on the package so you can follow it and then you'll know she really mailed it. Emphasis you are taking back a custom ordered piece. Good luck!
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Re: Unhappy customer

Thank you! I think I will just avoid any further issues and just tell her to return it. I will cancel the transaction once I get it back. Hopefully she won't leave me negative feedback meanwhile. :(
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Re: Unhappy customer

hi Laurie
I too would say ask her to return the sash and refund the amount once you got the sash back
and I am quite sure that your sash is perfect and the customer just wants to save some money...
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Re: Unhappy customer

Hi Laurie,
Hope this will help you some :) I agree with the others, request the item back and follow whatever your written policy is. If you don't then what is the point of having a policy? Plus if you make an exception for her it wouldn't be fair NOT to make an exception for the next customer. I spent 17 years as a store manager for a big box store and that was our golden rule. Follow the company policy and apply it the same for everyone. Customers respect companies who are fair across the board. It protects you and them. And we are a company so to speak even if we are small...Okay tiny :D
I've had this same issue. I requested pictures of the damaged box but she couldn't provide them because her camera was "broken. I offered my phone number so she could text me a picture,her phone didn't take pictures. If she had just sent the pictures I would have refunded her. But I didn't believe the box was damaged "beyond use". Like you, I obsess over quality and I too package very, very well.
I enforced my written policy and requested she return the item letting her know once the item was received I would refund her the purchase price (not the shipping, never the shipping). She fussed and fussed but I just kept pointing her to the written store policy. She never sent the box back and never left any feedback either. Even if she had negative feedback it's a good thing! You will have learned something from it. Try to find the positive in it so you can be that much better.
Your shop is wonderful!! Good luck!
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Re: Unhappy customer

Ask her to return for a full refund. I agree with Andrea, she's trying to get a good deal.
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Re: Unhappy customer

If you can resell it, then have her return it with a tracking number and then refund her money and move on. Then list it as ready to ship, so that a bride who will love and cherish your work can enjoy it. And make sure you give her a cutoff date for returning it so that it does return you in used condition.
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Re: Unhappy customer

Thank you everyone! You have no idea how much you have helped with your advice, and how much you've cheered me up! I'm going to request the item be sent back with tracking, and then I will refund her money. Running an Etsy shop can be stressful sometimes, but fellow sellers like you sure do make the stressful days easier. :)
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Re: Unhappy customer

Your listing are so beautiful!!
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Unhappy customer

I had the EXACT same thing happen to me, missing stones and what can you do and all of that. I am also a perfectionist and have since started taking pics of pieces in the gift box ready to ship. Extra work, yes, but, you really need to be a step ahead. Life in general is like a game of chess.....try to anticipate the next possible move.

I hope this never happens to you again, you work is stunning.

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Re: Unhappy customer

I would suggest have her return it to you and then refund it. I can appreciate the no return policy on custom goods, I have the same, but in cases like these, when something is apparently wrong even after you checked it so meticulously, I would want it back to see for myself. Unfortunately there are people out there who will lie to try to get a refund and keep the item for free, so I'm quite firm about things like that. If there are problems I would rather replace the item and have the original returned.

There is a good chance, IF she is one of these people, that she won't want to return the item in order to get her refund, and in a case like this with an item with such a specific purpose, you have to wonder why she would want to keep a piece that was apparently faulty.

So, personally, I would say ask her to return it and either offer a refund or offer a replacement, and then when you receive it you can see for yourself if there was anything truly wrong. If she's just trying to get it for free she probably won't want to return it before she gets her refund.

It's also possible however that she's just being an overly picky bride - many (not all, but a lot) brides strive for perfection for their wedding, even on items that no one else would know was 'imperfect', and sometimes they can be a little irrational and unreasonable. I can of course understand that, but at the end of the day that's what causes a lot of bridal stress, and stress for sellers like you as well.
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Re: Unhappy customer

I agree about having her send it back and then refund.

As to the "stress" of brides: If they would worry half as much about the up-coming marriage and not get so lost in fabric and rhinestones they might be alot happier later on!
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