I used to be the ONLY seller on Etsy that sold laminated magnetic bookmarks. Then, just as I figured I would, I have had copy-cats and now have direct competition. I currently have 200 (give or take) styles/designs of magnetic bookmarks in my shop, but I am very curious: is there such a thing as TOO many options for customers? I have another 20 or so new designs I have nearly ready to add, and I want to make my presence as strong as possible, but once I thought "maybe this is toooooo many" I cannot get the thought out of my head. I would love your thoughts on this!
Also, I am nearly to the point of raising my prices. I have not raised the prices of my bookmarks in 3 years. I never thought I needed to. But, I hesitate, because my direct competition is priced the same as I am. Will raising my prices from $4/bookmark to $5/bookmark say to customers "PCD has better quality and charges more because of it" or will it say "they are overpriced"?! The last time I raised my prices my number of sales increased, but again, I had no direct competition. Thoughts?
I would really like to take my shop to the level of (hopefully) paying a car payment or even the mortgage, and I feel like increasing products and raising prices is the way to go, but I would love to know others' thoughts!
Thank you all!