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Help responding to a customer

Looking for advise on how to respond in a professional way to this customer. They already purchased the item and I have started on the order.

Hi I was just wondering is there a specific reason why this order is so pricy because I found someone who was willing to do it for 36.00 and it seemed pretty similar to your designs. That's just a big difference in price.
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11 Replies
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Re: Help responding to a customer

I would say something like this:

'I price my items according to cost of quality materials and labor costs. I spend a lot of time creating one of a kind pieces and deserve to be compensated accordingly. If you would prefer to cancel your order, please do so within the next 24 hours.'

That is frustrating. This person has no idea the quality of materials the other shop owner is using. It's irritating when other shop owners price things as a hobby and don't take into consideration that other people are doing this for a living.
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Re: Help responding to a customer

I would offer to refund their purchase. This person is not the type of customer I would want to do business with. If they cannot see that your prices are a reflection of your hard work which you have earned, then I don't think explaining it makes a difference.

I would say:

"I am happy to offer you the opportunity to cancel your order. If you choose to do business with us, you are choosing to support a small business that uses high quality materials and takes great care in making each piece. Our prices reflect our great care and high quality materials, and help to support our family.

I hope you choose to continue to do business with us.

Wishing you the best,"

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Re: Help responding to a customer

What Josee said.
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Re: Help responding to a customer

I love your pillows! What a great shop! I like what Josee said. But, if you've already started working on a custom pillow, I wouldn't just cancel the order since you've already put out the expense of some supplies. You might advise them that they may choose to cancel the remainder of their custom order, but unfortunately you would have to charge a fee of $xx for materials already used when you received their "gripe".
Good luck with that!
<3 Jewel
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Re: Help responding to a customer

I've gotten some of that. Most of my competitors use a mass-produced charm that is made in China and goes against the philosophy of my shop so I've actually put into many of my listings things like "I never use mass produced made-in-china charms and instead hand-wrap all of my designs from precious metal" in order to prevent these kinds of comments.

It is very frustrating when people don't appreciate the time and effort that goes into making what we sell.

I agree with both Josee and Jewel. Best of luck.
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Help responding to a customer

I've had several customers over the years who just seem to believe that they deserve a discount or special policies. Although my return policy is clear I've even had a customer return something without prior approval.
They just seem to believe they deserve special treatment and want everything discounted.

On the other hand, I've had many more customers who buy in bulk without ever expecting a price cut. It sounds to me your customer didn't do her homework upfront or just had buyer's remorse. If it's not a custom product I would cancel the order and hope she never buys from you again. The next time she'll just find something else to complain about.
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Re: Help responding to a customer

"Hi X
While we do our best to value manage our product, quality is always our first priority. We ensure our products are of a high standard by using high quality suppliers and dedicating the time to make sure your purchase is perfect.
As far as value for money goes I can assure you that you have made a great choice."

Just always remember - even if it annoys the heck out of you as the creator - in convo's you need to be the sales person, put on your business face and sell, sell, sell. It's not personal, it is just business
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Help responding to a customer

I agree with Josee said.

If that's where it starts it can only go down hill from there.
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Help responding to a customer

I don't need the advice at the moment, however you guys have written such good responses. I am going to keep them in mind in case I do!
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Re: Help responding to a customer

I really like the responses here. I struggle being able to talk to difficult customers without telling them to feck off (Mrs. Brown's Boys reference). I admire and appreciate your guys' professionalism. Thank you :)
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Re: Help responding to a customer

I would offer the choice to cancel, but just as a choice.
Although it is frustrating to question a crafters' price after the custom order, keep in mind that it may only be a question to make sure your quality is actually good and this is why your price is higher than on other shops.
A few days ago I got a message asking about the quality of a sandal a nice lady had already ordered and was / is on its way , I think people need to be reassured sometimes that they made a good choice, as they cannot see the item they purchase.

I would go for Elisabeth's first answer, just in case.
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