Error by Etsy, in the "ship to" person

Last weekend I sold a tote bag to a very nice customer. Her and I had several conversations, prior to me shipping. I shipped the bag and contacted her to say I had shipped and given her the expected date of delivery. When I ship, I package every thing nicely with a thank you card and a business card inside. The same day, it was to arrive to the client, another person I will call her number 2 with the same exact same name contacted me (from my business card) to say she had received this package and wanted to know how I knew her and why I had sent this. Completely, perplexed I researched. To make this story shorter, number 2 had not in fact purchased from me, did not even have an Etsy account. I contacted number 1 to give her an explanation of what had happened. Number 1 was very nice, but would like to get her tote bag. I have asked number 2 to ship it back to me and I would reimburse her for the shipping and then ship onto the correct person. I also asked number 1 to check her receipt for the "ship to" address. She then noticed it was incorrect, right name, but everything else is wrong, not even the same state. To make it more mysterious, the girl had made 3 purchases that day, the other 2 went to the right address.

I have contacted Etsy, but so far only get the automated reply, with many attachments to it, as if I have made the mistake and make sure I know how to ship correctly.

Now I am responsible for paying to get the tote bag back, then reshipping. If I in fact I get the bag back. I have called number 2 twice now, to see if she has shipped it yet, but do not get a return phone call.

Both number 1 and number 2 want to know how this could possibly happen. So do I.
I cannot duplicate the tote bag, it is truly one of kind.
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3 Replies

Re: Error by Etsy, in the "ship to" person

How odd... I would copy this message and put it in the "Bugs" section of the main forum. Matt is usually pretty good about answering/investigating problems from there.
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Re: Error by Etsy, in the "ship to" person

Thank you for bringing it to everyones attention so that we can all be aware of mistakes like that, that could happen to just about anyone.
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Re: Error by Etsy, in the "ship to" person

Yes, post this in the BUGS section of the main forums.

And, sadly, when an unexpected / unordered item arrives in the mail, it can be considered a gift. I hope #2 returns the bag to you so you can ship it to #1, but as I understand it, #2 is not at all obligated to do so.
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