How can you tell if the writing in your shop actually makes a difference? Maybe it’s enough just to get your SEO right. How much time should you spend polishing those product descriptions, your "About" page, or anything else?
Lucky you! There’s a way to figure it out, based on a few simple factors. Read through and see how much effort (or not) you need to spend on the copy (the writing) in your shop.
The higher the price, the longer it takes for buyers to decide. Good copy is needed to keep buyers engaged, give them something to think about, and cultivate a relationship.
The lower the price, the shorter the “sales cycle.” Buyers might purchase based on the photo alone.
Is your product or service easy to understand? Not a lot of parts to explain? Fewer complications, less emphasis on the text. On the other hand, if it requires a lot of explanation, your writing better be good - clear, precise, easy to understand.
Lots of other shops selling a similar item or service? Then you better get busy with that copy! Figure out what makes your item different, more valuable and more desirable than others. If you’re the only one selling something of interest, maybe informative text isn’t quite as urgent.
Does your item have visual appeal and come across well in photos? If yes, then you’re already selling with your photo. If not, good copy needs to pick up the slack.
If you’ve sold a lot in the past, and have great reviews, buyers are already halfway to a purchase. They might glance at your writing, but happy previous customers are very convincing. Fewer sales, a harder transaction, more emphasis on using your writing to engage and persuade.
Is this a significant purchase for buyers? Is it going to change their lives in some way? If yes, they’ll take longer to decide, and will spend more time reading. Make sure your copy is up to the task.
If you’re providing something that’s impersonal, temporary or solely for entertainment, there’s less pressure on the writing.
How good a job did you really do with your SEO? Can you confirm that you’re successfully pulling in customers who already are looking for items or services like yours? If so, you might be able to get away with lower quality writing that just gets across the facts.
If you aren’t sure about your SEO, and are talking frequently to casual visitors who are just browsing, boost your copy with great selling points, engaging language and convincing information.
So how did you do? Have you been spending time on the right things? Need to switch focus? Have a better understanding of how to use your writing time? What do you think?