New arrival in your group, I allow myself to submit to your curiosity some of my latest creations. These are all unique models; these are digital montages A4 format on which I stick a protective bag in which I slip a postage stamp, a block of stamps, ... any philatelic object. Have a good day.
Hello, A beautiful block of stamps, luxury, vintage, new and not serrated on the 4 seasons of the almond tree. It is arranged on a digital photo montage that highlights it. A gift idea for Christmas! Not to be missed, it is a unique presentation Made in France. Have a good day.
Bonjour, On a tendance à l'oublier, mais l'être humain n'a pas toujours régné sur terre ; les animaux préhistoriques leurs disputaient cette hégémonie. Un bloc de timbres de France 2008 sur un montage numérique réalisé en modèle unique nous le rappelle et c'est du made in France. Bonne journée.