Looking for a LEADER for this team

Fellow team members,

This team has become very popular in a short period of time. We have over 1,000 team members and I am very proud of that. However, I want this team to be taken to the next level and would like to promote someone (or two) to Team Leader(s). I look at the huge community we have here on Digital Prints, and I want to see how we can become more of a "team". The chosen team leader(s) will work in conjuction with me to help this team get ready to take over the world!!!

If you would like to be considered to be team leader, please reply in this thread and tell us:

1. You name
2. How long you have been on Etsy
3. Why you should be chosen to be a team leader
4. How will you help make this team a "team" and a real community.
5. Fun fact about you that NO ONE (or very little people) know about you.

I will soon announce the deadline for submissions.

Good Luck Everyone!!
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102 Replies

Re: Looking for a LEADER for this team

1. Michael
2. 3+ years
3. I have 8 years of professional digital, offset, and print production experience, with a degree in Graphics arts. Printing is my life!
4. I can help answer any type of print, media, and graphics questions. I can also refer some great print vendors, Stock suppliers, and help network etsy buyers and sellers.
5. uh... gee... I'm a vegetarian? I guess thats semi-public. My back is covered in tattoos that no one has ever seen! I dont know!
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Re: Looking for a LEADER for this team

2- 2 mondays +
3-I have 17 Year's of professional art derector and graphics desenger
4- I can help answer poster desenger and tshirt desengers etsy buyers and sellers
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Re: Looking for a LEADER for this team

I'd love to help! I've been here all of 5 minutes, haha - so consider me FRESH and full of enthusiasm!!

1) Mae, hence the shop name, "Custom Mae'd", {wink}
2) November 2011
3) Why be chosen? Hmmm - because I'm totally into this! I love perusing the threads. I think we're gonna need some help as we're all facing Etsy changes come January 1st (which is why I came searching for a digital stationery specific team!). Plus, I have OCD (lol), so I'll help clean up comments in threads that do not belong (self-promoting, etc). Let's spruce this place up, eh?
4) I'll encourage community by trying to support and create a safe environment for people to interact, share ideas and inspire one another.
5) Hmmm, fun fact? We live in a log cabin in the mountains. Thanksgiving eve (this year, as-in a couple of weeks ago), I opened the slider to fetch a piece of wood for the stove, and there stood a BEAR!! Honest-promise, within arms reach. I was in a state of disbelief (my mind actually detoured to the movie, 'Brave' for a moment, no lie!). So I just stood there, for about 5 seconds, which is a wicked long time when you're standing face-to-face with a bear! Probably the most exhilarating experience of my life. Whoa!

Good luck with your search! I'm surprised, actually, that you haven't received more applications/interest. And, Happy Holidays!
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Re: Looking for a LEADER for this team

1. Jillian Altmeyer
2. Since Apr 2010
3. I am a very collected freelance artist with free time. I love to work on projects with others and being hands on with the online community too!
4. By being active I will help make this team more hands on.
5. My favorite color is not pink but is aqua (people think it's pink because my hair has been pink for 7 years!)
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Re: Looking for a LEADER for this team

1. Lindsay
2. since February 9, 2013 (other shop is ChairWearFashion)
3. I am a marketing professional. We (my husband and I) have several businesses and provide a variety of services to include graphic design. We also offer all types of printing and could be a great resource for many designers here. (We can drop ship for you.) I also have experience running groups of 5,000+ members on Facebook.
4. Monitor content to make sure it's appropriate for the team; Provide guidance to those who need help; create fun ways for team members to interact with one another to learn and grow as a team and also facilitate growth for individual team members and their respective shops.
5. I have traveled to 26 US States and 7 countries so far. I won America's Top Invention for 2013 from nationally syndicated My Cool Inventions Radio among 1,000+ other applicants for my patent-pending product, the Chirt (ChairWearFashion). I just had a baby exactly 3 weeks ago.
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Re: Looking for a LEADER for this team

2. sinse 9 of june 2013 (started my selling just about 2 weeks ago tho)
3. i have a large experience of leading communities on other resourses, i am very much into digital art (got a large fan base on deviantart, making custom work etc). Im running my graphic design blog which might become a good team promotion tool. Plus i got creative mind and operability!
4. team games, off-site promotion, helpful treads and tutoriasl for newbies
5. i'm part russian, part german, part armenian and part hungarian. my son had the same plus part georgian part jewish. and no, im not from USA hehe
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Re: Looking for a LEADER for this team

1. Victoria
2. Since 2011
3. Because I'm stellar (Also am a moderator on a separate forum in the graphics and art area of it so I have experience in that aspect) I also have plenty of GFX experience under my belt myself.
4. I like activity, activity is key. If you're not active and proactive as a leader, no one else will be active.
5. Everyone really kind of already knows but It's still a fun fact (or at least to me) But I worked at Disney World and currently work at Universal. My job is super fun and exciting and I love it. :)
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Re: Looking for a LEADER for this team

1. Sorina
2. 4 months
3. I already have one team https://www.etsy.com/teams/21097/happy-etsy-sellers made about 3 weeks ago and it's going very well - check it out!, I'm very active and organised, I enjoy helping others. I know 4 months it's not that much, but in the beginning I took time to read articles/ watching videos and everything I could find regarding etsy and online stores of this kind. As a team leader you have to be an example for the team members and this is what I'm trying to do.
4. I've got some great tips for etsy sellers that I think are the most important for when you open a shop, before activity and anything else - I would love to share those as I noticed that many sellers are skipping this part. After this, activity comes as being very important and here are a lot of tips and games too. And then some fun games for getting to know other members better. These are the first 3 steps that will help getting a team organised and also fun. Also I think we need to set a few rules for the team.
5. Fun fact...hmm...I was young, went camping, there was a disco there. So got dressed in white and went to the disco. Me dancing. Somehow, I felt heavier on the right side so had a look ---- there was a Bat sitting on my pants - black on white - a BIG BAT. I went crazy and I hit the poor bat and screamed and I screamed so loud that the music stopped. The bat starts flying around like crazy and it went through a girls hair and everyone freaked out and everyone was screaming until the bat left through a small window. :)
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Re: Looking for a LEADER for this team

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Re: Looking for a LEADER for this team

Dear Dalia,
1. Lisa Rong

2. Start Etsy since February, 2014; a year.
I like etsy very much.

3. Etsy Team is to help each other.
I am just me, not a super girl with talent or wisdom.
I can work well with my partner to keep this team going.

4. To be honest, actually I do not have a very great idea for make this team a real community.
But I will be responsible for every activity if you trust me.

5. Fun part, when I get off from work and go back home before I clear the big mess caused him, my doggy.
I will make some little loud music and dance with my dog together.
Is it crazy and fun?

Thank you for reading.
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Re: Looking for a LEADER for this team

1. Preston Dean

2.. 3+ Years

3. In the 3 years I have had my shop opened I have been able to gleen a lot of information from the forums and other Etsy sellers to help me grow my business. Through Etsy I have been able to place my prints in Boutiques throughout the world and in a museum book store. I have sold prints to HGTV interior designser. I was able to have two of my prints as part of a set design on a Comedy Central TV show.

4. I really believe that knowledge is power and we are only as good as the tools we have to operate with. I love sharing what I have learned from others so that we can all grow together. I have taught college design classes and Photoshop instruction classes.

5. I am actually a licensed architect that has always loved art and was able to attend college at a time when computer graphic arts were really becoming accessible to the masses.
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Looking for a LEADER for this team

I have noticed a lot of items that people are posting are not digital prints. Is this something that is going to be addressed by the new page leader? :)
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Re: Looking for a LEADER for this team

I recommend Sorina Banica on page one... her other team is very active and fun!!! Just my vote. Cheers!
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Re: Looking for a LEADER for this team

1. Jayna Denbow
2. Since 2010
3. I've been around Etsy for quite a long time and I'd love the opportunity to give back by helping wherever I can. I can help pass on some of the knowledge Ive picked up along the way.
4. A successful team can be hugely beneficial for everyone, So I'm ready to help make it work for everyone.
5. I once wore braces! There aren't many photos to prove it, so its like it never really happened :)
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Re: Looking for a LEADER for this team


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