I really don't get it...seriously, I don't. How can anyone with a shred of morality and intelligence back this woman? She has such a long history of stupid to corrupt behavior. Yes, she is inept if she is incapable of handling 2 email accounts...personal and "business." Most of us have at least 3 email accounts...all serving different purposes.
http://nypost.com/2016/05/15/hillary-hounded-by-past-scandals-as-new-charity-questions-emerge/The Clinton nonprofit helped secure a pledge in 2010 for a $2 million investment in Energy Pioneer Solutions. The for-profit green-energy company is co-owned by several well-connected Democrats, as well as wealthy divorcée Julie Tauber McMahon, a neighbor of the Clintons’ in Chappaqua.
Bill Clinton reportedly made a call to then-Energy Secretary Steven Chu to endorse the company, which helps people insulate their houses. It later got an $812,000 Energy Department grant.
Federal law bars tax-exempt charitable organizations from acting to benefit a private company. But the foundation said the relationship with the firm reflected “a common practice in the broader philanthropic space.”
“The Clinton foundation controversies give good material to Trump as the two campaigns engage in a scorched-earth game called ‘Who’s More Corrupt?’ ” said Larry Sabato, director of the University of Virginia’s Center for Politics. “As always, the best defense is a good offense.”
The Clintons’ questionable ethics were already a negative with voters, said political consultant Susan Del Percio.
“This just calls into even more question their honesty and integrity,” she added.
The latest headlines also play into the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s use of a private e-mail server when she headed the State Department, Del Percio said.
Any new charges would mean “she can’t put the old allegations behind her. They make what was old new again,” she said.
As for the airing of more of the Clintons’ marital dirty laundry, Del Percio said, “it plays into a longstanding narrative” that casts Bill Clinton as a serial philanderer.
It’s a narrative that Trump is already exploiting.
“Trump appears to be inclined to make that an issue,” said political consultant Gerry O’Brien. “Especially if [Hillary Clinton] makes an issue of his indiscretions, like his comments and conduct with beauty . . . contestants.”
But, O’Brien warns, that tactic may boomerang for Trump.
“Hillary has always thrived when she can play the victim,” he said.
http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/may/11/andrew-anpolitan-hillary-clintons-email-scandal-is/Also earlier this week, the State Department revealed that it cannot find the emails of Bryan Pagliano for the four years that he was employed there. Who is Bryan Pagliano? He is the former information technology expert, employed by the State Department to problem-shoot Mrs. Clinton’s email issues.
Mr. Pagliano was also personally employed by Mrs. Clinton. She paid him $5,000 to migrate her regular State Department email account and her secret State Department email account from their secure State Department servers to her personal, secret, non-secure server in her home in Chappaqua, N.Y. That was undoubtedly a criminal act. Mr. Pagliano either received a promise of non-prosecution or an actual order of immunity from a federal judge. He is now the government’s chief witness against Mrs. Clinton.