Because the Hillary thread had surpassed 10,000 posts and it felt like maybe we should move this thread to a team mode so that we can guarantee that we wont wake up one morning and find it has been removed, you are all invited to join this team. Were the thread in the general forum to be removed we would not have any idea who the hundreds of posters or lurkers were in the thread because once removed there may not be a record of our friends ( which many of us are ) So here we are . For as long as the thread lasts in the forums you can post on both but be careful because the rules that can result in muting are not always clear and teams do not have the same restrictions as general forum posts. I hope to see you all here and at the very least make a note on your PC for the address as to where to find your old friends,, It is the "Differing Political Opinions "team established in 2011.

Re: Welcome to the new Hillary or Bernie or Trump thread

Oh....I'm a bleedin' heart liberal. @MaryJ I just added "R" to my profile name. :-)
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Re: Welcome to the new Hillary or Bernie or Trump thread


Re: Welcome to the new Hillary or Bernie or Trump thread

I am not officially registered with any party because WA state does not require it. If you participate in the caucus or primary you just have to check the correct box stating you are voting as a republican or democrat.
My first presidential election was Gore vs Bush. I voted for Nader. In my defense Al Gore has a personality of a wet blanket and due to the electoral college I could have voted for Micky Mouse and it wouldn't have made a difference. I've voted for democrats since then.
I will proudly own the title of progressive liberal. I am supporting Bernie Sanders. I can't say I am Bernie or bust supporter because I will vote for Hillary if I "have" to. I might have to hold my nose and do it. I'm not crossing that bridge until I have to. I firmly believe that that process must play itself out.
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Re: Welcome to the new Hillary or Bernie or Trump thread

@Mary J, I am 100% with you on the religion thing. That's one of the reasons that I would never consider identifying as a Republican even though I might agree with a few of the party stances on other things.

I would like to think that someday American politics will evolve into a state of acceptance where it's at least imaginable for an atheist or agnostic to be a serious candidate for POTUS, but I know I won't see it in my lifetime. Maybe my grandchild (if any) will. But when you consider that it's taken 240 years to reach the point where a woman and a person of the Jewish faith are within reach of that office, I don't hold out much hope for either a non-religious or LGBT candidate for a long long time -- sad to say.
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Registered Buyer

Re: Welcome to the new Hillary or Bernie or Trump thread

“Across the United States, heroin and other drug users have died in alleys behind convenience stores, on city sidewalks and in the bathrooms of fast-food joints — because no one was around to save them when they overdosed.

An alarming 47,000 American overdose deaths in 2014 has pushed elected leaders from coast to coast to consider government-sanctioned sites where heroin users can shoot up under the supervision of a doctor or nurse who can administer an antidote if necessary.

"Things are getting out of control. We have to find things we can do for people who are addicted now," said New York state Assemblywoman Linda Rosenthal, who is working on legislation to allow supervised injection sites that would also include space for treatment services. "The idea shouldn't be dismissed out of hand."
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I would very much like the candidates' take on this. Although, I do believe it is a democratic idea. I think it is highly flawed.

For heroin addicts, the relapse rate is 78.2%. So, how are we helping these tortured individuals by giving them a safe place to shoot up? Are we also going to fund their addiction so they don’t have to steal to support their habit? Seriously, this is such a ridiculous idea! People make choices, and they should be prepared to accept the consequences of those choices.
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Re: Welcome to the new Hillary or Bernie or Trump thread

@Mary R----I guessed that! LOL

@Chats----It is sad that religion has anything to do with politics. The uneducated always think atheists are Satanists, which I find hilarious! As long as you don't have sex in front of me, I don't care what you like. That goes for straight, gay, or inbetween.

@Loco--never did think that was a good idea. It's like parents renting a hotel room for the girls and boys on prom night then bitching when little darling is pregnant. Hmmm, duh?
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Registered Buyer

Re: Welcome to the new Hillary or Bernie or Trump thread

Mary, you are so right with that analogy! I recall many years ago, I was in the deli in the building where I worked, and Jerry Springer was on the TV. The topic was mothers who didn't approve of how their daughters dressed. HAHAHA! The dumb moms were the ones buying the clothes!!!!
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Re: Welcome to the new Hillary or Bernie or Trump thread

I highly recommend watching PBS Frontline's special Chasing Heroin. I think in part of it they do talk about Canada's injection clinic.

Bicycle cops in Seattle now carry Narcan to treat heroin overdoses.
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Re: Welcome to the new Hillary or Bernie or Trump thread

LOL, they just wanted their 5 minutes of fame even if it made them look like idiots.

Same with parents who have unruly or whiny kids. You created that child and if you don't use some discipline, you are basically guilty of child neglect. Guidelines and ground rules are necessary to mold a child with a caring and loving personality. Do's and don'ts are a necessity.
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Re: Welcome to the new Hillary or Bernie or Trump thread

Thanks Joanna, I'll get to it tonight.
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Re: Welcome to the new Hillary or Bernie or Trump thread

@LocoBead, as a New Yorker I am not crazy about my tax dollars going to fund "safe shootup locations" either, but it is what it is. There's more that I like about my state's policies than I dislike. :-)

@Joanna, on a related note, tomorrow night at 9pm Anderson Cooper and Sanjay Gupta are having a town hall about the abuse of prescription drugs.
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Re: Welcome to the new Hillary or Bernie or Trump thread

Thank you @Kristi. Just de-stash stuff.
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Re: Welcome to the new Hillary or Bernie or Trump thread

Hello to my favorite adversary on this team, my friend Judy AKA LOCO . Hi to Michelle and Ferriswheel. I have created a private room for us to begin. I am sure that it will grow into many other threads as well. Remember this thread is a public thread , so once you have introduced yourself if you find you may want to take it to the next limit please got to ...

So let your hair down and chat politics.. besides tonight's results are coming in ... come on over and lets discuss.
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Re: Welcome to the new Hillary or Bernie or Trump thread

If you want to use colorful words and make good naughty jokes oh and discuss politics ...... please move on the the private threads in this team... They are in white , the public ones are blue...
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Registered Buyer

Re: Welcome to the new Hillary or Bernie or Trump thread

I really don't get it...seriously, I don't. How can anyone with a shred of morality and intelligence back this woman? She has such a long history of stupid to corrupt behavior. Yes, she is inept if she is incapable of handling 2 email accounts...personal and "business." Most of us have at least 3 email accounts...all serving different purposes.

The Clinton nonprofit helped secure a pledge in 2010 for a $2 million investment in Energy Pioneer Solutions. The for-profit green-energy company is co-owned by several well-connected Democrats, as well as wealthy divorcée Julie Tauber McMahon, a neighbor of the Clintons’ in Chappaqua.

Bill Clinton reportedly made a call to then-Energy Secretary Steven Chu to endorse the company, which helps people insulate their houses. It later got an $812,000 Energy Department grant.

Federal law bars tax-exempt charitable organizations from acting to benefit a private company. But the foundation said the relationship with the firm reflected “a common practice in the broader philanthropic space.”
“The Clinton foundation controversies give good material to Trump as the two campaigns engage in a scorched-earth game called ‘Who’s More Corrupt?’ ” said Larry Sabato, director of the University of Virginia’s Center for Politics. “As always, the best defense is a good offense.”

The Clintons’ questionable ethics were already a negative with voters, said political consultant Susan Del Percio.

“This just calls into even more question their honesty and integrity,” she added.

The latest headlines also play into the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s use of a private e-mail server when she headed the State Department, Del Percio said.

Any new charges would mean “she can’t put the old allegations behind her. They make what was old new again,” she said.

As for the airing of more of the Clintons’ marital dirty laundry, Del Percio said, “it plays into a longstanding narrative” that casts Bill Clinton as a serial philanderer.

It’s a narrative that Trump is already exploiting.

“Trump appears to be inclined to make that an issue,” said political consultant Gerry O’Brien. “Especially if [Hillary Clinton] makes an issue of his indiscretions, like his comments and conduct with beauty . . . contestants.”

But, O’Brien warns, that tactic may boomerang for Trump.

“Hillary has always thrived when she can play the victim,” he said.

Also earlier this week, the State Department revealed that it cannot find the emails of Bryan Pagliano for the four years that he was employed there. Who is Bryan Pagliano? He is the former information technology expert, employed by the State Department to problem-shoot Mrs. Clinton’s email issues.

Mr. Pagliano was also personally employed by Mrs. Clinton. She paid him $5,000 to migrate her regular State Department email account and her secret State Department email account from their secure State Department servers to her personal, secret, non-secure server in her home in Chappaqua, N.Y. That was undoubtedly a criminal act. Mr. Pagliano either received a promise of non-prosecution or an actual order of immunity from a federal judge. He is now the government’s chief witness against Mrs. Clinton.
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Re: Welcome to the new Hillary or Bernie or Trump thread

I have never liked or trusted her or Bill. She keeps thinking the email problem will go away because she is a Clinton---can't touch that! She knew what she was doing, knew it was wrong, and thought she was above the law. I think the reason Bernie stays in is because once Hillary gets an indictment from the FBI, she can't be the nominee.

I still have not forgiven her for blaming Benghazi on a stupid video that was released 2 years earlier. Her team must have hunted Youtube for a week to find something.
I don't like Trump and he sure isn't perfect but a business bankruptcy has nothing on incompetence leading to deaths.
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Registered Buyer

Re: Welcome to the new Hillary or Bernie or Trump thread

Mary, are we related????? :)

How come Bill Cosby can be tried for his sexual misconduct, but, Bill Clinton was never tried for his????? Maybe they're both (the Clintons) coated in Teflon.
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Re: Welcome to the new Hillary or Bernie or Trump thread

Possible, Loco. My father was a sailor and left his DNA in a lot of places!!!

I think I have 5 or 6 half siblings around the world. I know a couple were in Germany and one or two in Italy.

I really think we need to drop the Clinton and Bush Dynasties. I've had enough of both.
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Re: Welcome to the new Hillary or Bernie or Trump thread

Just a quick message for anti trump people, and someone please tell me if this isn't allowed in teams, but I have a funny anti trump magnet at

Just doing my best to get the word out
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Re: Welcome to the new Hillary or Bernie or Trump thread

Just wanted to get rid of the Trump face.
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Registered Buyer

Re: Welcome to the new Hillary or Bernie or Trump thread

Thank you...seriously...for removing that from a few threads. ;) LOL!
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Re: Welcome to the new Hillary or Bernie or Trump thread

No problem---Sis!! LOL

I give the guy kudos for effort, but I would have the threads removed from teams. I'm sure he is doing this in lots of places.
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Re: Welcome to the new Hillary or Bernie or Trump thread

Dee, you need to set up your own Okie Tornado Update page. I saw on the news that OK (and Kansas) got blasted again and thought of you. I think it's time you build out your own fallout shelter a la Calvin Webber, "Blast From the Past". Just be sure to come to the surface a little more often. ;)
Anyhow, I hope you are well.
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Registered Buyer

Re: Welcome to the new Hillary or Bernie or Trump thread

This was too rich to ignore (yes, that pun was intended.) Even NBC was reporting on it, not just the right leaning pundits..............
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Not applicable

Re: Welcome to the new Hillary or Bernie or Trump thread

When the media starts reporting on the cost of the men's attire, then we can start discussing it...until then, it's just sexist.
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