Hi, Ladies!
Sorry to have been MIA for so long. Every year I manage to forget how busy spring gets, and every year it takes me by surprise again. Between the girls' birthdays, (Elizabeth turned 9 in March and Abigail turned 7 mid-May), plus three more family birthdays thrown in, Easter, and end-of-the-year stuff at school, there's barely time to get on the computer!
I just read everyone's posts on this page, and pray you're all doing well.
Mary Alice - I'm sorry to hear about all those storms! Tornadoes are scary - my hometown was about 50% destroyed by one in 1996 - and not a threat to be taken lightly. And congratulations on all the sales! Mine have slowed down, but I also haven't been adding inventory, so it makes sense. Hopefully once summer vacation hits I'll have more time to crochet again!
Debra - I wish you continued good luck with the attorney, Etsy, and the copy shop! What a headache, but I do applaud you for your persistence.
Lisa - how exciting that you had your house painted! I love how fresh and new a coat of paint can make things look. My dad's a painter by trade, and I used to work with him during the summer while I was in college.
Carl finished preschool last week Friday, and he's SO excited to now say that he's in Kindergarten, which he'll start in the fall. He's changed a lot this past month or so - he lost his first tooth (only 9 months after Abigail lost her first tooth!), FINALLY talked himself into jumping into the pool by himself at swimming lessons, he's gotten really into airplanes and now wants to be a pilot when he grows up, and just seems to have matured a ton. It's a little sad watching him grow up, but I'm also really proud of him at the same time. He's turning into such a gentleman - he likes to open my car door for me when he and I are out just the two of us, and he takes great pride in hauling in the empty garbage cans from the street on trash/recycle day.
My girls finish school tomorrow. They have this morning off, and go into school at noon today, because tonight is the end-of-the-year banquet, so they'll be at school till about 8 or 9 tonight. It's really fun - the students serve dinner to all the guests and then put on little skits. This year's theme is American History. Elizabeth is Sacajawea and Abigail is a colonial girl.
I did finish and gift a little crocheted mermaid for Abigail for her birthday. I used the pattern from 3am Grace Designs. Abigail had picked out all the colors, which looked a bit frightening when I had the skeins all piled up, but it turned out really cute and she's been sleeping with it since her birthday. :)
Better go pay a bit of attention to my kids. We were outside for a bit this morning and found a painted turtle walking across our lawn. It was a little bigger than was comfortable for me, but I picked it up and we carried it across the street to the retention pond so that it could get back to water and not be hit by a car on the way.
Have a great Thursday, everyone!