Here you go. Private and all.

Re: Chat Thread

Will get caught up later .... having another bout of cellulitis so it's very uncomfortable sittling here at the computer. Hope everyone else is doing fine.

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Re: Chat Thread

Hello Ladies ~

SueEllen~ I hope you are feeling better. Please let us know how you how.

MaryAlice ~ I saw a video on the internet about the tornado in your area.
Looked pretty wicked.

We have been having miserable rain all week. I was a bit nervous driving up and back to my son's house but it was ok driving up but rained the whole way home.

Melissa~ I finally heard from the attorney that she heard back from Etsy.
They want more information. I have supplied them with everything I have and now it's a waiting game. I am fighting as hard as I can to protect my shop name and my product name. As far as my shop, I am concentrating on the sets for now and my biggest selling booties. I will wait to make a decision on my direction once I hear back from Etsy.

Just so you all know, I have posted this before, your shop name and your user name are not protected by Etsy. Anyone can use it in their tags to draw buyers to their shop. If you have a successful product and someone is copying it they can get away with using your shop name to draw customers that would normally go to your shop. The only thing another shop owner cannot do is use your shop name or user name to open a shop but other than that there is no protection. I have no idea how Etsy can let this happen. My attorney is also dealing with this issue.

I am frustrated and have gone over my limited budget for the attorney fees. Now it's a matter of principle.

Lisa ~ I hope you are feeling well.

Have a great rest of the weekend ladies.

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Post Crafter

Re: Chat Thread

Hi All
Debra: That is not fair at all what Etsy is doing. How can that not be protected. Well I hope they get to the bottom of this, cause that's truly a rip off. Lately though I've been doing good on here. I sold like 6 items already, the most I ever sold in a short amount of time.

I don't know it it was you Debra or Lisa that said that once they had like 60 or more items in their shop that's when things began to pick up I'm up to 59 with more being added, so maybe that's a help, I don't really know, but I'm happy.

Lisa: Hope you're doing well.

The weather here today has been rainy, cold and damp. Tomorrow rain also but not all day. The area where we live didn't get hit too bad, we had a lot of rain, but my daughter when she was picking up Olivia and Shane in Woodstock, which is south west of where we live, she said that she saw a tornado, it started not far from the school where the kids go, she said the road she was on was totally covered in green, from the trees plus the branches were all over the ground. There were a lot of trees down.

Then Tuesday night she had to go down to fishkill near wappinger' falls, and she said they sky was an erie color and she saw another tornado, which did a lot of damage, there were so many trees down and lying on electric lines, the town had no power. I was amazed when she told me that cause like I said where we live there was really no bad storm, it thundered and lightening, but nothing bad.

Sue Ellen, hope you enjoy the thread I sent and make lot's of sales from it.

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Crafty Poster

Re: Chat Thread

Good morning!

Mary Alice, the tealberry shawl is beautiful. I really like the unforgettable colors, but the striping yarns are hard to work with here as the dry air and high static makes them stick to everything! I will wait until rainy season here and get my striped scarves made. Are tornadoes normal in your area?
We are in a heat wave and temps had been about 20 degrees hotter than normal for this time of year. I have my fingers crossed for rain this week!

Debra, happy 6 month to Violet! They grow so fast! I saw the granddaughters Friday and Saturday and enjoyed every minute!
Your new outfits are adorable!!! I noticed your biggest copier is no longer using your name in her tags, so maybe your attorney is making progress?!
Our shop is super slow this month, but when I look at last May almost all of our sales were made to order. I am using the time to make some extra scarves and a few pot holders. (I have a ton or red heart super saver that I had stock piled for made to order pot holders). It is so much nicer to ship items that are ready to go!

Sue Ellen, I hope you are feeling better soon!

Kitty, are you still participating in the comic cons? It sounds like you had a great time in Boston! Ha ha to husbands driving. I trust Don completely but my ex was a scary driver and I refuse to let my Dad drive if I am in the car.

Sorry to be mia, we had a busy week. We had our house and woodshop repainted and then just family stuff. I decided to visit this morning as it seems to be constant interruptions in the evening.
Thank you for the well wishes, I am adjusting and hopefully when windy dry season is over (and air quality is better) I can wean off the O2.
Have a great start to the week, everyone!
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Re: Chat Thread

Good Morning~

Mary Alice ~ Congrats on the sales!! There is a sweet spot with a store and I find it to be around 25 plus items, 50 is a very good place. I think customers like to see variety.

You're having crazy weather. Tornados are so scary because they just appear out of no where.

I saw a cute movie the other day called Book Club. Good cast and just a cute movie. Everyone in the movie is over 60 so I could relate. I would definitely watch it again when it gets to tv. Andy Garcia is in the movie and he's now my movie star husband.

Lisa ~I can't wait to get back to see Violet. Thank goodness for iPhones and all the photos my kids send every day. You must have a blast with your two little granddaughters. I can't even imagine how fun it will be once Violet is walking and talking. I do want this baby stage to go slow though, everything just seems to fly by.

Glad you are enjoying ready to ship, it's so much easier. Cool nights will be back in just a few months so have those scarves ready.

We're having such damp rainy weather that my freaking bones are arching. Week two of no real sunshine, this is the Sunshine State but not these past two weeks!!

I am so glad I got my poodle scarf from you. It's still wrapped around my aching neck!!

Thanks for the compliment on the outfits. I added little baby pants yesterday as pregnancy announcements. Just trying to stay ahead of the crowd. No sales yet but I am adding more daily so hopefully they will start getting noticed.

My attorney hasn't dealt yet with the copy shop, that comes this week. But, I did send a preliminary letter to her to advise her of pending actions. I had lost my mind and the letter was not nice but it is what it is and I am not apologizing for protecting my shop and name.

Hope all is well with your family and that you are getting relief with the oxogen. Glad to know that you can eventually wean off the oxogen.

I am taking my dad tomorrow for MO surgery on his forehead. He always wants to drive but that's not happening while I am in the car.
He's pretty good still and he was a driving instructor for seniors but no thanks!!

Sue Ellen ~ Hope you are feeling better. Thinking of you and sending you good thoughts.

Shop is quiet yesterday and today so I guess I will just have to do housework or enjoy another cup of coffee.

Have a good day and I hope everyone stays well.
OMG- I think I see a bit of sunshine trying to peak out! YAY!!!!

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Re: Chat Thread

Would someone please remind me where I can find Etsy's template of the GDPR policies we have to deal with now? I guess I need to do that as I do have sales to the UK occassionally.
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Re: Chat Thread

Sue Ellen ~ Hope you are feeling better. I was all nervous about the new GDPR and posted on the Forums. Another shop owner allowed me to copy and paste her privacy policies. Be my guest to copy and paste mine and just change the info, where needed to yours. It took me 5 minutes.

I might stop selling to the EU. I heard on the news that Pottery Barn is no longer selling to EU until everything is straighten out since there are stiff fines for violations. I am sure as small shops we won't be subject to high fines but selling to the UK and Europe has lately been a pain with USPS mail service.

We have a totally rained out weekend. Sitting in my house and just crocheting and drinking coffee. Not the worst thing that could happen!
But, I would love to see the sun again.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend, enjoy Memorial Day.

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Crafty Poster

Re: Chat Thread

Hot and dry here.... hopefully rain by next week to break the record high temps!

Debra, no reason to be nice defending your tm! I am really confused over the GDPR. I will probably stop selling to EU. We have a lot of sales to Japan, Australia and Canada. Very few to Eu countries and have had issues with those sales.

We had our slowest May ever and I am hoping by July we start bouncing back. We typically start getting early Holiday shoppers mid-July.

Lauren, is school out for the kids? Izzy graduated from preschool last week.

Lucille, how are you and how is your son doing?

Mary Alice, is Olivia out of school? Do you have summer activities planned?

Sue Ellen, I hope you are feeling better!!!

Have a great rest of the week everyone!
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Crafty Poster

Re: Chat Thread

Debra, thank you so much for the sweet review! It is very appreciated! We get a lot of e-mails (and repeat purchases) from happy buyers but less are leaving reviews.
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Re: Chat Thread

Hi, Ladies!

Sorry to have been MIA for so long. Every year I manage to forget how busy spring gets, and every year it takes me by surprise again. Between the girls' birthdays, (Elizabeth turned 9 in March and Abigail turned 7 mid-May), plus three more family birthdays thrown in, Easter, and end-of-the-year stuff at school, there's barely time to get on the computer!

I just read everyone's posts on this page, and pray you're all doing well.

Mary Alice - I'm sorry to hear about all those storms! Tornadoes are scary - my hometown was about 50% destroyed by one in 1996 - and not a threat to be taken lightly. And congratulations on all the sales! Mine have slowed down, but I also haven't been adding inventory, so it makes sense. Hopefully once summer vacation hits I'll have more time to crochet again!

Debra - I wish you continued good luck with the attorney, Etsy, and the copy shop! What a headache, but I do applaud you for your persistence.

Lisa - how exciting that you had your house painted! I love how fresh and new a coat of paint can make things look. My dad's a painter by trade, and I used to work with him during the summer while I was in college.

Carl finished preschool last week Friday, and he's SO excited to now say that he's in Kindergarten, which he'll start in the fall. He's changed a lot this past month or so - he lost his first tooth (only 9 months after Abigail lost her first tooth!), FINALLY talked himself into jumping into the pool by himself at swimming lessons, he's gotten really into airplanes and now wants to be a pilot when he grows up, and just seems to have matured a ton. It's a little sad watching him grow up, but I'm also really proud of him at the same time. He's turning into such a gentleman - he likes to open my car door for me when he and I are out just the two of us, and he takes great pride in hauling in the empty garbage cans from the street on trash/recycle day.

My girls finish school tomorrow. They have this morning off, and go into school at noon today, because tonight is the end-of-the-year banquet, so they'll be at school till about 8 or 9 tonight. It's really fun - the students serve dinner to all the guests and then put on little skits. This year's theme is American History. Elizabeth is Sacajawea and Abigail is a colonial girl.

I did finish and gift a little crocheted mermaid for Abigail for her birthday. I used the pattern from 3am Grace Designs. Abigail had picked out all the colors, which looked a bit frightening when I had the skeins all piled up, but it turned out really cute and she's been sleeping with it since her birthday. :)

Better go pay a bit of attention to my kids. We were outside for a bit this morning and found a painted turtle walking across our lawn. It was a little bigger than was comfortable for me, but I picked it up and we carried it across the street to the retention pond so that it could get back to water and not be hit by a car on the way.

Have a great Thursday, everyone!
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Re: Chat Thread

Hey everyone! Can’t even begin to describe how crazy life has been. Last year when I had my son is probably the last time I really posted. I was in and out of the hospital so much and it was all crazy. He’s one already and Winter is 3! Where does the time go?! I stared a second masters degree so I’m still going full speed. I’ll be done with this one in December. My crocheting has taken a back seat in the process. I’ve actually taken up sewing. Although I’m hoping to get back in action this summer with school out. Since the kids are now toddlers it makes things a little easier. Hope things are well with you all!
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Re: Chat Thread

Good afternoon!

Lisa ~I am thinking long and hard about selling in the EU. I had another issue this morning with a customer who said her package tracked to the UK but it's being held for import taxes and do I know where it's being held.

My customers give me way more credit for knowing stuff than I actually deserve! Check your local post office is always my standard reply. Seems like each order overseas has some little issues that pops up.

I sell very infrequently now to Australia. I use to have at least 3 orders a week but a shop opened up in Australia that copied me so I think she gets the orders now. I get orders to Canada but kind of dread it because shipping is the worst, so slow.

Not sure if I want to just sell domestically and miss opportunities or if selling everywhere is worth it. More thinking to do.

My May has been okay but this past week it's very slow, actually stopped in it's tracks. I had a cancellation due to miscarriage and another who tried to cancel for the same reason but her package was already shipped. I feel bad for them but they are announcing WAY too early. I am doing January reveals now.

Congrats on Izzy graduating pre-school. Wow, time has flown! Your granddaughters must be adorable.

Your welcome on the review. The scarf is gorgeous!! I'll be bring it with me when I head up to NYC even thought it's summer. I freeze in the a/c and they don't seem to know how to regulate it up north.

Lauren~ Thanks for the pat on the back. Still waiting for a reply for my attorney and Etsy Legal. Not holding out any hope at this point.

You've been busy!! Carl sounds like an absolute little joy. I have a special place in my heart for little boys.

Enjoy the banquet, sounds very creative.

Do you have any summer plans or just taking it easy and enjoying the free time? You have so many great family spots in your area.

Hope everyone is doing well. Still dealing with rain and more rain. The minute the sun pops through it's like a miracle and I head outside to soak it up. Going on 3 weeks, it's practically biblical at this point!

Have a good rest of the week!
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Re: Chat Thread

Melissa ~ We posted at the same time. I hope you are doing well now. Can't believe the baby is 1 and Winter is 3. Time stands still for no one!

Will you be selling your sewing? You had such cute crochet items, I know your Thing hats were so popular.

Take care!!
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Re: Chat Thread

Yeah I’m not sure if the thing craze is over or what. I’ll make a go of it this year and see if not I’ll retire it. Yeah my mom wanted to start a shop together so we’ve just started listing items in her shop: frozenstitchesdesign
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Re: Chat Thread

I haven’t been daring enough to sell outside the U.S. when you see all of these laws that mess over the seller it’s discouraging.
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Re: Chat Thread

Hi Teammates,

Debra - Hope you get good news from your attorney soon.
I'd like to see the Book Club. The commercial looked like it would be funny. I haven't decided for sure what I am going to do about the EU thing. I've had some sales from the UK before and am sad to have to disconti ue selling to them.

Melissa - I have been working on more mini granny square blankets. I don't know w hy I've become so obsessed with them. I guess it might have something to do with making sure each square is different. OMG...that baby with the cowboy hat!!! Doesn't he/ (con't)
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Re: Chat Thread

she look like he just owns the world? So cute.

Mary Alice - I much prefer making items I like. .....I just wish buyers had the same likes that I do! I am still working on the pink and white mini granny square blanket. I am so excited about all the new colors I have to work with. Thank you so much.

Lisa - I do my best at reclining. I don't do so good crocheting reclined though. The haven't started with the pressure cuffs yet. Don't know what they are waiting for. I got an ad in the mail the other day called
"order2eat". Apparently they will deliver from about 20 different restaurants. The delivery charge is a little high though. Sorry to hear you have to be on oxygen more. Is this permanent or is it worse just some times? I hope you get better soon. I certainly know what it does to you when you have to admit you can't do something you do could do only last week. I am having a really bad time trying to adjust to that. When they tested me last week, it took over a minute to walk 10 feet even with the aid of the walker.

Lucille - Concerned about you and your son. Let us know how you are doing.

I've said it before and I hope you all realize how much I appreciate all your encouragement and concern.

Sue Ellen
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Re: Chat Thread

Melissa ~ It's funny how certain items are wildly popular for a time and then suddenly fall off the map. Good luck with your new shop with your mom.

Sue Ellen~ We have a delivery service here called Delivery Dudes. I've been trying to get my folks to use the service but they don't like the charge. It's actually less than if you ate at the restaurant and had to tip. I think it's around $5.00 but one of the delivery guys delivered to my folks and hiked up the price. I think he saw two old people and took advantage of them. Jerk!!

Is walking with a walker new for you or had you had it for awhile? That's so hard to lose the ability to walk or get up easily. Hope you are doing ok.

I heard from the attorney yesterday and she sent a very strong letter to Etsy using their own rules and regulations against them. Saga continues!!

Jimmy rolled in duck poop yesterday and if you have never smelled that on a dog it's quite memorable and gag worthy. Three shampoos later, a lot of swear words added in, I finally got that smell out of his hair.

Have a great weekend. I see sunshine poking through!!!
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Re: Chat Thread

Hi Debra,

Total dependence on the walker in the house is new to me. I used a cane for about a year but then all of a sudden it just didn't offer enough securety. When I go to the doctor I have to have a wheel chair.
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Crafty Poster

Re: Chat Thread

Debra, your incident with Jimmy and duck poo had me laughing at all of the different poo's, animal and children incidents I dealt with over the years! They are funny now, but not so funny at the time.
Dish soap mixed with water and lathered in, will break down and remove any type of manure in pets, clothing, or children. Rinse really well and then apply normal shampoo and conditioner.
When I was farming I added a squirt of dish soap to the washing machine as it was the only thing that took ground in manure out of clothing.
Fingers crossed your attorney makes some progress!
How are your parents doing? My Dad was really sick and told my sister to call 911 ... then he refused to let the paramedics evaluate him when they arrived. Dad is doing better now but his stubbornness is just too much.

Melissa, so great to hear from you! Congrats on working toward another Masters degree and the new shop with your Mom! I hope you can enjoy some "down" time now that school is out.

Sue Ellen, I hope you are feeling better. It is good that you live in an area that has food services available. I'm sorry you need a walker full time. I had one for a couple of months and also needed help standing to use it. It was hard being completely dependent on Don and my kids.
I have found that I really have to adjust my own attitude when it comes to my health issues. It is really hard to accept my own limitations, but if I can keep a positive mindset it really helps me.

Lauren, I cried when my youngest started kindergarten. Within a few days I was enjoying having more time to myself with all of the kids in school. Carl sounds like a super sweet little boy. Enjoy the summer months with the kids!

I hope everyone is having a good weekend! We are having a lazy weekend as my dil and the granddaughters are showing goats at a dairy show. I decided to stay in out of the heat and dust and passed on going to watch the show.
Severe thunderstorms are predicted to start later today and I am praying no lightning fires get started.
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Re: Chat Thread

Good Morning ~ Hope everyone is doing well.

Sue Ellen~ Sorry to hear you are totally dependent on the walker. After my dad's hip surgery he now walks with a walker but he hates it and is always trying to use a cane. He can barely walk with the walker so how he thinks he can use a cane is besides me. At least your mobile and that is a good thing.

Lisa ~ Thanks for the poo removal hints. The smell is so awful from the muskogee ducks that we have in the backyard. It's like a dead animal and fish all rolled into a greasy slimy smell. I am gagging thinking about it.

In the past I have called the groomer and just said "jimmy rolled in poop" and they will do an emergency de-stinking bath.

Sorry to hear your dad wasn't feeling well but glad to hear he's doing better. My folks are ok. Bad days and good days with my mom's issues.
We are having her 95th b/day party at my house in a few weeks so lots of family flying in to celebrate. I know she will love the attention and seeing everyone.

A few years back my dad fell and cut open his head. My mom called the paramedics after much refusal from my dad. When paramedics arrived to the house dad didn't want to go to the hospital but they insisted since he was bloody all over. We have the same type of dad!

How was the goat showing? Kids must have loved that.

Did the storms pass through your area? We are back to normal summer/ wet season weather. Rain most days in the afternoon but passing quickly. Very hot though. We hadn't had hot weather until this week so it was nice having a long period of weather in the 70's and low 80's.

Spoke with the attorney yesterday and the copy shop has stopped using my shop name and product name in her tags and titles but is still using my messages and listing descriptions verbatim along with some other issues the attorney said are copyright infringements. Letters are being sent! According to my attorney, Etsy Legal might just be a dept of Etsy without any actual attorneys thus the reason they are slow to respond. They probably have to have an attorney review everything in order to get back to use.

Hope everyone is having a good start to their week.
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Post Crafter

Re: Chat Thread

Good Evening Everyone.
Been busy. Sunday was Olivia's BD. She is now 6 and very happy about it.
The morning of her bd she wakes up at 6 and says to me grandma I'm 6. I said yes, I know, and it's 6 o'clock in the morning, Let's go back to sleep. Of course she didn't cause she was thinking about what she was going to get for her b.d. I love her. She makes me laugh.

We took her out for a birthday breakfast. She ate 1 3/4 of her chocolate chip pancakes, and then the waitress brought over some ice cream with a side dish of whip cream and a cherry on top, and they sang happy bd to her. Then they said are you 1, 2, and kept counting when they got to 6 she says stop.

Weather here has been rather chilly and damp. Today it only got up to 65
It's going to be in the 70's all week. I want warm weather.

Friday is Olivia and Shane's last day of school. They totally can't wait. I'll be glad cause then I can sleep later in the mornings.

Lisa: That's good to know about cleaning dog's when they roll in poop. Not that I ever seen cat's have poop on them, but would that work for them also? I have 2 cat's laying in the bed with me now. Simon the grey (that's a good title for him.) and Weasley. Weasley is 7 and Simon will be 2. He's a funny cat too. He just comes over and plops himself down on me. Doesnt matter what I'm doing, just falls right on down.

Debra: I guess Etsy is just trying to cta. They won't answer anything until they look at it 500 times. Wow your mom will be 95 God Bless. I'm sure it will be an interesting day.
Lisa: hope your Dad's ok.
Melissa: It was good to see you on the chat. Time does go fast, especially when you have kids.
Sue Ellen: Hope all is well with you.
Lauren: Your children sound so adorable. Especially your son.

I've been busy crocheting my little fingers to the bone. I've got a whole wash basket of yarn just sitting here looking at me.
I started a mateliese baby blanket from a Priscilla Hewitt pattern I bought. It's coming out so nice. I'm using the Mandala Yarn from Lion Brand, the color is called Genie. It's Light grey, a sea green, white, and a darker shade of grey. I love the stitch and the colorway. It's done in a circular style, with a lot of different type of stitches,

Well, let me go it's 11:30 pm and I'm getting tired now. Have a good evening.
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Crafty Poster

Re: Chat Thread

Mary Alice, haha I don't know many cats that appreciate being bathed! Dish soap mixed with water will work on cats. The main thing is to get the soap rinsed out really well as it can dry the skin. I only ever use it if the dogs have gotten into an oil base (protein) mess.

Happy Birthday to Olivia, how cute that she woke you up early! Wow it's hard to believe she is 6, but Izzy will be 5 next month, and the time has flown by!

Debra, I used to raise domestic mallard ducks and they were stinky and I can only imagine if they were on a fish diet ... gross!
You need a 24/7 groomer! My dogs got into a dead animal once and that has me gagging thinking about washing them.
Why the dogs think they are more appealing when they roll in stink, is a mystery to me.
The kids had a blast at the shows and all of their goats took champion and reserve champion in their classes.
Happy Birthday to your Mom! I hope she enjoys her special day!

The weather here is HOT! Days in the high 90's. The storm came through with some ping pong size hail and some wind and thankfully some rain. There are 2 big fires burning in NM and the rain helped to get some containment.

Have a great rest of the week!

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Re: Chat Thread

Good Morning ~

Mary Alice ~ My goodness how time flies!! I can hardly believe Olivia is 6! Happy Birthday to her. She sounds like a bundle of joy with a ton of personality.

Etsy has been less than idyllic to work with for my attorney. Yesterday I approved a draft of a very strong letter to the copy shop so that's also another ball up in the air.

Lisa ~ I now have a bottle of Palmolive dish soap at my disposal at all times!! It's so repulsive I am just keeping my fingers crossed it doesn't happen again, at least any time soon.

The vet explained it to me as some kind of throw back to wolves and how they cover their scent by rolling in dead animals or their poop. I'm gagging again!!! My groomer said that she thinks it's like Chanel #5 to dogs, they love the smell.

It is hot in NM! You must have your a/c cranked up. Hail is so wild and something we don't get too often, though one time it was so bad that the top of my Ford SUV was completed banged up. About $1,600 worth of damage. I didn't repair it because who can see the top of a Ford SUV?

Well, my reprieve with my mom has ended. She's back on the warpath and throwing my dad out. My poor 96 year old dad now wants to move to an independent living facility, he can't take it anymore. My mother's dr. told her to please just calm down and enjoy what time she has left but she is back to accusing him of things going back to literally 1944 when he was a sailor in WW2!! It's ridiculous, upsetting and so hard to deal with. I begged my dad to come live with me but he refuses.

My mom no longer wants a b/day party and that's just great because everyone has booked flights and hotels. I told her it's happening whether she decides to attend or not. I invited everyone to Florida and they are getting a party!

I will be dealing with this situation today and probably closing shop tomorrow for a few days since I am heading out after the weekend to see Violet.

Have a great day! Mine will definitely be included some tequila!
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Post Crafter

Re: Chat Thread

Good Afternoon All

What does everyone think of the new format of their shop? I think it's better. It seems like it's more roomy., and easier to read.

Debra: So sorry to hear about your Mom, I hope things turn out well. I'm sorry for your Dad also. I hope he can bear with it. It's tuff on everyone when someone is difficult. You're in my thoughts. Did you have the party?

Sue Ellen: Hope all is ok with you. I haven't used any of the yarn yet, when I find the project I want to make I will definitely use it.

Lauren. Hope all is well with you and family. Olivia and Shane had their last day to school yesterday. They did a moving up ceremony, which they do every year, but I haven't been to one in awhile, and it was really nice.

Now that school is out, I hope it won't be too crazy with the kids. Well Olivia I should say. She will be going to camp for 2 weeks sometime this summer, I'm not sure when, so that will be a help.

Lisa: Izzy will be 5? Wow, like you said times sure does fly. How is your health. Are you still on the oxygen? I guess being it gets so hot there you probably are. Hugs.

Ok folks will talk again soon.
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