Hello everyone. Sorry I have been away for so long, but I've had a lot of health problems and am finally on the mend.
Haven't felt much like reading and writing, so I apologize.
A few great things going on though. My new grandson Max is great, he will be five months soon, and even though I haven't seen him as much as I like, I have been able to see him at least once a month and then on skype. He is like a little man.
I will try to keep up, but every day is different.
I hope all is well with everyone and you all are enjoying good health.
Debra - when I come across a knot in the yarn, I usually take out what I've done until I come to the beginning of the row, cut the knot out and re-attach it at the beginning of the row. I haven't made anything as big as a blanket for a long time though so might not be such a great idea for a blanket. Doesn't that really irritate you though???
Lucille, I was thinking that it had been a long time since you had posted and I hoped everything was well with you and the new baby. Sorry to hear you have been having problems. Hope you stay on the mend. I was surprisingly hospitalized myself with heart and lympadema issues in March. It's such a waste of time not feeling well, isn't it.? Not knowing how you are going to feel and what you will be able to do from one day to the next is so frustrating.
Lucille ~ So nice to hear from you. So sorry to hear about your health issues. Congratulations on the birth of your grandson!! Last I heard your daughter was in her 8th month or so. Hope you feel better, looking forward to hearing from you soon and all about your grandson.
Sue Ellen ~ Your method is the method I have always used. But, I am making a baby blanket using the basketweave pattern and I don't want to cut out the knots and then go back to the beginning of the row. Can be a lot of work. I learned the two methods to connecting yarn and they are both relatively simple. YouTube is the best!!
Not much going on here...the way I like it. Just crocheting away. I sold my first pair of socks today, YAY!!
It is so hot here. Just walking to the mailbox is a chore. Everyone is moving very slowly. . The a/c freezes me out so several times a day I have to sit on my porch to warm up. I am going to take a hot shower now because I am frozen from the a/c!
I hope everyone is having a good week! I can't believe we are hitting the "tail - end" of July! This year seems to be flying by.
Debra, congrats on the sock sale! You always have the cutest new ideas in your shop! We roll all of our yarn now so that knots can be found before they are a nuisance. When I would get to a knot I would cut the yarn leaving long ends that I can sew in. I rarely crochet over or weave in anymore, and prefer to use an embroidery needle to sew ends into the back side of the item. Most knots will loosen when they are put in a washing machine. Lol, please send some of the cold air this way. The humidity has been up here and the swamp cooler doesn't work well with high humidity. Refrigerated air doesn't work well very often here. High heat and low humidity is the normal and bearable, but add some rain and yuck! So exciting for the new baby!!! All 3 of my kids are November babies.
Lucille, it is good to hear from you and I am so happy the baby and your daughter are doing well! I hope you are feeling better!
Sue Ellen, take it day at a time (or sometimes moment at a time). I make what I like (for the most part). Crochet is too time intensive to have to make what sells instead of what we enjoy.
My top search terms this week have been 'Lord of the rings shirt', 'Plastic tumbler', 'tennis ball ornament' and ' plastic tissue holder'!?! I think search on etsy is still broken.
Just finished orders for the week and taking some time to relax.
Lisa ~ I am going to wind my yarn before I start crocheting the blanket and work on any knots. I like the Russian join and have used it before and the magic join is very easy. I want the blanket to last a long time so I figure I better do it right instead of risking it falling apart in the wash. It's going to take awhile to work it up so I am going to start next week.
I had started it this week but decided to start over with a larger hook, it will go faster. I am so not a person with any kind of patience for long projects.
I was so excited to finally see a sock sale. I would love to see those start selling.
Sue Ellen ~ I agree with Lisa, sell what you love to make. I can only crochet what I enjoy making. I am finding that I am not enjoying everything as much anymore so that's why I introduced the baby socks. It was something different and it requires no special packaging or messages.
I just was looking at my listings and here are my numbers
856 inactive listings ~ things I no longer want to make, hate making or never want to see the listing again.
237 sold out items - Items I made and decided to never make again or items I have not had time to remake.
244 expired listings ~ things that didn't sell or I no longer want to sell.
It's been a work in progress!!
Hope everyone has a good rest of the day and weekend. No plans here, just the way I like it.
Good sizzling evening everyone. The heat index was 115 today!! Not sorry I am not able to get out in this weather!!!! We have really had high temperatures consistently this year. I will be afraid to open my electric bill.....my air conditioner has been coming on about every 10 - 15 minutes. I have mine set on 75 degrees.
I am finishing up a set of coasters. I just wanted something simple to work on. They are simple, but even so they do take a lot of time!! I can see people who don't knit or crochet looking at them and saying "Those couldn't take much time to make." My response would be .... Here, have my hook and give it a try!! LOL
I haven't had any response on my granny square doll blanket that I raised the price on but at least no one has written and said, "Are You Crazy??" I would have never had the money to spend that for a doll blanket but it did take quite some time to make.
Debra, do you use dpn's to make the cute little socks? It feels like I am juggling a dozen needles when I try to use dpn's. I do okay with the magic circle but then of course eventually you have to use the dpn's.
I don't think I'd get very far making something I didn't like or want to make.
Liza, that is what I am doing, just doing what I can manage. I do get discouraged because everything takes so long to get done. I try to do everything sitting down but you don't get much done sitting. You have to get up and down to get things, put things away, gather what you need....etc. I think that is why my knees are hurting so bad. Up and down, up and down. I am doing really good at making myself do at least one household chore a day. It's just that it takes me so long to do the simplest chore. I am finding having the goal of getting one thing done is leading to usually getting more than one done.
Keep cool everyone. Won't be long and people will be complaining about the cold.
Sue Ellen~ Our electric bill was pretty high this month. We run the a/c at 75 during the day and 73 at night. We pretty much have the a/c on all year. Our electric bills can get ridiculous.
I think most people think crochet is pretty difficult and don't even attempt it. I always think to myself, how is someone paying so much for my stuff when it's so simple but if they could make it they would so obviously it's not so simple. I tried to teach my sister and my niece how to crochet with hopes they would join my shop. After one lesson they threw everything down and said it's impossible. I am an ok teacher and have taught several people so I know it wasn't my teaching skills.
I have a difficult time crocheting small items so I am always impressed by crocheted dolls such as yours.
Do any of yours shops having the shipping included prices yet? I am not in the test so I don't see it but man o man is the forum lit up with complaints!! Not sure it's a good thing or a bad thing. I know a lot of my customers ask about shipping charges since they don't know how to find them on the listing.
I haven't got my electric bill yet for this month. It seems like we've had nothing but temperatures in the 90's all month. I don't remember it ever being this hot for such an extended period of time. I am probably lucky, there isn't anyone going in and out of the door all the time. I'd rather pay the bill than not have air conditioning, that is for sure.
I much prefer making things with crochet thread. I have one more row on some coasters I made and they will be finished. I am deciding whether to put them on Etsy or Artyah. I am afraid it's time to start listing things on Artyah again. I was on there before but let everything expire. I don't know how much longer I can put up with the totally riduclous ideas Etsy keeps coming up with.
Yes, my shop is flip flopping with the shipping prices included. One minute it has it, the next it doesn't. It makes everything look expensive and I am sure some buyers will see that price, and assume that is the cost. You know how it is, some people won't even see "shipping included".
I tried to teach a girl, about 12 years old how to crochet once. Even went out and bought a hook for her and of course I had plenty of scrap yarn. She threw the yarn and hook at me and called me a stupid old lady!!!!
We are having a cold wave starting Monday......the temperature is suppossed to only be 88!!!! I think it's supposed to be actual temperature 99 tomorrow though. The heat index was 115 yesterday, 112 today. That is unusual for here.
Hi Everyone Doing goood. Temps have been in the 90s.this past week. Thank God for our pool. Olivia and I have been going in everyday. Yesterday we stayed in about an hour an a half. I got a bit sunburned. Now all my freckles came out. Sue Ellen. I have s big bag of crochet thread that I know I will never really use. If you would like it please let me know and I'd be happy to send it too you. I can't believe it's the end of July already. Time is going way to fast. Debra congratulations on selling you're first pair of socks. I keep saying I'm going to make another pair for Olivia ( knit) ones. But I never seem to do it Right now I'm into crocheting afghans. I finished a Christmas wreath one that I plan on giving my friend Karen for Christmas. She loves afghans. I'm also going to make a poinsettia one for her as that's her flower My daughter is having a lot of work done in her house. Eventually she wants to sell and move. Well not much more to say. Hope all is well with Lisa and Melissa Sue Ellen. Please let me know if you want the thread. Thanks. Talk again soon
Sue Ellen ~ I once tried to teach my sister-in-law, her sister and daughter all at once how to crochet. I bought all the supplies, set everything up and it was a fiasco!! Only the 10 year old got a bit out it, the other two hated it after two minutes.
When I learned I couldn't stop! All I wanted to do was make things. Either you have it or you don't. Now it's an obsession all over again.
MaryAlice ~ Sounds like your enjoying the summer with Olivia. Where do you think you might be moving to when the times come? Same area? I really wish we still came up to the mountains every summer. I miss coffee on the porch, listening to the birds and bees and seeing the deer. My husband's sister and her husband have a view of the Catskill Mountain range that is just gorgeous.
I've been busy with my shop adding in new hearts that I am making. I had someone making them for me since they were time consuming and a hand killer but she quit! She got busy with her own shop and work so we had a very nice parting of ways.
I adapted a pattern I found on line and really like how they look. Took a lot of tries to get them perfect but I did it and am very happy now crocheting the little hearts.
I sold one today so that made me happy!
So hot here that I am staying in as much as possible. Summer has never really bothered me as much as it has this year. It's a sweat fest the minute you step outside. I do spend a lot of time on my covered patio since it stays a bit cooler but walking out in front becomes an effort.
Seaworld was fun! Tobias is 4 months and a whopping 18lbs! He's in 12 months already. Winter was in 12 month until she was 6 months old. Boys run bigger though right?! Lol! Summer has been crazy! Working camp with my dear hubby. Back to training next week and to school for teachers on the 7th! Where did the time go!
Oh I should have mentioned the kids have been sick for two weeks and now I've joined the fun. Not! Winter is a fun love long two year old! She's all over but learning fast now!
I made a listing on Artyah but I guess I've done something wrong. I have a message into them so I am sure it will be resolved soon. I received an e-mail thanking me for my listing and my invoice has the 10 cent charge on it but when I try to sign in it says I have no listings?????? Also, I'm can't seem to figure out my URL for Artyah. Can anyone when has a shop on Artyah tell me how to figure out what my URL is? Sometimes I feel so dumb!!!!
Sue Ellen ~ I know the URL on Etsy is what shows in your search bar when you click on your shop. Try going to your Artyah shop and see what comes up in your search bar. Also, it might take a bit of time till your listings are active. Sometimes on Etsy there is a lag time between when I list an item and when it actually will appear in my shop.
Thank you for the URL Lisa. My shop name is knitandcrochetpalace on artyah too. I can't find my shop or my listing. I have other things to list, but don't want to do anymore if buyers aren't able to find me. How can they find me if I can't find myself????LLLOOOOLLLL. Maybe that's the problem......I haven't found myself.
I hope everyone is well! Melissa, how cute your babies must be! I don't know how you can deal with teaching! Oh my gosh, Izzy has been a little smart Alec since going to pre-school! At least baby Addy is still sweet ....no school for her yet.
At my older age I look at how adults treat each other and wonder. The world is a not so nice crazy place.
Debra, I hope your parents are well. We start with kidney appointments with my Dad next week. There are days I am tired! Mentally drained would be the correct description. Can you find someone to make your hearts? I love the amigurami but my hands hate making anything with shapes. Or cotton yarn. I've taught a few to crochet, but I usually just hand them a book ant tell them it is making knots with a hook, lol.
Sue Ellen, are your legs feeling better? I try to do most tasks in the morning when my energy is better. Also errands and running around every other day. That way I can get one day in between to stay in pajamas and crochet.
The service for Dons Mom was Wednesday and we are recuperating. She was almost 99, a very talented artist and lived a wonderful full life. It is still sad.
I hope everyone has a good weekend. Temps have dropped here but the monsoon rains have raised the humidity to crazy levels. I am so not used to hot and sticky!
Your life sounds so busy all the time. Not always pleasant things, I could never keep up with you.
I've been working on Artyah. I got one more listing from Etsy up tonight and was nearly finished with another one and I DELETED IT!!!!!!! You could probably hear me yelling all the way to your house. I hope you hadn't gotten to sleep and I woke you!!!!! I was so mad and I'm going to wait to to it tomorrow. Not that I have a lot of views but I have had more views on Artyah in just a couple of days than I'm getting on Etsy.
They said my legs will never be any better, only worse if I don't wear the wrappings which I have done faithfully. It is strange, but I get more done at night. I have been trying to go to bed earlier since I was in the hospital but most nights it doesn't work out. Once I start crocheting or working on my shop I lose all track of time.
The temperatures have dropped here too....finally. We have had a really long run of extremely high temperatures here since early Spring. This has not been normal for this part of the country.
Well, I think I am going to sign off of here and either read for awhile or crochet some more mini squares for that crazy doll blanket I've become obsessed with!!
Lisa ~ Sending you hugs. Losing someone, no matter the age, is always difficult. How fortunate that you had such a lovely mother-in-law.
My folks are okay health wise, knock wood. My mother is back on her rampage and it's getting more difficult for my dad. Yesterday he came over and spent a few hours at my house just to get away from her. He's a good husband and didn't want to be away too long just incase she needed him. She has a dr. appt. this week and hopefully after all the calls the family has made to him and his own observation he will prescribe some kind of mood stabilizing meds. She will never go for a mental exam since she thinks my dad is the one who is losing it.
I am stressed to say the least but we had plans for last night with friends. I was able to go out though I really wasn't in the mood. Tonight we have more plans but hopefully I will rally and get through the evening. This is why I can't make plans anymore since I have no idea when the next moments of craziness will erupt.
I hope your dad's appts. goes well and he listens to the doctors.
Is Izzy starting kindergarten this year?
I am making the hearts myself. I found a really good pattern, adapted it a bit and they are looking great. I already sold about 5 so I am really happy to be able to do it myself. I am making them with red heart acrylic yarn, since the cotton yarn wasn't as nice looking. I am sold out right now but will list more this coming week. They take about 20 minutes to make so it's not a big deal and I am only making them as I can. No custom orders on anything in my shop.
My shop is running low of everything and I haven't had the energy these past few weeks to keep up. Losing steam during these hot summer months!!
Still super hot here and it really zaps the get up and go out of everyone.
Sue Ellen~ Sorry you are in so much discomfort. Definitely keeping your mind occupied can alleviate some of the pain but not always.
I feel bad for my dog. It's so hot that I can't let him run around outside. Also, there is the threat of a deadly dog flu in Florida and I had to have him vaccinated. It was a two part shot over a month so he couldn't go to the dog park until two weeks after the second shot. He's become a blob on my floor. I am going to try and get him to the park on Monday, very early in the morning, so he can get some exercise.
Melissa ~ You must have had so much fun at Seaworld. My kids always loved seeing the whales. Plus, it can be nice and cool there especially when soaked by the whale. Hope you are all feeling better from the flu.
Tobias is a big baby!! My kids were about 18lbs at a year!!
Good luck starting the new school year. I always hated that the kids went back in August. To me, school shouldn't begin again till after Labor Day as it does up north.