Here you go. Private and all.

Re: Chat Thread

Good Morning!

Lisa ~ My sister and I have been saying to each other exactly what your wrote, we hope we aren't going to be stubborn like our folks. We are trying to learn some what not to do lessons.

We did learn a lesson to not share what's going on with our folks with out of town relatives. We are the ones dealing with stuff so while they might have some valid suggestions they aren't here to help implement them. Everything looks easy when you don't have to deal with it on a day to day basis.

A 400% increase is incredible, congrats!! A slow down is always nice especially when you can work on things that you want to make.

Hope everyone has a good week. Hope some of the ladies stop by!

Off to run some errands.

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Crafty Poster

Re: Chat Thread

Debra, checking our stats this morning and the day to day comparison is working but not the 30 day. Etsy must still be working all of the "bugs" out of the new system.

I'm the only family my Dad has here and the long distance interference will continue to be on-going. I just choose when to answer my phone:). I did set up a facebook private message with family members and I just do vague updates about my Dad and that has cut down on the constant bombardment of phone calls / texts.

When my Mom passed away my Dads house was full of family and I spent as little time there as possible. I just can't stand the constant bickering and finger pointing they do at each other ... and mostly over stuff that happened decades ago!!!
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Crafty Poster

Re: Chat Thread

Debra, I should have added that the 400% increase was on the 30 day stats. When I look at the year stats the increase is 27% revenue and 54% orders. This tells me that we are selling more pot holders right now and less scarves, lol.
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Re: Chat Thread

My sales are just a trickle of what they use to be and since I am not sure what the views are I can't really judge if everything is off. I get about the same amount of visits everyday but they just aren't turning into sales. It's so odd, last year my turnaround time was around 7-10 days and sales were great. Now, I have a turnaround time of next day and sales are so far down. Don't know how to fix it and not sure I can. Might just be a slow time or product has lost it's sizzle. We'll see!

27% increase in revenue and 54% increase in orders is great! My numbers are hovering in the 40-50% less in both areas.

I am putting my shop on vacation mode tonight for the week until I get back from NYC. I am hoping for a sale or two today but it's looking grim!

It's tough when you're the one in the mix dealing with family and everyone else has their opinions. Lots of Monday morning quarterbacks. I have one of my brothers and my sister here and we pretty much have it under control. My other brother who lives in California and his wife is a bit of an instigator so I always have my Wonder Woman bracelets on to deflect. Not always easy to come up with the right responses but occasionally I do.

She once told me that I am choosing to not see the issue because if I did I would need to do something about it which isn't always easy.
I was like...Oh no you didn't! Took me a few months to come up with proper response so as to not punch someone but I finally told her my eyes are wide open and I don't miss a trick. And that three of us live here and we are all quite capable and willing to do whatever is necessary for our parents.

I have a feeling I am like you. I am very nice until I am not. I don't like unleashing the Kraken but I will and it's not pretty.

Have a good rest of the day.

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Re: Chat Thread

I want to start crocheting lace by the yard but I'm not having much luck finding patterns. I particularly want patterns that aren't to wide. Anyone have any suggestions where I can find such patterns? I've looked on the internet already.
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Crafty Poster

Re: Chat Thread

Sue Ellen, here is one book I found with a variety of lace

I'm looking for the book I have and will let you know if I find it. It have about 20 designs from simple and narrow to very ornate.
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Re: Chat Thread

Thanks Lisa. I'll look the book up.
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Re: Chat Thread

Off to NYC in the morning. I hope everyone has a good weekend.

I put my shop on vacation mode yesterday. It felt good to hit that button.
I know by Sunday night I will be anxious to get back in the game. A few days off always reenergizes me.

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Crafty Poster

Re: Chat Thread

Debra, Have a great vacation to NYC!!!

Sue Ellen, I am still looking for the book. I saw it recently, I'm just not sure where I "filed" it away!
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Re: Chat Thread

Debra enjoy your vacation.

LOL Lisa. I know how that goes......I have so many things "filed" away
that I can't find. I'm sure you have other things to do than look for a filed away book. I ordered the book /Leisure-Arts-50-Fabulous-Thread-Crochet-Edgings. Making lace is going to take a lot of time. I had hoped to get some crocheting done today but it seemed like one thing after another kept me from it. First I overslept this morning, then the home health nurse came, my friend called and got my grocery list, then got my groceries after she got off work. She put all my refrigerated stuff away for me so now I can put the other stuff away at my leisure. Then I put some fish in the oven. I've been thinking I want fish and coleslaw. It did taste pretty good for a change. How it got so late I don't know.

Have a good rest of the evening.
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Re: Chat Thread

I think I am finally making some progress. I am forcing myself, no matter how hard it is to do, to do one easy house work chore a day and I've started crocheting again.
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Crafty Poster

Re: Chat Thread

Sue Ellen, I hope you are feeling better and good for you for approaching tasks, as you can!

Don and I both have breathing and heart health issues and between the two of us can manage most chores, some things get done as we can. Taking care of my Dad on top is challenging.

We try to do our errands (leaving the house) on an every other day routine, giving us a day in between to rest as we need. I will tackle anything exerting in the mornings when my energy level and breathing is better, and crochet in the afternoons and evening.

Mary Alice, I hope you are well and that Olivia isn't running you ragged! My son and his family have been sick with a summer cold so I haven't seen the granddaughters in 3 weeks! I'm starting to have withdrawal!

I hope everyone is well and having a good weekend!
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Re: Chat Thread

My birthday was Thursday and I am now the big 30 lol! Tobias is already 3 months old. Decided to take a spontaneous trip to seaworld which the kids loved! I think I'm going to aim for more family vacations in the future. It was nice to get away from it all. Hope all is well! Enjoy your summer!
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Re: Chat Thread

Good Morning Ladies!

Hope everyone is well. Housework and chores isn't easy when you're well so suffering with any kind of health issues can make them a real challenge.
Just doing a bit a day is always good, this way nothing gets totally out of wack.

Sue Ellen ~ Hope you're feeling more yourself and the little chores are getting done. How's the crocheting coming?

Lisa ~ How's your dad doing? Is summer more challenging for your breathing issues?

Melissa~ Happy Birthday!! Sea World is such a great place. Also, if you get splashed it's almost a welcome relief from the heat! Is Tobias a big boy? And, how's Winter doing?

We got back from NYC yesterday. We had a wonderful time, love seeing my son. Lots of touring the city. Saw the 9/11 memorial which was very moving. Went to Little Italy for cannoli and coffee and just lots of walking in general and excellent food.

We got to visit my son's office at corporate for Harry Winston. We also met the girl who dresses the stars with jewels for all the events. That's a fun job!

A bit tired today and a stomach ache....too much rich food. Glad to be back.

Has anyone noticed that when you do a search for items that underneath every listing is a little popup that says...See Similar Items..?
Well, I use promoted listings, have for years, and now there is a discussion, on the Forums, that promoted ads that we pay for are taking potential customers to other shops. I clicked on one of my listings and it brought up a page of other pregnancy reveal booties, my listing stayed on the left side of the page in the top corner while dozens of other items appeared. And...not one was another item from my shop.

I stopped the promoted listings as have other shops until we know if a customer clicks on our ad and goes to another shop do we still have to pay for the ad. My promotional listing cost has doubled per click. By mid morning my budget was gone since it was costing me $1.63 per click! It use to be that my promotional listings could last the whole day. Something really screwy is going on. Several high sellers have commented that for the last two plus weeks their shops have tanked. I know that my visits are way low.

I reopened my shop on Saturday thinking if any one ordered I would ship on Monday. Nothing but crickets. I've added some new items, worked on SEO and it's dismal.

Not sure what's going on but it's the first time my Etsy bill is higher than my revenue.

We find out today the sex of my son's baby! I'll let you know!!

Have a great day ladies and everyone stay well.
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Crafty Poster

Re: Chat Thread

Happy belated Birthday, Melissa!!! It sounds like you are enjoying your summer vacation, yeah!!!

Debra, welcome back! I think I would be wanting a refund for etsy for the promoted ads for the days they were running the similar item test. I noticed that has been removed from the ads now. I have tried ads in the past and quickly discontinued them. They were bringing in some sales, but I could not determine if they were sales we would have had anyway without the ads. I haven't tried them again since 2013.

Our visits are holding steady at 40 - 55 a day, but we haven't had a sale in 9 days. Not unusual for our shop in June. The beginning of the month was busy but crickets now. We should start getting busy again mid July.

My Dad is doing well, right now. My breathing issues can flare up worse with cold weather, allergens, air quality, exertion, scents and stress. It is a balancing act I have been dealing with for over 11 years.

How are your parents?

Have a great day everyone!
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Crafty Poster

Re: Chat Thread

I just clicked on one of my sold listings (to renew it) and all over my listing was other shops items! How aggravating when we have plenty of similar items in our own shop but etsy feels the need to show other items?! This used to only happen on deleted items or expired / inactive listings ... not sold out listings!

Ugh, I made our sold out listings invisible, but I'm pretty disappointed with this newest etsy cluster*%#@!!!
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Re: Chat Thread

Good Morning~

Lisa ~ I hope you are doing well with the heat wave out west. Crazy hot weather already.

Glad your dad is doing well. My folks are doing better and calming down with whatever their issues have been. I had a long talk with my mom and I think she just needed to be heard and validated. It must be scary to get old and feel no one knows who you really are.

Today is my mom's 94th b/day so we are taking her to lunch. We bought her a nice rain coat and with our Florida summer weather it should be perfect.

I clicked on one of my sold out listings and it did show other listings in my shop. I had a problem with the ads, as I mentioned, but Etsy has fixed that problem. I would post your complaint in the bugs section of the forums because I am seeing this particular problem posted.

It's really ridiculous and truly a cluster *&$%!!. I feel like I am giving my business to other shops. Hard enough making sure all of SEO are correct and updating everything to only have it benefiting other shops.

I don't like the new share the love and sales thing on Etsy. We're individual shops not part of a commune. UGH!!!!

Sales picked up a bit for me yesterday but so not where my shop should be. Can't even think about it anymore.

On the good news side....My son and his wife are going to be having a baby girl!! They found out Monday and I am already on the hunt for some cute crochet patterns. I've made a jacket, sweater and pants so now come the pink things!

Have a good day. I hope this stupid S**t with Etsy straightens out.
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Re: Chat Thread

Debra and Lisa,

I 'm here. I have good days and some not so good. It is really strange how the days can be so different. The heart doctor took me off one of my heart medications!!!!! Yay!!!! I was having some pretty good days until Monday when I had the heart doctor appointment and I really hurt myself trying to get up the steps to get back in the house so I paid big time Monday afternoon and Tuesday. I'm better today. At least I can walk without moaning and groaning. LOL! I am back to doing at least one household chore a day. I literally couldn't do anything Monday and Tuesday.

My legs are much better compared to how they were when I was in the hospital. I am now in the Solaris Ready Wrap which they refer to as the "boot". A physical therapist came yesterday to figure out a way I can get it on by myself as the insurance probably won't pay for the home health nurse much longer.

I am also making sure I get in some crochet time everyday. I've had two requests for LACE of all things. Both requests came the same day.

As far as Etsy goes for me, I've had to put all their preschool ideas out of my mind and just make things, list them and hope I get a sale. Otherwise the stress was literally eating me alive. There is no way I can run "my" shop anymore. I guess their idea of the crazy EP isn't as great as whoever thought that up would be. I have had at least one sale every month this year and guess what......since I signed up for EP no sale in June. It's great for people that want it, but the forcing it on people who didn't want it is sooooo wrong.

Okay enough of my venting. That is one reason I'm not on as seems like that is all I do!!!

Debra glad you enjoyed your trip and congratulations on the baby girl. I don't remember, is this your first grandchild?

Lisa, the surgery helped my breathing problems a lot. The doctor was very pleased when I went yesterday. I can't imaging having to help care for someone else. I am totally unable to go out shopping or do errands though.

Hope everyone has a good week and doesn't "cook". I can't believe how many days we have had in the 90's this year already. I just looked up on Google and it says it is 96.9 degrees, heat index 124 degrees and humidity 65%. 124 degrees??????????????? Wonder if that's a mistake??? The local news will be on in 15 minutes so I'll see what they say.

Ok, enough for now. I know I won't melt because don't go outside and of course the air conditioner is on!!!!! LOL

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Re: Chat Thread

Good Morning ~

Sue Ellen~ Glad to hear the dr. has taken you off one of your meds. The less meds the better, I would think. That will be rough when the home health care worker stops coming but hopefully you will be able to work the boot by yourself.

Is there no way that through medicare or medicaid that you can have extended time with a home care worker? Doesn't seem right that you should have to provide and do everything for yourself if you aren't physically capable.

As far as Etsy is concerned, something is definitely going on. I don't think it's the EP that is the problem. I think the fact that when someone looks at your listing they are also shown "similar items". So, now when customers comes to your shop, because you have good SEO or whatever drew them in, they are now shown a whole page of other shops work. Confusing to customers, too many options and now they continue shopping or walk away.

My brother and I were discussing this yesterday and it's becoming more like Amazon and less about the individual shops that made Etsy so unique. It's quite upsetting to know that my hard work and what it takes to get a customer to view my shop is now benefitting other shops. vent for the day. We are all allowed!

We aren't having the high temps like everywhere else. We get steamy in the summer but not hot like the north or west. I just heard on the news yesterday that it's so hot out west that your eyeballs can dry out. WHAT?!

I do have to say that after being in NYC last weekend, with the damp weather and a/c, I can't seem to warm up. I am actually in a sweatshirt!
The dampness got in my bones or something and I just feel chilled all the time. It's summer in Florida and I can't warm up, something is out of wack!! We stepped out of the airport and both Neal and I were so happy to feel the balmy breeze instead of the damp muggy NYC air.

This is my first grandchild. I made the cutest little Mary Jane slippers yesterday with flower buttons. I have already made a jacket, a sweater and a headband. Now I am going to work on a diaper cover with ruffles, hat, mittens, more booties, pants along with the blanket. And, I found a cute pattern for a very easy mermaid tail and top. Hectanooga, here on Etsy, has the pattern and a video on Youtube so you don't even need to buy the pattern.

I am not a great crocheter when it comes to detail work so I am pushing myself to try new things. Lace and I would never happen. Good luck getting the two special request orders.

Off to make my morning coffee. Hard to start the day until I do. I find I can only sleep about 6-7 hours and then my shoulder starts killing me so coffee is a must. I need 8 hours of sleep to function so by mid afternoon I have to take a 20 minute power nap.

Have a good day.
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Crafty Poster

Re: Chat Thread

Sue Ellen, best wishes to you that you continue to see small improvements with your health! I think lace would be a beautiful addition to your shop. I'm still looking for the book and as I am still slowly "spring cleaning" and de-cluttering, it will show up eventually.

The heat has been awful this week with highs reaching 109 the past 3 days. We have been staying inside with the a/c. I have been keeping the curtains closed to keep the sunshine from adding extra heat and I am beginning to feel like I am living in a box! The heat is supposed to break tomorrow and fingers crossed we will start getting some monsoon seasonal rains.

Debra, congratulations!!! Oh my gosh there are so many cute patterns for little girls! I had so much fun making Izzy her doll cradle set for her birthday ... her birthday is in 2 weeks and I can finally give it to her!

Sorry for my rant the other night and then I had a shot and a corona and blew it off fairly quickly. I then started adding some items to artyah and it made me feel better. The see similar items added to our sold listings were in no way relevant, which is what really irritated me, because someone looking for dachshund coaster was now shown decals, sun-catchers , mandalas and other miscellaneous dachshund stuff. At the time we still had some dachshund coasters available. I agree, Debra I think it is confusing to buyers.

We did have 2 orders yesterday and we are above normal for June, but the constant changes and inconsistency with etsy are tiring. I love crocheting and selling, but it needs to be fun ... not something that needs to be relearned every few months.

I'm glad your parents are doing better and you were able to talk with your Mom. My Dad is unbelievably hard headed, but listens to Don occasionally.

I hope everyone has a great weekend!
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Post Crafter

Re: Chat Thread

Good evening Debra, Lisa, and Sue Ellen
Our group has gotten smaller sorry to say.
Lisa you are right about when someone clicks on your item and it brings up everyone else's it does get confusing because I was when I clicked on Debra's and a whole bunch of other
similar items came up.
I thought I was looking at Debra's and it turned out to be someone else's shop. I don't think that's fair st all.
Debra. So happy your daughter is having a little girl. I know you will have so much for crocheting all the girly items and will he crazy just trying to decide which one you want to do next.
I have one item left in my shop and that will be expireing soon. I doubt I will add any thing I just don't care for how Etsy has changed everything.
The weather here has been rainy and cloudy and very muggy. Thank goodness my daughter has the pool open. Me, Olivia and my grandson Shane have been going in every chance we get
Sue Ellen. Sorry to hear about all your problems. Hope your doing better.
I've been crocheting but I think I'm going to have to take a break. I'm crocheting nonsense if that makes sense. I finished 2 purses that I had for my cousin so I'm glad that's finished bi hate having things hang over my head.
Olivia is finished with pre K and will be entering Kindergarten in sept, I can hardly believe it. She just turned 5 June 3.
How old are your 2 grand children now Lisa?
Time is just going by too quick before you know it it will be Christmas again.
Well just thought I'd drop by and say hi and let you know I'm still alive.
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Re: Chat Thread

Good Afternoon~

Lisa ~ We had such a hot day yesterday that everyone was moving at a snails pace. Just too hot and steamy to walk around outside. It was 92 but it felt so much hotter, you could feel the heat coming off the asphalt. I hope you are getting a break with your weather.

Are you having any luck with Artyah? I've only just heard about it. I am not going to list anything there but am curious how it's going. My shop, and now I am blaming the new testing, is very weird. My only hope is that when someone clicks on another shops listings or see similar items that they will see mine. It has to work both ways or I am totally screwed!!

It's ridiculous that when someone, such as Mar yAlice, clicks on see similar items that none of my other 88 items come up. Very much like Amazon and I am not happy. So much for the individual shops that Etsy keeps pushing or our branding for that matter. I have a feeling the new CEO is going to continue on with this new look.

Letting off steam is good otherwise your head will pop. My new favorite drink is a shot of tequila and sidecar of soda water and lime. I just add the tequila as I am drinking the soda water so it doesn't get diluted. One shot of tequila and I am good. Takes everything down a notch for me without making me sick or stupid, something I am known to become. 🤑

My folks are so hard headed, in one ear and out the other. We are trying to get them to use Uber on rainy days so my dad doesn't have to park the car and walk in the rain with his walker. OR, at least use valet service where offered i.e. the mall or restaurants. Lots of old people here and very wealthy so valet service is offered even at some high end grocery stores. Nope, won't do it. It's too much money, it's not necessary and blah, blah, blah.

Thanks for the congrats. I had a weepy moment today thinking that I won't see the baby that often since they are 2.5 hours away. I will just have to make more trips and make a point of going up every few weekends. Don't want to become a pest but I am sure I will need baby time. We had thought of getting a trailer in the area. There is a brand new trailer park right on the beach. Really nice and a perfect option for retirees who don't want a condo or a house.

Mary Alice ~ So nice to have you drop by. Our group is getting smaller and I really miss everyone.

I hope you will continue to stop by the chat even when your store finally sells out.

I wonder what the average life span for an Etsy shop is? I've been here for 7 years in August, I can hardly believe it. I figure I will keep it going as long as I can though I will be changing it up and no longer offer the pregnancy reveal booties. Just sets and things that I can slip into a mailer and be done. I can't imagine not having my shop but I can imagine my shop going back to the hobby it use to be.

Last weekend in NYC it was super muggy and one day we got stuck in torrential rains. I was so soaked and miserable from the rain but a canolli and a coffee in Little Italy turned that frown around! Nothing like Italian foods and desserts in NYC, absolutely the best.

I can hardly believe that your granddaughter is starting kindergarten. Where does the time go? I REFUSE to think about Christmas, it's just turned summer and I love the peace and calm of summer. Remember when you were a kid and summer seemed like it lasted forever?

Have a good rest of the weekend. Neal is sick since we came home so we're just hanging out at home. It's been a little too hectic the last few weeks so a day at home is nice.
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Crafty Poster

Re: Chat Thread

I thought I was over the etsy stuff and then clicked on one of our sold out listings (to renew) and got p-o'd all over again. It was a set of border collie pot holders (we have 3 other sets in our shop and none showed up)!

Debra, I agree that it should go both ways, but the price point on etsy has dropped dramatically over the past 3 years and I think it is going to have an impact on shops that are pricing higher.

I feel your "pain" with your parents. My Dad is very well off and won't spend a dime to make his life easier. Stubborn was my Dad in January, laying on the floor (with a broken back and uti) and refusing paramedic care ... 3 times! To make it worse he was cursing Don and I for dialing 911! Tap wood, he is doing better now, but add the extended family dynamic, and myself having caretaker burn-out and I am at my wits end!

I wonder what the burn-out for etsy is? I know the businesses / careers I had over the years had about a 10 year lifespan. This is a hobby (what I always wanted to do) so I will last longer ... maybe.

I'm sure your dil and son will want you around when the baby is born and you will not be a pest! I just always remind myself that my role is to be supportive and helpful, not critical:)!

I am excited with joining artyah. I have been adding about 12 new listings each day and we are getting really good views. More than on etsy with almost 300 listings. I will give it through the first holiday season and then reevaluate.

Mary Alice, it is good to see you and I hope you visit more often! Is Olivia settling down as she gets older? Or still the 'little hurricane'?
Izzy will be 4 next month and Addy is 17 months. Oh my gosh, they grow up so fast! I had my hair cut and the beautician messed up when I told her I wanted 2 inches off ... she left me with 2 inches all over! Izzy took one look at me and said "Grandma! What happened to your hair?!!!" She then wished Don a "Happy farts day" (Father's day).

Have a great weekend, everyone!
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Crafty Poster

Re: Chat Thread

Debra, I forgot to add that we had etsy search terms for 'shower loofah' and dish scrubbie' this week (2 days apart)... neither of which we sell or even have relevant tags for. I think search is still broken too!
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Post Crafter

Re: Chat Thread

Hey everyone
Just a quick question. What is srtyah?
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