Stall layout ideas needed - aisle either side of stall

Hi everyone!
I need to pick your brains over a slightly more unusual stall layout problem.
I'm attending the nearby Etsy Made Local market at the end of this year. 2nd year and a much better new venue has been lined up by the awesome organisers.
My concern at the moment is that the stall type I've chosen, which is two sided. I've just found out that most have aisles either side of them (ie. a row of stalls with aisles on both sides of the stalls). There are a few two-sided stalls on the edge of the venue along the walls, but most will be in the middle. Each stall is a generous 3mx3m.

Here are my concerns:
1) That my stall will become a bit of a walk through if I keep my tables to the edges of my space.
2) That if I have my tables facing both isles, that the feel of my stall will be disconnected as I'll have to split my stock over two separate tables either side of my stall.

Has anyone else had experience in a similar situation? What did you find worked for you?
I'm just debating currently if it's worth asking to be placed against a wall, which then suits an L-shaped configuration. The organisers will decide on the on the final vendors in the next couple of weeks before doing the floor plan up. So now's the time to ask if I'm going to.
Thanks in advance!
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12 Replies

Re: Stall layout ideas needed - aisle either side of stall

Okay, here goes! I am a one woman show, so I personally like a wall behind me. It makes it easier to watch my booth and I do not have to have my head on a swivel all day long. I also like a wall because it acts as a self made backdrop. But now with that being said.

If you were to stay in the booth you have in the middle then perhaps you could place tables in the middle against each other and allow for a traffic pattern that goes all the way around them. I am sure you could use boxes under cloth for risers down the middle where the tables meet and this would be very attractive and would also serve the purpose of keeping your product and customers in one place and make it easier to watch everyone at the same time.

Not sure if any of this make s sense or is useful, but I wish you well and do let us know how it goes.
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Re: Stall layout ideas needed - aisle either side of stall

Any chance of using a round table or possibly setting tables to create a pattern that invites shoppers to visit all sides? I wouldn't want any layout that would encourage shoppers to use the space as a cut through. I would check Pinterest to see if people have posted different layout solutions.
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Re: Stall layout ideas needed - aisle either side of stall

I agree with Kim on both points.

I would prefer a wall space. I don’t think there’s any set that will prevent people “just passing through”, which is maddening IMO. I’d make the request.

If you do have the booth with an open front and back,putting two tables together in the middle is a good solution.
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Community Maker

Re: Stall layout ideas needed - aisle either side of stall

Even though I have a back wall at my biggest show, it's an "end" booth right at the entrance to the show. Everyone was cutting across, so now I have a table there, which also gives me that much more display space!
I agree with everyone else! A back wall is the way to go, if you possible can get it! Have a great show!
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Re: Stall layout ideas needed - aisle either side of stall

while the wall at your back is my favorite, cause then I don't have to have eyes in the back of my head, wondering about theft, etc....having the 'two aisle' ability to shop does get you more opportunity to make a sale

but only if you have a helper.

However, to make it less attractive to people wandering through, make it not visibly attractive for them. That is, no clear cut path through. Put a big table in the way, so that folks have to swivel around it. If you have shoppers in the space, then it is far less likely that someone will use your booth as a pass through.
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Re: Stall layout ideas needed - aisle either side of stall

Thanks for all the help!
I've gone ahead and requested a wall site. No guarantee I'll get it, but at least I'll be considered for it.
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Re: Stall layout ideas needed - aisle either side of stall

I've had a fair few shows where my booth is open on two sides and there's two things I found that have worked for me...

1) I embraced the fact that "the walkthrough" is inevitable and used it to my advantage. If you have more than one entrance, no matter how small, there will -always- be someone who uses it to just walk through. People walking through, however, catches others peoples eye and for a split second they might look like a shopper, which we all know draws other shoppers in. So instead of cursing the somewhat rude walk-througher, I thank them. After mentally cursing them a little, of course. :P

2) That being said, I don't want to make it easy for them to just walk through all they want. So I stagger the entrances by placing either a table or clothing rack in front on opposite corners, blocking about half the booth space, making the person have to weave their way through. (With the rest of my products along the sides.) At times I have even put a smaller display rack right in the middle, to make them weave even more. I've noticed that when someone has done this once they wont do it again because it's not as much of a shortcut they thought it was. :P

Personally it's worked out pretty darn well every time I've had a front and back entrance to my booth. Just gotta embrace and innovate! :D
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Re: Stall layout ideas needed - aisle either side of stall

The thread killer strikes again! (points to self) :P
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Re: Stall layout ideas needed - aisle either side of stall

Update! The floor plan was released over the weekend - and I ended up getting one of the corner spots against a wall. I am quite relieved to be honest!
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Re: Stall layout ideas needed - aisle either side of stall

Congrats! A corner wall spot is our favorite.
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Community Maker

Re: Stall layout ideas needed - aisle either side of stall

That's terrific! Have a wonderful show!
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Re: Stall layout ideas needed - aisle either side of stall

that works so well, and I wish you much success at your event!
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