-It's most likely that the lack of sales is because it was a poor run show with very little promotion,10 vendors is too few. There are tons of crafts shows out there but many of them are not worth your time and energy (value yourself, not just your goods!). Show organizers are happy to take your money, but then do very little advertising. Visit shows, talk to other crafts people to get their opinions on good shows, before you shell out any more money on booking shows.
-everything should be priced, most people do not like to ask for the price, so you will loose potential customers right away if you don't have signs and stickers.
- don't bother paying for a banner this early in your show career, as you display and branding will likely go through many changes. IMO a banner hanging on the front of a table is a waste, because as soon as someone stands in front of your table, no one else can read it. Make a small paper sign, put it in a frame and on your table, or come up with some other creative and inexpensive solution for now.
- READ READ READ through the threads in this group - there is so much good information here. You can do a search such as "first show" "finding shows", "display", etc.