Inspiration Seeker

Enhanced verification process to ensure security

Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone here as seller received a message from ShopHelper requesting to complete verification process. I have received 2 messages from ShopHelper after I completed listing my products which requested me to complete Enhance verification process by scanning QR Code that directed me to complete my bank card details. Please anyone can help whether it is legit or scam

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17 Replies

Re: Enhanced verification process to ensure security

Yeah it is a scam, do not provide any information or click on anything. Stick it in spam

Just above where you type a reply there should be a message, did you not see this message?

To stay protected, stay on Etsy. Never follow links to other sites, and don’t share contact, account, or financial info with anyone in Messages. Learn how to spot spam.

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Re: Enhanced verification process to ensure security


Mark as SPAM

Genuine messages from Etsy will appear in the 'from Etsy' folder of your message inbox. Check your messages using a browser.

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Re: Enhanced verification process to ensure security


this is on every message....

To stay protected, stay on Etsy. Never follow links to other sites, and don’t share contact, account, or financial info with anyone in Messages. Learn how to spot spam.

the QR code is taking you offsite, and they want your financial information

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Enhanced verification process to ensure security

Dang. I fell for this and punched in my info! After waiting some minutes I put two and two together and realized it’s a scam, then searched it and found this. 

I reported to my bank and put a hold/canceled my card but I’m worried if there’s anything else they can get? Could I have downloaded spyware on my phone? 

The reporting department for my visa said there’s no way they can access any more banking info other then what was entered. THIS SUCKS!

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Re: Enhanced verification process to ensure security

From the banks perspective, they can't access any more banking info from the actual scam,

but depending on what you clicked, they could have downloaded anything.

do a virus check on your device

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Enhanced verification process to ensure security

i did it too now i’m worried they will use my info to buy things with my name 

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Enhanced verification process to ensure security

I just did the same but don't want to cancel my card as it will mess with my billing. I'm hoping nothing happens, but regardless I'm safe with my bank and they will fix it asap.

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Re: Enhanced verification process to ensure security


Re: Enhanced verification process to ensure security

Hi, I get a message from someone called ShopHelper about a minute after I make a sale. Every time without fail. I just send it to spam. I am still yet to ever receive a genuine message from Etsy, just hundreds of scam attempts, madness! I've never experienced more scams, never on Amazon seller central etc. I am thinking of leaving Etsy because of this.

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Re: Enhanced verification process to ensure security

They have been on Amazon and etsy too, I have had more there than here - here I have only had one, in all 10 years,

Scammers are targeting newer sellers here, because for some reason, sellers are falling for the scams, if sellers keep giving the scammers money, they will keep on scamming.

When sellers stop giving them money, they will move on to easier targets

.... I have 3-4 a day in my normal e-mail, from scammers that pretend to be electric companies, and water companies etc - they are everywhere all the time

.... just don't click on links, then give out your card number and authorise payments on insecure websites to accounts you don't know.

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Enhanced verification process to ensure security

I received this last night after posting a new item.  I did not provide any information or verify information.  It looks legit.  I did mark it as spam.  Guess that's all I can do?

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Re: Enhanced verification process to ensure security

Yes, marking it as spam lets Etsy know.

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Re: Enhanced verification process to ensure security

I just did a listing and got the same thing!!  Yikes!!  It was not in the from Etsy Folder...I would not click the link,

when they say its safe to do it, than sends up a red flag!!  Pure SCAM!!!

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Enhanced verification process to ensure security

Dang all my listing do have this message. yeah its fishy so it's a scam. Official message should be from the official etsy folder (From Etsy)

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Enhanced verification process to ensure security

Thank you everyone for your reply. I almost fell for this scam. I hope this post helps new sellers to avoid all scam attempts

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Re: Enhanced verification process to ensure security

Thank you for this. I've had my etsy shop for all of two days and received two where it looks like they are trying to buy an item but can't until I go through this "enhanced verification process" with a qr code.  The fact it looks like it's blocking a sale makes it that much more egregious. I marked them both as spam.

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Re: Enhanced verification process to ensure security


I'm very sorry you were targeted. Scammers have been hitting new Sellers as well as seasoned ones.  "Verification" is a popular scam, as well as posing as Etsy Staff/Support, etc.   Scanning of QR Codes is another. When you receive a LEGIT Message from Etsy Support/Staff, etc., it will appear in the "From Etsy" Folder (in Messages). If it isn't there, Mark the Message as Spam (so you don't get dinged for S Seller).  *"From Etsy" Folder was not on the App until recently (a highlighted blurb on the Message). The thing is, should you not see this first (and be familiar with it), you could receive a scammer's Message beforehand. Also, the App does not allow you to Mark the Message as Spam (you must use a browser instead, or use the Buyer App).

Also for future, many scammers are posing as "Buyers", stating they need your email for an Order. They don't, Etsy already has it. When you receive a LEGIT Order, it will appear in "Orders & Shipping" (Left Column of Shop Dashboard); if it isn't there, you have no Order.  Mark the scammer's Message as Spam (so you don't get dinged for S Seller).  And never click on links or engage with them.

Etsy should be able to nail these FAKE accounts who are impersonating Etsy Staff/Support, etc. It's happening way too often. For a while now, Sellers have been reporting that legitimate Buyer Messages are being put in "Spam" by Etsy (obviously a glitch to combat the scamming problem). Here is the Help Article re: Scams.

Hope this is helpful to you.

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