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Member Profile
Mette is a Dane who lives in Italy since the early '70s and works as an English teacher in the primary school. She learned to knit, crochet, and sew as a child with her grandmothers. Ever since then she has been creating her own "things" using different techniques and materials. Met te is the happy 1st palce winner in the contest of A PATTERN A DAY CALENDAR 2008 - Knitting And she is the lucky third place winner in the contest of A PATTERN A DAY CALENDAR 2009 – Crochet If you want to know more about her, please take a peek at “Maestra Mette’s Homepage” – her homepage in three languages (English, Danish, Italian) to read and see while listening to music!
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Member Since ‎08-22-2010
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Date Last Visited
‎05-20-2022 03:03 AM