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I'm at a loss!

Hi all, my name is Penny and it is a pleasure to meet you all.
I've had my shop since Feb 2016, I have about 21 items up for sale with more coming but as yet no sales.
I'm only selling within Australia at this stage as it is easier for me due to health problems.
Having read the handbook and clicking on this link and that link and some other link, I have found myself to be extremely confuzzled lol
I follow a couple of Etsy shop owners on Youtube who again give good advice but I think it needs to be "dumbed" down a bit for me. I don't know if it my titles that are holding up sales, SEO, descriptions or appearance.
My hubby does the photos as I shake a bit at times and we are in the process of rephotographing everything using a new background.
Could someone please let me know what I am doing wrong.
Thanks heaps in advance.
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2 Replies

Re: I'm at a loss!

Hi Penny! I'm new to this team, so I'm just now seeing this thread. I noticed nobody has answered you so I thought I'd chime in. I'm not doing great at the moment, so I'm not sure how much my opinion is worth, but my first impression of your shop is that the photos, while very informative and clear, are almost sterile. The name of your shop is great! And I get a really good feeling from it, but then your photos don't impart the same vibe. There seems to be a slight disconnect there. Maybe if you had pictures of a happy baby actually wearing the diaper covers? I just did a handmade sellers training that emphasized showcasing your product in an idealistic way - if you think of big stores and high dollar advertising, sometimes you don't even notice the product, just the feeling the photos elicit. Like people in utter joy, laughing and smiling just by being NEAR their products! LOL. It just occurred to me, maybe I need to heed my own advice!? Anyway, that's my two cents. Good luck! I hope you get your first sale soon! :)
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Re: I'm at a loss!

Hello I just started a PINTREST board swap! I have found I'm getting more traffic by sharing my board & having others add to my board ! Sharing my items on their board Hopefully it will = Sales !
Kindest Regards,
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