Does soldering blocks include asbest chemical? Metalsmiths' Health!

Hello:) I have a question about our heath while soldering. You know we use a soldering block during soldering so silver or metal pieces can be heated easier. Do you know from which materials these blocks aremade from?
These soldering blocks used to be built from asbest chemicals and called here as " amyant " which means asbest. As far as I know these stones musn't include asbest chemical anymore as it was used to. So what They are made from? I can't be sure since I haven't got any real information from manufacturers. I use a preforated soldering block and I want to be sure that it doesn't include asbest. Do you have any information about that? Or how can I find a safe soldering block without asbest.

Another question is do you use a mask while soldering, if so which mask do you use?

I use a soldering block similar to this;
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