What you should do with links:
THEN click on search item to open into listing
THEN heart shop and then heart item!
(Do not just heart the first link, it does not count, it does not count as a search. Also - leave the links open until the "E" appears otherwise it does not register as a search)!
How to get the search link?
Please copy paste your item title in the Etsy Search bar.
**Test it if it spits out one of your items and not someone else's items!!!! THIS IS IMPORTANT!
**You absolutely must test your link immediately after posting. If the link doesn't work, you must edit immediately by either deleting and leaving blank or by substituting the correct link.
**Asking a leader to delete a link and then posting another link several pages later isn't working and isn't fair to the other participants. Double postings will be deleted.
**Mark your progress with a word "here" or a page #, not with a live link,
and at the end of the day mark "done"
** You need to re-fav items and shops if they were already favorited by you before
**You can post your search link only ONCE in the thread
**You can post your search link first and do the thread after.
**If you sell your item, post a new one.
**Please help each other if the leader isn't around.
*** posting closes at 4 p.m. etsy time. (when you come to the posts marked by etsy as "Posted at 4:00 pm" you may not go further and just post "done"