Improving Your Shop For Traffic and Sales

Rome wasn't built in a day and neither with your shop.
You're busy.  Remember to take one step at a time.  Work on one project until completion.  You'll find success gradually and will build on that. 

Just keep making!
More items = more traffic = more sales.  Once you have 150 items, Etsy will boost promotions of your shop.  Around 250-300 items, Etsy will boost promotions again.  

Fill in the whole headline and don’t be afraid to change it.
There is room in the headline for each item for a lot of words, use up the space, this area is just as good as keywords and tags for your items. The more words you use, the better chance of being seen.

Use proper keywords on Etsy and tags on each item.
If selling a coffee mugs on Etsy with fish images, use all sorts of tags property like “fish” “coffee” “housewarming” “housewarming gifts,” etc. Vary the keywords, don’t just stick to one single theme when many themes fit the item.

Don’t be afraid to change the Etsy tags or the headline for the item.
If Father’s Day is coming up, add that to the keywords or item title, same with Christmas or Easter or St. Patrick’s Day or any keyword that will fit in with the item you are selling. But only add these words if they are accurate. If selling a t shirt that says, “I love Dad,” that is perfect for Christmas and Father’s Day, but of course would not fit property for St. Patrick’s Day.

Sell Etsy worldwide.
The more places you sell, the more people will see your items. Many countries as well as U.S. States and sections of the world do not have access to many items. They don’t have a Target or Wal-Mart in their town perhaps, so open up your world to their world. Share your products with the world, you’ll be amazed where people are who are interested in your items.

Ship your Etsy items free if possible.
If you can add the price into the item and not bring up the price very much, it’s good idea to use free shipping. That is always a draw and it makes people want to purchase.

People will “favorite” or “like” items you have on your Etsy page.
Make note of it, especially if one or two particular items are getting noticed more than others. It’s a good idea to lower the price or put the items on sale that people are interested in. The best part of this is that the person who liked or favorited an item will be notified that the item was marked down and in many cases, people will purchase in order to get the lower price while the item is on sale.

Put Etsy items on sale frequently.
It’s easy to have sales on certain items or every item in your Etsy shop. Put items on sale. Experiment. Simply marking down items will attract attention.

Experiment with items if possible.
Mix things up in your shop. While it’s great to have a theme to your shop, many people will find you and items by doing searches so if someone is looking for a bathrobe and you have that, you may also find someone who is looking for a star-shaped earrings if you have that too. Be eclectic.

Give a discount on Etsy for abandoned shopping carts.
That is when someone goes to purchase an item but they have second thoughts. There is a feature on Etsy where you can send out a coupon code for a person who is about to leave the shopping cart before finalizing the sale. This is an excellent feature and it works very often. It’s worth the little discount you offer (10 to 15% maybe), in order to get the sale. A discounted sale is better than no sale.

Be a part of the Etsy community.
“Like” or “favorite” other people’s items, like their shops, follow them, read their blogs, comment, be part of the whole experience, the more you give, the more you get. Don’t just be stagnant. Be friendly and engaging.

Use Social Media
Share your items with friends and family.  But, remember to follow, like, share and be social with other Etsy shops.  This will grow the Etsy community and help every shop find success.

QUESTIONS OR OTHER ADVICE?  Please let us know.  We'll add, change, edit, and adjust as Etsy evolves.  THANKS!


Hello Mike! Thank you very much for your invitation! I am just disappointed, that I didn't see it before. Thank you for your article "IMPROVING YOUR SHOP FOR TRAFFIC AND SALE" I hope it will help me with my sale ( now I have very slow sale).



Irina from GoldenblanketsCO

Thank you so much for your help.

It's really helpful.


Very useful thanks Mike 

Thanks for the useful information Mike 

Hi Mike 

Thanks for for your always kindness and good advaices.

I have a question would like to ask for your suggestion, as I read there is advice about "mix thing in your shop",my shop is selling Chinese brush calligraphy, I have been planning also sell brush pen ,rice paper,stamp, however I am not sure if this is allowed by ETSY, how do you think ?






Happy Friday

Thank you for the great advice as always 


How do I know there is an abandoned shopping cart in my shop?


Thank you Mike!

I am still fairly new to ETSY and started my shop offering FREE SHIPPING. I thought by offering it that I would be moved up in searches, etc. Is that true? Can I not offer Free Shipping store wide but just on select items and still have the same advantage as a store that offers all out Free Shipping?

My items vary in size and weight, the competition outside Etsy Can offer a less price but you pay shipping- I can't beat there listed price even though at checkout mine is a better deal and feel I get passed up at times. 

Thank you for time and thoughts. 



If u view your shop when there is no sale it says how many people have your item in their cart. 

Hello Mike!
Thank you for the information, I have completed many points, but sales are rare so far. Hope to get the store development with your help)
Best regards, Larisa.

That was the more useful article and it was drawn my attention.


Thank you for your advices.





You're awesome Mike!

Great thoughts and advice Mike. I will work on my shop soon!        Bill 

Thanks for the helpful advice, Mike. Appreciated.

Thanks! Lots of good info her. Jenni:)

Thanks- that was really helpful 

In other words, just keep going. Don’t give up. That pretty much resonates with the way I think.

Thanks for sharing.

Hi Mike,thank you so much,i'm here again after 1 year.

Very interesting and helpful info, Mike. Thank you for taking the time to make this post.

Thanks- that was really helpful 

Thanks you Mike! This information is very helpful for me!

Everything you just said is very useful. I appreciate you for sharing and taking the time to do so. One thing I did not agree on, favoriting people‘s shops without making a purchase. I feel that is harmful to the shop and here is why. If you have 100 favorites but only two sales, that does not look well upon your shop. I feel this is a poor practice and it needs to stop. Your favorited shop should be comparable to your sold items. Keep on selling folks! You got this

Thanks Mike this is great article  

Thank you so much for these brilliant ideas.

Thank you, Mike, that is very helpful !

Thanks for posting Mike,

I've just opened a shop and am trying to get visible. (Hence my visiting your blog) I've got 49 original Artworks listed and I thought that was a good start. It now looks like I need to add 100+ more. I've got double that but the time involved! 10 listings a day, photographing, copy, paste and editing descriptions, adjusting pixels for optimisation, cropping and details for uploading.....the list goes on. That's a lot of work....and a lot of coffee. Seems I have a mountain to climb, which would be easier, and a lot more enjoyable! At least I now know what I'll be doing for the next couple of weeks, I just hope it pays off.

Kind regards.   Mark England.

My only concern with offering free shipping on one product or several is you have to calculate that cost into your final price AND adjust that price also for a discount if someone favors it or keeps it in their cart. Once all FEES are taken out you get hardly 70% of your costs. Ex: I sold $95 in pottery with free shipping. After Etsy fees and shipping lable I got only $45.. my cost was $36 in materials, which left me negative in labor . If I sold the bowls I made for a higher price, they would have not sold because the market demands for that size and type of bowl.

So this free shipping trend seems to only benefit Etsy BEACAUSE they get a higher fee from a a sale with us adding free shipping. I don't like the arm twisting to offer it. 

Thank you so much for the excellent post, Mike!

You have done a great job.
I learned a lot of new and useful things for myself .

Saved, translated and printed your article - as a guide to action
With great respect and gratitude, Irina

Thanks a lot for great advices!

Thanks, Mike! 

Educational, for sure..

Gracias por la. Información. A seguir mejorando... ☺️

Thank you Mike. There were a few suggestions that were new to me.

Rome wasn't built in a day and neither with your shop.

Your title is remarkable.

Thank you so much for these brilliant ideas. that is very useful !


Thanks a lot for all your precious information. Is there a way to translate the text in French as it is for many other information with Etsy? 

Hi Everybody,


I am curious about ETSY's SEO and shopping via.


Last three months i struggle to be STAR SELLER, but last 30 days I do not ger an order (ZERO selling) Also i extend %30 dicsount, advertisment is open for a long time in my shop. I added new items in my listing.



Almondhill Design



 Super good advice! and I note several in particular, which I did not apply. Merci Mike 

Thanks for your advice

Thanks for this - currently going through the new seller doom phase myself! 

Thank you for the advice

Muy útil aunque la mayoría de los consejos ya los utilizo tengo muy poco tráfico. Tener muchos listings es complicado si no vendes porque cada listing vale dinero. Veo complicado crecer y llevo 9 meses en etsy.

suerte a todos y gracias

Thank you so much for everything.

This is great!! Thank you!!!!

Mike, I am reading you and I see that you do not put separations between keywords, logically if you do it this way is that you are doing well, is this correct, I can try in a listing and test....



Thanks Mike this was great!

Great information. Thank you so much for sharing. I needed the pep talk. 

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