everyone, to my small etsy business, Beaded Bliss by Kim. These are some of my newest wire wrapped pendants/ amulets/ & talisman that can be placed or hung on or near your altar, window, doorway, work space, hobby room, neck, rearview mirror, ....& anywhere that you spend alot of time.
Let the crystal energies work to their full potential, the closer to your skin & aura they are, the more benefits for YOU~!!
Check each listing, as i post healing properties of the stones & crystals and if you have a question about one or would like to know which crystal would help you best at this time in your life, message me & i will do my best to point you in the right direction.
Be sure to heart (favorite) all the ones that you like the best, & favorite my shop for easy bookmarking.
I'm having a STOREWIDE SALE through the last day of SEPTEMBER. This sale began in JUNE & has continued up until now. In October, i will be bringing in new items, new styles, & breathing new life into my shop, so do come back often and check out what is available.
I not only make jewelry pieces, but also crystal wall hangings which generally are 16 inches across and 19 - 21 inches long, using larger sized crystals (too large to wear around your neck), special yarn, & a tree branch. I've sold quite a few of these in the past few months, and they are made-to-order, custom Art projects/ home decor. **If you are interested in seeing photo's of the ones i've already made, please message me, & i will be happy to provide that for you.**
See you all very soon! ~
Thank you kindly,
Kimberly Buckley