Welcome to our CHAT thread where you can introduce yourself, ask a question, tell a joke, say what you're up to or what you're having for dinner! A place to meet one another. A place to procrastinate and get away from it all for a few minutes. Feel free to post something you like in another team member's shop. If you want to ask a question about something in your shop you may post a link to the item.

What you can't do on this thread is self-promote : ) All random self-promotions will be deleted. Since the leaders of the team can't be present 24/7 we ask members to let us know of any self-promotions by Page # so we can delete the post and keep the chat flowing. If your post is deleted please don't take offense. There is a separate thread for self-promotions where you can show us your new listings, relists, etc. and we look forward to seeing them!

If you are new to the team, there's no need to read pages and pages of posts. Just jump in! Our posters are friendly and helpful!

Please keep your posts clean, positive and family friendly.

Please no calling out on Etsy, administration or other members.

Please keep any harsh differences of opinion in convos and not on the thread.

Let's chat!


Re: WLV CHAT Only Thread ~ Come Get to Know One Another!

Happy April team mates.

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Re: WLV CHAT Only Thread ~ Come Get to Know One Another!

Hello, all!

We are a hard working couple in Arkansas, just starting out in the Etsy world on the selling side.  Picking - in our neck of the woods it's more often than not called "going yard sailing" - has always been a fun weekend event for both of us, from our younger years on through today and...with any luck...for many moreyears to come.

We have an eye for vintage, lean toward the unique, and have more than once ferreted out both from the bottom of the most innocuous piles.  We get as much pleasure from connecting the perfect item to the perfect owner as we do from finding it in the first place.

We're looking forward to expanding our business, our experiences, and our friendships through the Etsy world.

Hello again and well met!

Don and Kay - Kaycerah

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Re: WLV CHAT Only Thread ~ Come Get to Know One Another!

greetings teamies.   Have avoided Etsy threads since "the change" in the forums, but find myself missing fun kindred folks!   So just joined back in to day.

Hi all!!

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Re: WLV CHAT Only Thread ~ Come Get to Know One Another!

Thansk Joanne, I have switched it a few times, but it is wonky at best.

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Re: WLV CHAT Only Thread ~ Come Get to Know One Another!

I had one of those links inside links inside links going today, "Gypsies, Tramps and Theives" played on the radio, so I researched who wrote it and ended up on Cher's website. Then, at lunch, I had Netflix going and wanted something I could play in the background while working on my last minute tax stuff. I scrolled around quickly, not wanting to waste too much time, and settled on "The Founder" about McDonald's. Then later I went to a link about McDonald's history, then I thought about White Castle sliders of my youth in Michigan and I discovered that FINALLY, a White Castle is opening up in Arizona sometime this year. All the articles were from last year and I haven't found any more updates. The best news? It's going to be about 5 minutes from where I work! I don't know, maybe that's not such good news. 

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Re: WLV CHAT Only Thread ~ Come Get to Know One Another!

Oh Funky, we have a White Castle about 10 min away from me. I wasn't big on their burgers and now being GF no dice. I do go in to use the powder room. I hope your WC opens soon.

Having Netflix sounds great. I wish it was less money.

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Re: WLV CHAT Only Thread ~ Come Get to Know One Another!

Happy Easter and Passover, everyone!


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Re: WLV CHAT Only Thread ~ Come Get to Know One Another!

Happy Passover and Happy Easter.

Good to see ya Funky.

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Re: WLV CHAT Only Thread ~ Come Get to Know One Another!

Morning! Well I rarely go in the forums these days because it just blows my mind having to try and find things! But here I am and I am yet again trying to post pictures in various threads. Can anyone please advise me on how to do this? I have tried right clicking on the small & large images from my shop and then pasting but it just shows the page link. I think I had advice a while ago but it didn't work and can't recall what the advice was but that's more to do with the grey matter ;) Thanks x
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Re: WLV CHAT Only Thread ~ Come Get to Know One Another!


If you go back a few pages 


I did some research, it's not very efficient, but there were a few other links for advice. I was able to get a photo posted but, again, it was a bit of a process.

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Re: WLV CHAT Only Thread ~ Come Get to Know One Another!


Hi mates! Long time no see. And phew  - what happened to Etsy Teams?? 

Hard to find. 

Working with my students, planning and saving money LOL

That means NO to any garage sales and thrift shops for a while.

Hugs to all !


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Re: WLV CHAT Only Thread ~ Come Get to Know One Another!

Oh, I still HATE the latest team and forum format!

But, came here to share something new in my most recent sale:

Multi-piece cookware set headed to California.

Purchased by a guest shopper.

Buyer got free shipping.

The double-digit shipping charge was fully credited to my account by Etsy.

I was very confused at first. Couldn't find anything in the forums. But found a partial explanation here: https://www.etsy.com/seller-handbook/article/were-running-a-limited-time-free/522290495995

Seems very limited and random. So don't know how I can use it to promote my shop. I have one buyer who has several other items on hold and I'd like to tell her to hurry and order in the hopes she'd benefit from Etsy's picking up the shipping fee. But since I've only had one sale covered, perhaps it is too limited to tell anyone about.


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Re: WLV CHAT Only Thread ~ Come Get to Know One Another!

I have 10 orders and all have paid shipping, none of my buyers got that promo so far, and I can't find any run dates on the end of the thing. It's random and it doesn't last forever, i.e. your buyer might have it one day and then ?? day(s) later they don't, it's one use only and has to be with the same seller. So it's not something we can really promote, in fact, I would suggest mum's the word because I've been seeing some buyers ticked off because they're NOT getting the free shipping and posting, "How do I report this seller for not giving me free shipping?" type threads.

It's a cluster nightmare in my opinion.

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Re: WLV CHAT Only Thread ~ Come Get to Know One Another!

Morning all

Funky, true words. I haven't had any of that promo in my shop either. I think they said it would last a week, perhaps the week is coming to an end.

Waving to all

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Re: WLV CHAT Only Thread ~ Come Get to Know One Another!

Hello everyone - it's been ages since I've stopped by to post because I absolutely HATE this new format!!!

I've tried to post listings in the WLV Promotion Thread but when I add the listing, no photo shows up.  I see that is happening with some other shops as well, or some photos are itty bitty and other photos are super big.  Any help is appreciated, thanks!


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Re: WLV CHAT Only Thread ~ Come Get to Know One Another!

VNAT, a few pages back I found the process to post photos, it's a process.

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Re: WLV CHAT Only Thread ~ Come Get to Know One Another!

I have the free shipping promo as a buyer with a $25 purchase. I'm seeing the Free Shipping on all my own listings, also! Weird.

I still have not seen it as a seller re  how it looks on the invoice.

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Re: WLV CHAT Only Thread ~ Come Get to Know One Another!

Funky - I couldn't reply to your answering my question, even though I "liked" it - go figure


I started to follow the "process" several pages back to post listings with photos in the promo thread.  Here's what I did:

- Step 1:  Copy listing URL -

- Step 2:  Right click to Copy photo and paste - I got some crazy error message about an invalid HTML in a big red box - WTH???   don't ask me how I ended up getting another weird message, but in another area it said to hit "Ctrl V" keys to post the photo.  So I pressed one and then the other and it worked, my photo appeared!

- So Step 3 is to hit "Ctrl V" keys and that's it

This worked for me twice today, but who knows where it will work again - I won't be doing it too often because it's simply too much work - I miss the days when things were simpler when all you had to do was copy the listing URL and the photo would automatically come right along with it!!!!!



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Re: WLV CHAT Only Thread ~ Come Get to Know One Another!


I got to the point where I was so sick of the red banner I just clicked reply/proceed/whatever and it always posts. There is no rhyme or reason for that error, BONUS, etsy continues to ignore everyone posting about it.

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Re: WLV CHAT Only Thread ~ Come Get to Know One Another!

Hey VNAT agree it is too much work.  I wish they could set it back to the old way. Easy peasy.

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Re: WLV CHAT Only Thread ~ Come Get to Know One Another!

Hi folks! 

I can just agree with all of you.

Why does Etsy tell they want to make things better when 

all they do is to get every one upset and things getting just very weird?


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Re: WLV CHAT Only Thread ~ Come Get to Know One Another!

And just now, I could not continue writing.

Had to start in a new box. 

Maybe these things have to do with the capacity of memory? 

They cannot provide so much for photos any more ?

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Re: WLV CHAT Only Thread ~ Come Get to Know One Another!


It's very confusing!

Good to see  you!

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Re: WLV CHAT Only Thread ~ Come Get to Know One Another!

Hi Carita.

seems all is well there. Hope your famous cat is doing well.

take care we miss you.

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Re: WLV CHAT Only Thread ~ Come Get to Know One Another!


Thanks for responding to my complaints - at least now I know that I'm not the only one with those weird messages.  And I also just learned how to specifically reply to someone's comments here (when there is no "reply" button showing) by using the @ function by following your example - thanks again!

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