How it Works:

1.) Add your Wanelo link and a link to your product from Etsy so others can favorite your item. ( Favoriting items helps exposure on Etsy and shows up in your activity feed to all of your circles it is very effective.)

2.) You must Save all team members Wanelo links throughout the day to ensure maximum exposure for everyone's items. This is a requirement and not doing so will result in you being removed from the Daily Trending Thread for the rest of the week.

3.) Favorite all items in between Saving the items to Wanelo, simply click the Favorite button, it is fast and simple. (And Beneficial)

4.) You are only allowed to post One Item per day to the thread so we do not overrun everyone with items to promote and to help items trend on Wanelo. (If more then One Item is posted it will be removed)

5.) This is a very time consuming duty to do daily so please make sure you have the time to participate daily before posting your item. ( Remember this is a very useful tool for your shop and you have to put the time in to get the benefits)

This is not a Post and Run thread, if you do not have the time to participate simply go to our Post and Run thread here on the forums and post to that

Re: Daily Wanelo Trending Thread January 30th 2013

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