Personalized Pictures

I have a watch shop for personalized dials and engraved words. But when it comes to the pictures on the dial, I am quite confused about the difference between plagiarism and personalized. Also, some portrait may against portraiture right. I feel anxious when I am about to put a famous portrait on the dial which may lead to a lot of tips, and then my shop will be closed. I would appreciate it if someone could help me with it.

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Re: Personalized Pictures

Hi - Wonderful watches! I would suggest a couple of things. First, at a high level, check Etsy's policies on reselling, content, and copyrights and check Canadian law on image/art copyrights. Second, I am not a copyright lawyer (another avenue for you to take), but I would believe in general that for any image YOU use, you should own the image/copyrights to it (that is, either it is your own original creation, or you paid the original artist for the rights to duplicate it), and all of those rights should include commercial reproduction. One cannot benefit from someone else's art/work without compensating them. Lastly, I would protect yourself by suggesting that if a client sends you an image to personalize their watch, that you recommend the same thing, and that by sending you the image, THEY are assuring you that THEY own the rights to use that image and to reproduce it. I think you should be well within your rights to reject anything that is clearly not owned by someone requesting a personalized face, for example, a Pepsi logo or a well known artwork that is not in the public domain. I hope that helps. Cheers - Laurie

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