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Having problems adding a page on my Tumbler to link to my Etsy shop

Hi, I'm in my Tumblr page, and click on Customize so that the left hand pane pops out and allows you to select themes, background color, font styles, etc. There is a section for Pages, and once you are in the "Edit Page" dialogue box, you can select a page type - Standard Layout, Custom Layout, or Redirect.

Two issues here -

1) I want a page that will display an Etsy Mini app, via the HTML that you can copy and paste from the Etsy account page. But when I select a Standard Layout page in Tumblr and click on HTML and paste, nothing shows up. Does Tumblr not accept and display HTML coding/language when pasted from elsewhere?

And secondly...

2) I want a page that redirects to my Etsy shop main page. But when I select Redirect from the Tumblr page dropdown, type/paste in my shop URL, and click Save and try to test it out, I get an error message that says to contact Support for help.

Does anyone in this Team have any tips or tricks for using Pages within Tumblr?

Much appreciated!!

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Re: Having problems adding a page on my Tumbler to link to my Etsy shop

Hi Erin,

First, I'm pretty sure Etsy mini doesn't work with Tumblr. I know for a fact it doesn't work with Wordpress, and I imagine Tumblr wouldn't be much different. I think the problem is that it is actually javascript, which is a different coding language than HTML.

Second, when you're posting your link, make sure it is just the basic link to the store. For example, when I click on my "shop" button, I get this: ""

When creating a link, all I really need is this: ""

Also, remember you are creating a new page on Tumblr, so be sure to add a title for it. For instance, my Tumblr URL is

I have a page on my tumblr that is
(added Etsy on the end). Which is then redirected to my Etsy page. If you don't add a tag to the new page, everything gets very confusing.

Hope this helps!

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Re: Having problems adding a page on my Tumbler to link to my Etsy shop

I noticed that there's a box saying "Add custom CSS" as well, and CSS is kinda different from HTML, so that might be another reason it doesn't accept it.

And thanks to belleenergie for the detailed answer!
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Re: Having problems adding a page on my Tumbler to link to my Etsy shop

CSS is just the coding for the design and layout of the website, whereas HTML is the information & content. The "Edit CSS" button shouldn't have any effect on adding a new page.

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Having problems adding a page on my Tumbler to link to my Etsy shop

Hi, My name is Marilyn, I joined a few days ago. I have been a member of tumblr for over a year but I never did anything with it. Now I think I remember why. For me at least it is not user friendly. I have been working for about 45 minutes trying to get one thing posted. I seem to have all the info enter ok but I get this message each time : error in loading picture, I've tried changing some things around and each time I would get a little further, but I can't seem to get past this. Can anyone give me a beginners lesson of sort. I can't get past this. Or does this put me out of the team? I would really like to learn how to use tumbl I am a very fast learner and I think it is probably a minor thing I am doing.
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Re: Having problems adding a page on my Tumbler to link to my Etsy shop

Marilyn, could you maybe take a screen shot of your attempt to post to tumblr? That way we might be able to more easily solve your problem.

To take a screen shot on a mac, just press and hold Shift-Command-4, then as you let go a little crosshair should appear. Drag a square around your post and let go. A copy of the picture should save to your desktop.

To take a screen shot on Windows, just hit the Print Screen button (usually labeled PrtSc).

Either post the picture here, or you can convo it to me. Good luck!
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Re: Having problems adding a page on my Tumbler to link to my Etsy shop

Thanks Hayley, your tips worked!
And Marilyn, you could try changing the file type of your pictures, I think Etsy plays the nicest with jpeg files.

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