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California poppy
Web MD
Overview Information
California poppy is a plant. It is the state flower of California. People use the parts that grow above the ground for medicine.
California poppy is used for trouble sleeping (insomnia), aches, nervous agitation, bed-wetting in children, and diseases of the bladder and liver. It is also used to promote relaxation.
In combination with other herbs, California poppy is used for depression, long-term mental and physical tiredness (neurasthenia), nerve pain, various psychiatric conditions, blood vessel problems, sensitivity to weather changes, and sedation. An herb combination including California poppy is also used for sleep and mood disturbance associated with strong, warm wind in the Alps (foehn illness)........
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Chamomile Live Plant Organic & Homemade For Wiccans & Herbalist Rare Plants Sold Cheap
Chamomile is an herb that comes from the daisy-like flowers of the Asteraceae plant family. It has been consumed for centuries as a natural remedy for several health conditions. To makechamomile tea, the flowers are dried and then infused into hot water.
Chamomile Live plant link below click here
Mugwort Live Plant Organic & Homemade Rare Plant Sold Cheap
Lucid Dream Herb
Then, take it about 30 minutes before bed and go to sleep like you normally would. You'll experience more vivid dreams and they're more likely to be lucid. It's also been said that taking mugwort with a spoonful of honey at night can boost the effects a lot as well!
Mugwort Live Plant Link Below Click Here
Holy Basil Rare Tulsi Organic & Homemade Rare Plant Sold Cheap
Holy Basil has been revered for its medicinal value throughout India for thousands of years. Ayurvedic texts describe Holy Basil as a pillar of holistic herbal medicine and a goddess incarnated in plant form (the mother medicine of nature). Many traditional Hindus worship an alter bearing a Holy Basil plant that is placed in the courtyard of their home or in another prominent location. Today Holy Basil remains one of the most cherished of India’s sacred healing plants. The leaves smell of peppermint, cloves, licorice and/or lemon. There are three types of Tulsi sold: Krishna, Rama, and Vana. Rama and Krishna are of the same species. All varieties belong to the mint family and are cousins of sweet basil. Vana (Ocimum sp.), aka. “forest type”, is known for its fragrance. The plant has green leaves and stem, with white blossoms. It is found in the Himalayas and plains of India. Grows wild in Asia and Africa and is used medicinally there as well. Holy Basil is traditionally taken as an herbal tea, dried powder, fresh leaf, or mixed with ghee. Only the leaf is used. Holy Basil, or Tulsi, is an important symbol in the Hindu religion and it is a significant herb in ayurvedic medicine.
Holy Basil Link Below Click Here
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Chamomile Live Plant Organic & Homemade For Wiccans & Herbalist Rare Plants Sold Cheap
Chamomile is an herb that comes from the daisy-like flowers of the Asteraceae plant family. It has been consumed for centuries as a natural remedy for several health conditions. To makechamomile tea, the flowers are dried and then infused into hot water.
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Chamomile Live plant link below click here
Mugwort Live Plant Organic & Homemade Rare Plant Sold Cheap
Lucid Dream Herb
Then, take it about 30 minutes before bed and go to sleep like you normally would. You'll experience more vivid dreams and they're more likely to be lucid. It's also been said that taking mugwort with a spoonful of honey at night can boost the effects a lot as well!
Mugwort Live Plant Link Below Click Here
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Holy Basil Rare Tulsi Organic & Homemade Rare Plant Sold Cheap
Holy Basil has been revered for its medicinal value throughout India for thousands of years. Ayurvedic texts describe Holy Basil as a pillar of holistic herbal medicine and a goddess incarnated in plant form (the mother medicine of nature). Many traditional Hindus worship an alter bearing a Holy Basil plant that is placed in the courtyard of their home or in another prominent location. Today Holy Basil remains one of the most cherished of India’s sacred healing plants. The leaves smell of peppermint, cloves, licorice and/or lemon. There are three types of Tulsi sold: Krishna, Rama, and Vana. Rama and Krishna are of the same species. All varieties belong to the mint family and are cousins of sweet basil. Vana (Ocimum sp.), aka. “forest type”, is known for its fragrance. The plant has green leaves and stem, with white blossoms. It is found in the Himalayas and plains of India. Grows wild in Asia and Africa and is used medicinally there as well. Holy Basil is traditionally taken as an herbal tea, dried powder, fresh leaf, or mixed with ghee. Only the leaf is used. Holy Basil, or Tulsi, is an important symbol in the Hindu religion and it is a significant herb in ayurvedic medicine.
Holy Basil Link Below Click Here
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Rare plants sold cheap for Herbalist & Wiccans. Organic & Homegrown !!!!! Shop still updating come join the family !!!
All plants Sacred !! Oils, Extracts, Dry Herb, Seeds, Live Plants & Much More !!!
Morning Glory Live Plant !!! Organic & Homegrown Link Below
Chocolate Mint Live Plant Real Chocolate !!! Organic and Homegrown in many sizes Link Below
Mugwort / Wood Worm !! Live Plants !! Organic & Homegrown Link Below
Wild Lettuce Extract Resins & Seeds !!! Organic and Homemade !!! Link Below
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