Aveeno wrinkle remover with Jennifer Aniston or Nutrogena wrinkle repair with Jennifer Garner?
Haven't found anything to help with my wrinkles!!
Hmm, don't know about either of these, but my recommendation is AHA -- Alpha-Hydroxy
This one's not from a Jennifer but it's what I normally use. Frankly, I don't think there's any such thing as a wrinkle remover unless you're talking about a facelift, but this makes my skin very soft and glowy and my make-up goes on more smoothly. Things like drinking more water so your wrinkles are less prominent and sleeping and eating well help a lot too.
@frighten I've been using L'Oreal Age Perfect Day and Night cream for years and years. Is SPF 15 sunscreen. About out, will try the one you are using.
use coconut oil.
I couldn't say. I don't use either. I do, however wear something with sunscreen in it every single day, rain or shine.
I think using sunscreen is a big part of keeping wrinkles from happening.
Heard a dematoligist once say that once you have them, the only way to get rid of wrinkles is with Retin- A. ( not to be confused with retinol A)
You have to have a prescription for it.
Hmm. I use a combination of Medline Remedy Skin Repair combined with CeraVe Moisturizing Cream.
I'm not actually looking to repair wrinkles, though, just keep them at bay as best I can. As I can't use sunscreen (allergic), I do my best to stay very well moisturized instead and avoid the sun (which I also have an uncomfortable sensitivity to).
My skin is extremely picky, as well. I have unpleasant reactions to perfumes and fragrances, certain ingredients, anything "pore reducing", etc. Finding things that will moisturize without setting me off with hives or a rash has been a challenge.
Have seen these two products advertised many times on TV. Was wondering if anyone uses either.
Don't know about wrinkles treatment but I quite like both Aveeno and Nutrogena products, pretty good stuff.
Meh. We all can look wrinkle free with airbrushing, blurry lens and other visual tricks.
Wrinkles are a fact and not many of us will escape getting them. I won't spend any money on wrinkle creams full of chemicals, they can't reverse nature's will and will only eat away at my bank account.
I do use a bit of organic argan oil to retain moisture - applied to damp skin.
They probably don’t even use the products they are selling. Plus they have the money to get facials, personal trainers, chefs and all that + all the Hollywood secrets to help them keep fresh.
I did like Jennifer on friends though!
I've earned my wrinkles and I'm proud of them, they're not going anywhere. Neither is my white hair. :)
I like Jennifer Aniston though, she's a good actress and she was really funny on Friends. :)
Best wishes,
Well - if we're talking Jennifers - I prefer Jennifer Garner. Never saw the fuss over Aniston - but I give her a pass because of her father - do you know who he is? He's the actor who portrays Victor Kiriakis on "Days of Our Lives". I have been watching that soap since I was about 5 - back when it started! My husband and I still watch it at lunchtime, every day!
Now for the wrinkles - I was just chatting with my sister yesterday, and I told her that I believe FAT makes you look younger - fat under the skin of the face, I mean! The older you get, the more that goes away. I've known a lot of older people who lost weight, and it aged them overnight, because of the loss of fat in the face. I love wrinkles, personally, and don't think you can do a lot about them, once you have them. Genetics, sun exposure, and lifestyle/diet all come into play with the Wrinkle Game!
I agree with you about the weight business. I was always a stick thin size 2 my whole life, (genetics, not diet, I ate and still eat whatever I want whenever I want to eat it), til I hit menopause. Now I'm definitely rounder and oddly enough my face looks younger than it did when I was pre-menopausal, go figure. There's an incentive to keep on enjoying my pizza. :)
Best wishes,