I can't take it. I'll check back later to see if things are quicker to load. This is making me nuts!
i know. it's gonna drives us all crazy...like that's not easy enough to do...
me too :{ I need a smoothie :{
Yeah, time for a caffeine break. I also need to borrow a new brain so I can figure out this new setup, anyone got a brain I can borrow?. :)
Best wishes,
I can lend you my brain, but I don't think it will help you sort through the new forums sections.
I’ve heard they’re selling handmade brains on Etsy. . . .
Just as long as they're really handmade and not knock offs. :)
Best wishes,
Am so NOT in love with the new format. Neither is my adaptive tech! 😠
The entire everything is slow and confusing.
The forum sections are all wrong too.
Hi, I just joined the team! Thanks to someone who posted a link in one of the new forum threads. And I agree, it is so SLOOWWWWWWWWWWWW! I already have slow internet issues out here in the boonies and this is going to give me stroke. I come to the forums to relax, not spike my blood pressure!
Wake me up when it's all over....zzzzzz
Hello again everyone I have missed, just realised the forums are back on, and wow, it’s so weird. Don’t think I like it, does anyone?
I have yet to read a post from someone saying they liked it. It is a colder and lonlier Etsy...
Three months later... I hope it speeded up.
Ha, I clicked in here thinking the topic was about people's shops being sooooooooooooooooooooooo slooooooooooooooooooooow.
I've gone from 5 - 10 views a day and a sale every week or so to 0-1 view a day and a sale every few months. And, I thought the 5-10 views a day were slow; I'd give my right arm to be back to those numbers. This is pathetic.
well, if it helps you just got a view. ;) very creative use of leaves and beach stuff. :) i'm two counties up from you in the redheaded step county that time forgot. i think, from reading the fora, sales of unique art and crafts are down right now all over the site. i'm guessing tax time has something to do with it.
Thank you very much for the view and the kind words vlmkpyae! They are much appreciated.
It seems the further north one goes in California, the more forgotten we become. But, the beauty of the land, slower pace and space to move around without bumping elbows with fellow humans makes it worth it to me. Here's hoping things pick up once tax season is over!