It's been like the dead zone this week. Activity has been waaaaaaaay down. All cobwebs and dust here.
I didn't get the memo, lol, apparently it's been turned off all month.
And all last year too!
I guess I am being mean and unfair, but I do feel kind of better knowing that I'm not the only one who feels that way: at least I know the problem is not me and my shop in particular but everyone experiences the same :/
Yes, it's dismal all over. At least we can commiserate with one another!
I (my shop) was turned on for a day... I think...didn't last though... :{ :(
Ya, mine too...last Sunday...only sale all month!
It's such a bummer....we work so hard...WAH :(
It's sad and it makes us grumpy!
Same here, for a few days after feeling nonexistent for most of January and February. I'm hoping the trend continues, but my views were quite low yesterday, so we'll see...
Also @HauteVintageJewels , that Fizzgig graphic always makes me smile.
My shop was on yesterday, off today. At least I am caught up with orders and can start spring cleaning the house!
It's been a week now with no sales and very few views. What's up?
I couldn't agree more. My views, visits, and favorites have been fluctuating dramatically from day to day. I have hardly any views some days which is extremely unusual...especially when I have been adding inventory like crazy. Hopefully, it turns around soon! Glad I'm not the only one. I've been worried about my shop this past week.
Other than a nice order from a repeat customer today, this month has been pretty slow, especially compared to last month. I did have a major sale last weekend (25% off) and had a pretty good weekend, so if you have that option, that might work. I promoted it on social media and with shop updates though, so try to do that. I don't sell internationally anymore other than to Canada and I know that must cut down on sales and views for sure, since my items don't show up for those countries that I don't ship to.
I am having a sale right now and it is being promoted on social media. I also promote all of my items when I list them, some with paid advertising. I list new items almost daily and also sell internationally. I've had my shop open since 2014 and in the last few years, I swear it seems like they turn it on and off periodically. It's either feast or famine. Feast at the beginning of the month and famine at the end. It's just weird!
I have noticed its almost week by week whether it's on or off. One week will be great, then the next is dead. I have ran multiple shops and noticed the same for all of them. Super strange.
@HauteVintageJewels I do wonder if there's something to that "turning on" etc. I think you're doing the right things and this may just be the ups and downs of selling online. I think listing new items regularly is important and wish I could do more of that.
Fingers crossed for a feast of sales tomorrow!
I just wish they would check with me for on/off days so I can coordinate with the day job! I was so busy at work yesterday I couldn't check when a sale came in or a question was asked. Yesterday my shop was super busy. Today when I am at the computer and home, Nothing!
That's Murphy's Law of Etsy for you. The same thing happens to me on a regular basis, when I'm home watching or waiting, nothing, when I'm at work or otherwise occupied, the orders come in. :)
Best wishes,
I made sales on the 20th and 21st. After and before that, Feb was totally dead.
March isn't starting out well either.
I'm working on focusing on other things instead of Etsy right now, too tempermental.
@NewAgeDreamChickThe trends in my store were very similar.
@mountainlilyfarm @BigDogLadysJools it's so true! Sales seem to happen when you are off doing something else. I can be on my computer all day and as soon as I go out for several hours, that's when the sales seem to come in. Went to a Mardi Gras party last night and voila, a good sale came in. Guess I should stay out of the house more often!
Yeah. I can remember being on a day trip not long ago, after a couple weeks of no sales and slow traffic. I received an alert of sales to two different buyers while I was literally en route to my destination. It was interesting!
Im not on vacation for nothing....