Trying to increase sales in 2013

Any tips for increasing sales? I have 39 items in my shop-how many is optimum? I am trying to list 2 items a day-what do you think? I have started creating treasuries. Does this help? I appreciate any feedback. Thanks.
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Re: Trying to increase sales in 2013

first my new listing but.... I'm at 90 something and I think 50 is minimum for good showing. Me, I'd love to get up to 150. Treasuries yourself? I think more important to be listed in different ones.

Definitely posting in these forms is a big way to get notice on etsy, favoriting shops you like, etc. A lot of people also say offsite promotion like wanelo, facebook, a blog or whatever is also crucial. As a new seller and someone who is not big on wasting time with blogs or facebook--obviously not something I have much advice on.

Joining teams related to your product I found to be important, I added my url to bing, yahoo, google. Also just look at the other products in your category and see price points, shipping, descriptions. Everyone says great pictures are important. Try to use 3+ when you can. And look at Ebay as much as we like to admit on here it is irrelevant it isn't. What are similar sellers doing on there, charging, setting up there shops. Offer a good product at a good price and people will buy. Rule number one of sales.
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Re: Trying to increase sales in 2013

Checking through your shop really quickly.... I think you have many really nice high end items and some lower end things. I would definitely increase the lower end 20-30 dollar range; think of your market on here. And add some mid-level items in the 50-90 dollar range too! Only so many people can afford 300+ dollar items often. Especially in the continued bad economy. Just my first impression.
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Re: Trying to increase sales in 2013

Thanks Drew. Great advice. I was thinking I needed to go lower, too. I had a $450 sale recently and got carried away! :)

What does that mean-"added my url?" Also, I made a couple of treasuries to just get the shop name out there. But I wish my stuff was in more Treasuries. I am hoping to get a min. of 150 items as well. I am noticing that many vintage shops have lots and lots of sales, but seem to have more than 150 items. I will just keep listing-I will never run out of stuff! Thanks again. Your comments were helpful.
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Re: Trying to increase sales in 2013

Hi Nancy,
welcome to the team.

The more items you have the better chance of a sale as you never know if someone will purchase something unless it is listed.

Use as many pictures as you are given here to show off your product.
Do some staging of your products if you can.

As someone mentioned, there are only so many people who purchase high end items so sometimes it is a good idea to play with your prices (within reason) to get lookers and perhaps buyers.

Show off your items on our team and others so they can be seen.

Wishing you much good luck and many sales.

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Re: Trying to increase sales in 2013

Have you joined the TVV website? I have found that is the best way to increase sales. By becoming a Diamond Member and listing your items there is a diffinite help with search engines.
The more merchandise you have, the better. I try to list at least one new item a day here and on TVV. I also re-new items each day. And then post those new and re-listed ones on my team threads. Great way to be seen by sellers and buyers. And to get in treasuries to be seen, make sure you have the Team Tags on your item tags. Many folks use specific team tags when making treasuries.
And be patient, stay calm, focused and have fun!!
Sales Dust to you and everyone here!! :)
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Re: Trying to increase sales in 2013

Thanks again everyone. I am acting on your great advice! Thanks.
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