FAVATHON - FRIDAY 10/17/2014
Please Read Instructions and play FAIRLY.
Post 3 (THREE) items from your shop once. More will be DELETED.
Please be sure to favor the WHOLE thread. Otherwise DELETION and black list.
So, if you post in the A.M. please come back in the P.M. and favor ones you have missed. To help you keep track please leave a quick notation saying you have "faved" and "hearted" the items.
Please note, if you've hearted an item in the past, you need to reheart in this game. Click on the heart to remove the red heart then click on it again to make it red.
***There is "300 hearts a hour" limit. If your hearts are not sticking you will need to wait about an hour (new hour) to be able to get hearts again. You can refresh the page or go back to previous page to check if your hearts stick.