Once again, ship by dates are incorrectly calculated. I currently have a 1-5 day processing time. I only ship to the US. Todays orders are bouncing between a ship by date of November 15 and November 18. I have multiple orders placed today and some (sandwiched between others) are showing a ship by date of November 15. These are not the first orders of the day, or the most recent for today. It appears random, it is not even unique to the US time zone. All orders have the same shipping profile.
Could it be calculating the closure of postal services on the 11th Nov in recognition of Veterans Day?
It rarely ever counts the holidays. So far it always told me to ship out on a holiday
Same issue here as well. It has happened several times over the last week, just like you experienced. Orders from same day with different ship by dates. On the 8th one of the orders was within several minutes of the other and both shipping to Florida, one had a day earlier ship by date. We are in the same time zone as well.
Your ship dates sound correct ...
If you got an order on Saturday (9th), and you have a 1-5 day processing time, then that 5th day would be the 18th. Because Monday (11th) is a holiday, the daily count begins on Tuesday (day 1), and the 5th day being Monday (18th), but you could ship on Friday (16th) because that is within your 1-5 day processing. Does that make sense?
Mine are all over the place in the app.
it says for example today, but in the order it’s tomorrow.
or this week, when the date is next week.
it shows the correct ones in the browser version. For now.
I have been dealing with the same issue for weeks now. Contacted customer service and was told it was because some of the items did not have a shipping profile chosen. Which, by the way is not true as all my items are connected to profiles. One customer placed 2 orders for the same item, shipped to the same address, 10 minutes apart and she receieved 2 different shipping dates. I just ignore what Etsy says and send a updated shipping date to my customers affected. I tell them that is is a known coding error and blame Etsy.