Hello friends
I read cha ching sales warning sound
somewhere, I wonder if it is true. If there is, can you help me, how can I do it?
Install the Etsy seller app on your mobile device
@print08: But be warned that there are many many threads in this forum about issues with app notifications. The consensus is that a seller still needs to check their shop for messages and orders at least daily via a browser until these issues are resolved.
@print08 yes, load the Etsy Seller app - it has a blue icon. You need to enable under notification on the app - I suggest for sales and messages. Also enable permissions in your phone settings, and make sure you have your Notifications sound up - it's different than the ringtone.
You can test it by asking someone to send you a message - if you hear that tone ( to me, it sound like a banjo or guitar) - then you should be able to hear the sound when you make a sale - sounds like an old-fashioned cash register!
Once in a while, you may stop getting the sound, due to updates. I usually get them back by toggling every off/on in the app and phone settings.
AND - as others have mentioned, don't rely on notifications or emails, and be sure to check your shop on a regular basis.
Wishing you many "cha-chings"!
Have you looked at the shop?