I cannot get sales and discounts to work. I go through all the selections and choose my items but then I cannot activate the ad?
I have done it many times before but now it will not allow me to press the review and confirm button.
Can anybody help me please.
I tried it and it worked. All I can suggest is the usual... Clear cache, restart computer, try a different browser...
Are you trying to set up a "Run a Sale Event" or a "Create a Promo Code" Discount Coupon?
A Sale Event will show on Listing Thumbnails and apply to either the Whole Shop (if you set a minimum $ or no value) or to individual Listings which you select on the second page of the Sales setup. Any applicable Sales Event will apply automatically at checkout.
If you are making a Discount Coupon, then this will not show anywhere in your Shop. You have to send the link to the Coupon to induvidual Buyers and they have to apply it manually at checkout. When selecting the individual listings you have to make sure you click on the actual Listing after you enter the SKU (etc) into the "Search for a Specific Listing" box and hit "ADD". Often, just hitting "ADD" does not add the Listing, but clicking on the information below will add it.
Thanks for getting back to me. I am trying to run a Sale event. I have done it many times but for some strange reason it just will not work now.
I can set it all up choosing the percentage I want off and the items I want to put on sale, but I just cannot get the button that you press to turn the ad on to work. I press on it and nothing happens. I have to close down the whole shop to get out of it. It is very annoying.
Have you tried Chat?
Dashboard > Community & Help > Contact Us >Selling on Etsy >Manage Listings (or topic that applies to your situation), if none of those topics apply, go to the bottom and click "I Still Need Help"
@esanivintage Do you mean the "Review and Confirm" Radio Button?
I know this may sound trite, but have you tried a different Browser? Or minimising the page view on the Browser you are using? Of course the normal "cache and cookie" thing?
I tried going to chat but there was no where to choose "I still need help". It is just not on the page??
Did you resolve the problem? I have the same issue this morning.
Replying to myself!! Fourth time lucky, shutting down and re-starting a couple of times, the rest of the page loaded properly and I could fill in all required fields. Hooray!