When I click on "get shipping label" nothing happens. I tried on 2 different computers, one being a PC, the other a Mac.
Tried Safari and google chrome.
Restarted my computer, nothing. Etsy is telling me it's not on their end.
Is anyone else having this issue?
Others posted the same problem. One solution seems to be is a screen refresh on the shipping label page.
Yes. I was having the same problem here. I closed the tab (Safari) and opened another. That worked.
I am able to get shipping labels but I am not able to edit a customers ship to address. I did all the troubleshooting Etsy told me to do and I still can not get it to work. I click on the edit button, nothing happens.
Happening to us too!
It's not working for me either. I bought a label on my phone but I cant print it from there. When I got on my computer to print both the print label and refund label button won't work.
I was having that problem every time I did my orders for about two weeks, now it's sporadic. I have to get out of Etsy then get back in for it to work. So I print my orders..get out of Etsy...then go back in and print my shipping labels.
Refreshing seems to work, but that can't be it. Wish etsy would acknowledge the issue, instead of trying to tell me it's both of my computers.
@polymerclayshed This has been happening for a couple weeks in my shop and Etsy support told me it was a known issue on their end, and they were working on it. Again today I could not print labels no matter how many times I refreshed, backed out, changed browsers etc. Then suddenly it just started working again. The advice I got was to purchase labels at the PO. I would like to know how they can take 5% of our postage and not even offer a reliable label printing function.
I had to refresh the order page several times before the shipping label button would work. Issues like this remind me of why I don't usually buy my labels here anymore.
I have the same problem and some labels are printed 2 times. I hope this problem will be solved before mother's day