missing "processing time" ??

Hi. I don't understand why my orders lately are missing "processing time". I shipped all my items on time, even before the processing time. I've double-checked my On-Time shipping metric, and even been updated again & and again just in case ...

I kept in contact with your staff and asked for help... but they all sent me links for "processing time" to update ... I have asked if can you show me which items are missing the processing time so I can tell and see the difference. but no answer. unfortunately 

 I have done some research on my one, and realize that when we ship an order early without changing the ship-by date, we may expect the order to show up on your Star Seller after the ship date has passed.

working with Shipentegra and I think the problem may stem from my shop as well.

Please help to fix this glitch. I understand that I'm not the only seller that was having this issue – bag

Right now my Star Seller badge has been taken away and my secor going done and done. I don't know what to do about it

hope writing my problem here will be able to get help to solve this situation for me and for other sellers as well 

Thank you in advance- Anat 


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15 Replies

Re: missing "processing time" ??

It's been going on for months.

It's a backend glitch, as you can't post a listing without a processing time.

Etsy either can't fix or don't know how to fix.

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Re: missing "processing time" ??

Or won't fix.  You absolutely CANNOT publish a listing without the processing time.

How does that make it the seller's fault for which they get punished??

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Re: missing "processing time" ??

@AnatCollectionAtEtsy: This is an on going issue that has been reported numerous times recently in this forum where some orders "lose" their processing time. There is a November 2022 response ("solution") from an Etsy Admin to this issue at https://community.etsy.com/t5/Technical-Issues/Missed-star-seller-due-to-apparently-missing-processi...

I don't believe that the underlying data has ever been corrected for anyone experiencing this issue.

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Re: missing "processing time" ??

This was happening to me and Etsy was not any help. I resolved it on my own. 

You should be able to find out exactly what listings are missing processing times  by downloading the order history from the star seller page.

Once you see what items they are, go to the listing page under shop manager and click on the listing. At the top of the page it will say "switch to old version" 

Under the old version, "enter custom shipping options" will be automatically selected under shipping. Click off of that and you should be good. 

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Re: missing "processing time" ??

Thank you So Much!  I just did it and hopefully, it will workout.


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Conversation Maker

Re: missing "processing time" ??

I also had this issue with my statistics in my SS metrics and it went down to 98% for missing processing time. I went well not my problem and all I can do is live with it as annoying as it is.

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Re: missing "processing time" ??

Yeah.!but my processing time went down to 69% ...it goes down by 10% each time 

Wondering what will happen if it will become  1%????

While all my orders will continue to be sent?! 




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Crafty Poster

Re: missing "processing time" ??

This is happening to me, I can't make any sense of it either. I downloaded the CSV file to take a look at which listings were being flagged. It looks entirely random as far as I can see. The same listing was purchased 3 days apart - one transaction is shown as having a processing time, and the other is not. I did not touch this listing between purchase one and purchase two. Both dispatched within my processing time (1 and 2 days respectively).

All transactions flagged as missing a processing time are also shown to have been dispatched late (my star seller stats do not register this, I have 100% on dispatch time) and missing a date in the 'deliver by' column. I see the first instance of this problem as January 4th. Previously had perfect track record on all orders, since Jan 4th the spreadsheet is peppered with these issues.

Tried looking into what BeachBabeBodyGoods suggested - all of the flagged listings I looked at were set up with the old listing form and had the appropriate shipping option selected. I had listed a couple listings with the new form recently and encountered the 'custom shipping option' issue with these, but on all of the flagged transactions I looked at this was not a factor.

Frustrating as I am about to lose star seller status and can't understand why. It seems to be a glitch. Why is processing time even a measured stat? Listings cannot be published without one!

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Re: missing "processing time" ??

This just happened to me. I know I shipped on time, got an Etsy shipping label with Tracking and the CSV says 'missing tracking info'. I know that shipping from Canada to USA, a 'pre-transit' won't count against me, but it did this time and now am wondering if it's because of a backend glitch. Docked me 8% for that one item, down to 92% which is just ridiculous as I shipped a bunch of other things also that were fine. I doubt that my contacting Etsy about it will result in anything. I've also noticed some stats come and go...

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: missing "processing time" ??

Yes, this just happened to me as well.  I shipped on time with tracking number.  The item has already been delivered.  Somehow the tracking number I entered with a USPS Ground Advantage tracking # switched to Fed Ex...which I never use.  It still show pre-transit even though the item has been delivered.  Not sure how to fix this.  Maybe all this is tied to the AT&T glitch last week?  If anyone figures out how to fix this, please let me know as I don't want my SS score messed up.  Thanks!


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Crafty Poster

Re: missing "processing time" ??

Noticed today that my stats have been readjusted - from 93% to 100% - as should be. Redownloaded the csv file and all looks well (minus two blips). Hopefully this is the same experience for everyone who's been having issues?

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: missing "processing time" ??

Mine were adjusted as well. 

But here we are a month later with them slowly dropping again

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Crafty Poster

Re: missing "processing time" ??

Yep, I just lost star seller this month (for the first time since the program began) because of this glitch. Was hoping it would reset as with last month - no such luck. On the last day of last month, my stats suddenly dropped from 92% to 87%. All impossibly 'missing processing times'. Stuff like this is making me want to move away from Etsy.

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Re: missing "processing time" ??

Yes ...thats happened to me just now. 

 stats have been readjusted - from 60% to 99% - 


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Re: missing "processing time" ??

yes, my stats readjusted themselves also. Must have been a glitch

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