I am now unable to list any new items in my etsy shop as the core details section is frozen so I can't post new listings it has been happening last week in December to now early January. Does anyone have any idea why and what am I doing wrong.
Have you tried clearing your cache & cookies? Sign out of your account restart and sign back in. If that does not work, try using different browsers.
I always copy an existing listing and then make the required changes. That way I don't need to edit most things (e.g. Core details) as they are the same.
That works great if you are selling a similar item in the same category, but, not so great if it is something that requires entering a new category.
I am having same problem, can someone plz help
Others have posted about this and have been told that Etsy is working on it. If you use the copy feature on another item in the upper right hand corner you can literally change everything for the new listing.
The problem is that "Etsy is working on" since at least last spring ! I've been unable to modify or add any listing on my shop for months...
My core details section is frozen …I cannot post any new items …help
When you copy a listing so you can change the details, do you then see it in your listings? Or do you have to paste it somehow? I tried copying one and nothing apparently happened. I need to list new items and can’t get the core details to work.
You should be able to duplicate a listing then alter all of the information needed then when you post it it should appear in your shop without pasting or anything.
When I copy an old listing on the app and change the info even though I hit save it reverts back to the old listing. The second time I change it, it saves. This happens every time. The website is frozen for me. I can’t add pictures, I can’t add categories and I can’t save as draft.
I tried to edit and same thing happened...nothing!
Core details gets stuck for me on my Android phone when I use the mobile browser.
I now switch to "Desktop Site" before I begin the listing and it works.
To get to Desktop Site I click the 3 dots on the top right corner and scroll down.
Hope this helps!
I’ve also been dealing with this issue I think trying the desktop site from a phone is the best way hopefully it works. I’m gonna give it a shot. Thanks for the suggestion.
I managed to make the new listing by finding one of my sold items that was similar. I relisted it then edited it to reflect the new item I needed to post. It worked but took longer. Sure wish Etsy would fix this problem.
I am having the same issue! Very frustrating. I have gotten around it by copying a expired, etc listing, and changing the information. There the core details are usable.
I am trying to do this on my laptop. I don't use the apt version on my phone as I can't see or figure it out very well.
If anyone comes up with other solutions, PLEASE contact me at: www.etsy.grammastreasure.com
Still an issue as of 5th February 2025!!
Although now, when you try to list an item, it simply shows 'Uh oh! Sorry the page you were looking for was not found.'
I have a vintage shop and I do not have all similar items to post to get around this issue. Sure hope its cleared up soon!
If you work on iPad turn the screen vertical and the missing fields magically appear.
I’m also unable to post new listings. The core listings submit button is frozen.
If you can use a computer if not, and you only have an iPhone or iPad, I see that myself and others can’t seem to post unless they do an iPad horizontally I’m assuming, but I have been able to do it through my android phone through desktop site with no issues. That’s the only suggestion I can suggest to anybody that might be interested if they need to know how to create the listing and complete the steps for core details to publish or save as draft
I still can not post new listings. I am having the same issue. Any suggestions on how to get the bug fixed?
OMG! I have tried to list a new item 4 times and that darn core details things won’t let me finish. It’s been awhile since I’ve listed a new items because I’ve been pretty busy with what I already have listed, but this is a departure from my usual items, so I can’t use any of my other listings. Personally, I think Etsy should STuff the core details, I mean c’mon… most buyers don’t ready all the info we provide anyhow, GOOD GRIEF!
I just want to list my items…. I’m using an iPad and it starts to go wonky on me when I can’t get the listing finished. PLEASE FIX THIS ETSY!!!!!
@DesignsbyCher: "... I think Etsy should STuff the core details ..." Core Details are not for buyers, per se. They are used to classify the listing and for search.
I’ll try checking back to see if anyone has another fix idea… or if we’re lucky, Etsy will get it fixed for a change…