deactivation/ suspension / tax info

Every item in our shop has been deactivated because Etsy claims the shop account lacks tax info. Yet the correct info was submitted weeks ago, and we received an email confirmation from Etsy that this was so. Attempts to solve the problem via Etsy Help topics tell us that there is no issue with our account - and since the system recognizes no issue, there's no way for us to fix what is obviously wrong. An attempt to resolve it by phone failed.

If this isn't resolved, we're going leave the platform. There doesn't seem to be a pathway to fixing this, which the fault of the system, not the individual Help switchboard staff.

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25 Replies

Re: deactivation/ suspension / tax info

Some of the administrative stuff like bank verification can be very slow and frustrating on Etsy. When you are a shop owner and your shop gets suspended, you want to figure it out, do what needs to be done, and get the shop re-instated ASAP. Etsy works with a different sense of urgency (none). Several days to a couple of weeks is not out of the normal for Etsy to help deal with some of these issues.


Try to be patient, continue to respond to the same help request until the problem is fixed. Do not open new help tickets - each new ticket will move you to the end of the queue. I think you will not be able to deal with this by phone. The people who are on the other end of the phone have very limited abilities to actually help, but lots of ways to give advice that has no bearing on your actual situation. This, in effect, is like dismissing you and your problem, or at least stalling until you go away. Doesn't make much sense for "Customer Service" to be like that, but that is Etsy's approach for the most part. If you hang in there, it will eventually get sorted out, your shop will be re-instated, and you can move on. 

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: deactivation/ suspension / tax info

Hi Randy - My shop was suspended last Tuesday for Tax ID verification. I made Star Seller on Monday, had my biggest sell to date on Tuesday, and was immediately suspended as it put me over $500 for the year. So are the only one in the forums who has summed it up. I have called, emailed, chatted, prayed, and done everything under the sun. I have come to the conclusion that my shop is in a huge stack of "other shops" who need to have their uploaded documents checked against their SSN with the IRS. When they get to my shop, it will be open. Until then...I'm losing money, Etsy is losing money, and I am learning a valuable lesson in patience. Thanks for being reasonable. :0) 

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Re: deactivation/ suspension / tax info

@MissFuzzyBee   Usually adding SSN and other information does not result in a hold but Etsy may be more active with this now than in the past.  Did you also supply LLC information?  If you are a single owner of an LLC, you are considered a sole proprieter  by the IRS. 

Also all information must match.  The name on the bank account must match the SSN. 

Do not call, email, etc.  It only becomes confusing.  Use one email to reply back to Etsy asking for help.    

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Re: deactivation/ suspension / tax info

Thanks Randy. That makes sense.


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Inspiration Seeker

Re: deactivation/ suspension / tax info

I am in the same boat. I have messaged them as well as called them. Meanwhile, I am losing sales and Mother's Day is a hot time for me. I am very ticked off by this situation.

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Re: deactivation/ suspension / tax info

@LLillardDesigns    It can take two weeks.  Use only one email to ask for an update.

The name on the bank account and the SSN have to match.  IF you have an LLC then that name on state documents must match as well.

It is not Etsy that is the issue.  US law requires more stringent measures today than in the past.  Etsy has to comply not only with US but other countries as well.  It is impossible to hire enough people to wade through the number needing verification.

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: deactivation/ suspension / tax info

I FINALLY have my shop back!! It has been a week since they suspended my shop. I am not sure if they fixed the problem today or which day because I stopped checking after Day 3 since they said they would let me know when it was working again. Well, they didn't let me know, but it is working, so whatever.

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Re: deactivation/ suspension / tax info

there are thousands of shops right now with the same problem . I had the same tax id since 2011 when I started . suspended since 1 week 

call with Etsy ... they told me everything is alright with the info , but there is not enough stuff to hand correct that glitch and they have to do each shop one by one .... go figure 

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Conversation Maker

Re: deactivation/ suspension / tax info

@KrustyTubs  Are all of your listings in the Inactive folder ?

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Re: deactivation/ suspension / tax info

I'm also in the same boat.  Even worse is I've been doing a lot of "ducking" lately (it's a jeep thing) and also inlcuding a card with my etsy shop info.  The first two weeks, pre-suspension, traffic increased, and then the suspension came, so anyone else that was referred to my shop is being greeted by emptiness.  Quite literally out-of-pocket cash and time invested in advertising for nothing.  I've obviously ceased ducking until I'm back online.

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Re: deactivation/ suspension / tax info


Do you have licenses for the items you are making?  If so you will want to add that information. 

Your shop is incomplete.  You need location and shop policies as well as about page.

If you are in the US Etsy needs the tax information to comply with US law.  All forms of name on bank account and SSN/EIN and if an LLC as well have to match. 

It takes time for Etsy to go through the number of new shops that need verification.  It is taking about 2 weeks.    

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: deactivation/ suspension / tax info

Just to let everyone shop was reinstated today after being suspended 6 days after submitting my Taxpayer ID information! Yahoo! I had read horror stories that it might be 2 weeks, but it was only 6 days! I didn't do anything special. I simply filled in the information required, submitted a ticket, and impatiently waited. :0) The only problem...I WAS a Star Seller and now it is missing from my shop. Go figure. I would chat with someone about my Star Seller status, but I'm afraid they'll close my store again. Good luck to everyone still having a problem.

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Re: deactivation/ suspension / tax info

good for you , still waiting on mine and its been 1 1/2 weeks so far

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: deactivation/ suspension / tax info

I'm seeing that unfortunately a lot of people are encountering the same issue as me, due to the Etsy glitch that is changing the name of the legal entity after you enter it correctly yourself. 

How is everyone submitting these support tickets and who are you contacting? I can't find any direct contact information anywhere to even begin the process.

Thank you!

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Re: deactivation/ suspension / tax info

It has been almost 3 weeks for me. My shop was suspended for missing tax info even though it is completely filled out. I have lost all faith in Etsy. Over 10 years of working on this shop and now everything is in limbo. The tax info is exactly the same in my other shops and they have not been suspended! To top it all off I got an email from Etsy congratulating me on "crushing it" last week - while my shop is suspended! The email states that I have 7 new orders, (four from off-site ads) and one order that needs to be shipped ASAP. Etsy customer service looked at my shop and said they could see no orders. So what is this about - are the form emails having glitches too?

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Re: deactivation/ suspension / tax info

OMG ... same , got that stupid email twice last week 3 orders , this week 8 orders and I am crushing it ... its like mocking us 

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Re: deactivation/ suspension / tax info

still suspended ( since the 25th ) .... 

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Re: deactivation/ suspension / tax info

Mocking is right! And I am so frustrated that they really don't seem to care!


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Re: deactivation/ suspension / tax info

Mocking is right! And I am so frustrated that they really don't seem to care!



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Re: deactivation/ suspension / tax info

I've been suspended since April 25th.....with them providing me the same copy pasta reply every time I send an email for an update. They basically say, "Our engineering partners are currently aware of an issue where the "Update your taxpayer info" alert is showing to some sellers with that information already on file. We've added your report to the ongoing investigation so the team can take a deeper look into what's going on.
At this time, we do not have a timeframe for when this issue will be resolved, but please know that we prioritize our technical issues based on the impact to our marketplace. In the meantime, please don't hesitate to reach out with any additional questions via a new ticket!"

And now its June 2nd and I'm still waiting and will most likely not have a shop when the holidays get here....

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Re: deactivation/ suspension / tax info

I am finally unsuspended for that tax issue ... since April 26th ... until now .. for something that wasn't even real , no apology , nothing 

lucky for me i do not depend on this shop to pay my bills ... but it screwy nonetheless 

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Re: deactivation/ suspension / tax info


Oh wow. I took a look at your shop and followed the link to your other shop.

Wow - what a great shop, wonderful creations and success and the best about section I've ever read.

I really don't get Etsy. Seems like they push stuff they believe will help them and at the same time sabotage themselves. 

your summary is perfect "lucky for me i do not depend on this shop to pay my bills ... but it screwy nonetheless "







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Re: deactivation/ suspension / tax info

I finally got turned back on a few weeks ago. It was after I got chat to connect me with the finance department instead of tech. Maybe that made a difference? Good luck to everybody still having troubles...

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Re: deactivation/ suspension / tax info

I've been connected to the finance department everytime and still the same copy and paste response. nothing has been done to resolve the issue


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