contact for Etsy support

I have lost ALL avenues to contact Etsy support. There is no chat link on any page in my dashboard. Every attempt to reach support through the help pages are unsuccessful. I have tried many times to link my shop to Facebook but the code given to verify the site is not accurate when used to verify. I have one item that was removed by the Etsy Gestapo even though there are several pages of the same item sold in many shops. Now they have locked my ability to earn badges . HOW can I get someone from support to contact me. I did receive an email  from someone in corporate that announced an expanded effort to address the support contact issue by putting a chat link on the shop dashboard. I already had an icon before the email and it worked. Shortly after the email the link disappeared. Frustrated shop owner of 14 years PLEASE SOMEONE HELP.

P.S. Very noticeable absence of the phrase "Customer Service" for the list of labels to attach to this message. 

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16 Replies
Community Maker

Re: contact for Etsy support

My shop is linked to my FB shop page. I never needed a code to do so.

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Re: contact for Etsy support

Secondary issue. How to contact support without a chat icon

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Community Maker

Re: contact for Etsy support

Inspiration Seeker

Re: contact for Etsy support

Your link only brings me to the help page. There is no way to contact them via email or phone.

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Re: contact for Etsy support

That's correct. 

They no longer have a phone or direct email, they haven't for at least a few years now. 

You have to put in a help request. 

Sometimes you can put in a request for them to call you back, but you can't call them. 

Probably to weed out all the people that want to call them and tie up the lines asking why they don't have sales or why a message from another seller affected their star seller rating. 

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Re: contact for Etsy support


I firmly believe that's why Etsy doesn't have a phone number...

Can you just imagine all the calls they would get - just based on the forum, it would be a large number

Considering the population of Etsy, the phone lines would be jammed constantly with inane phone calls from sellers.

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Re: contact for Etsy support

@mommawhazelsquilts: And even if Etsy did have a dedicated phone number for urgent issues like a hijacked account you would not be able to get through because the line would be jammed by the people who want to complain that they lost their Star Seller because they didn't "think" they needed to reply to some message ...

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Re: contact for Etsy support

And their loss of a star is just as urgent as any other issue happening.... 

I think it's funny when people argue in here, then come back and say they spent 2 hours on the phone with support after they got them to call them back, and support just confirmed what everyone here was telling them in the first place. 

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Re: contact for Etsy support

Thank you ,email sent. reply in 3 days. What a joke this customer service is.

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: contact for Etsy support

Indeed - a joke

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Re: contact for Etsy support

I don't have an answer, but calling them the Gestapo on a public forum probably isn't helping your cause. 

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Re: contact for Etsy support

Maybe not but frustration sets in after trying for 3 months to contact "customer service" They don't hesitate to take their commission. VERY different company since they went public.

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Re: contact for Etsy support

Just like how it's frustrating when shops label items as vintage from the 90's when they have dates like 2014 and 2018 right on them? 

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: contact for Etsy support

No kidding.  I've only been at it a few days and I'm considering closing my account AND I have people that want to BUY MY STUFF!

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: contact for Etsy support

I am new to selling on ETSY and the experience is horrible - I can't get any help other than their help page.

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Re: contact for Etsy support

As you state, you're new. It may take some time to learn how to navigate the site and learn the quirks found here. One of which is the lack of customer service or ways to contact them. If you are expecting to where you can just call them anytime with any question you have, then you will only continue to have a horrible experience here. If you need help, then as per the help page you need to put in a help request. Even then you may or may not get a response right away depending on what the issue is. If the problem is found in the handbook or anywhere else they publish, then all they'll do is send you a link to read. 

Often times people will get more help by posting what they need here in the forums than they do by reaching support anyway. However, it's best to do by creating your own post, not resurrecting a post from a month ago. 

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