I’m not sure where I should ask this question.
For the last month I have been getting 1 view and 1 visit at exactly the same time, 2:00pm everyday. My Stats say the view/visit is coming from “Direct and Other Traffic” every time.
My question is, has any other seller had this happen to them? Could this be a technical glitch by bots? This is just weird.
Maybe the same person comes back every day to look at the same item.
Sometimes I'll have the same person fave the same item for weeks and never purchase.
Maybe. Unfortunately I don’t get to see what they may be looking at.
just kinda creepy.
Gosh I can't say I even watch things that close BUT if you want to mess with their daily routine then deactivate it and see if they like something else in your shop instead.
Unfortunately, I have no idea which item if any they are viewing cuz they go thru Direct and Other Traffic.
The only reason I know exactly when they visit is because I don’t get many visits/ views, so it’s easy to track.
@CozyAfghans4UI think you are giving far too much energy to something you cannot control or identify.
It could very well be a bot since the time doesn't deviate by not even a minute. There are a lot of bots in views here, with some days experiencing more than others.
This has actually been happening to me. 1 visit everyday but different times for a year.... I just looked today to see the visits for a year. Mind you my shop is on Vacation Mode..... has been for 2 years! I recently went back to add listings and update things because I want to reopen.
I'm curious to if this happens to others. Its kind of creepy...