I am hoping Etsy will fix this, but I have over 800 positive reviews and one bad review from a year ago. I replied to the bad review to help the customer out and now that bad review is the first recommended review for my new listings. I asked Etsy staff why it is showing up first and they said that Etsy prioritizes reviews that you reply to - I said so can I reply to a positive review so that it shows up first and the rep said no. I find this to be a mistake, why would the priority be for the replied to reviews if only negative reviews are able to recieve a response? If I had known this I would have never replied to the review. This is one of the only bad reviews I got and from such a long time ago, why would that be recomended at the top of all my reviews? This is negativily impacting my new listing sales.

Thanks so much

- Gina

Re: Very old bad review showing up first under new listings just because I replied to the review.

I'm having the same problem:(  1,450+ 5 star reviews and Etsy keeps showing a 1 star review which I think the buyer broke the glass when putting the lamp together (as I did the same thing when putting a lamp of my own together:((  ).  

I spoke to someone in chat today, but unfortunately wasn't very helpful, very frustrating to say the least trying to get the person to understand what I was talking about.  I just hope this ends soon as the holidays are upon us.....!!!

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Re: Very old bad review showing up first under new listings just because I replied to the review.

It's been going on for many months in my shop. We just have to keep posting in the forums as they do not want to help in any way. 

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Re: Very old bad review showing up first under new listings just because I replied to the review.

Whoever had the idea to do this, it's a horrible idea. Does Etsy find it leads to more sales? Hard to imagine that would be the case.

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Conversation Maker

Betreff: Very old bad review showing up first under new listings just because I replied to the revie

I don't see a bad reviews under any of the listings I randomly clicked, including dinosaurs!  @SvgCraftFiles 

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Re: Very old bad review showing up first under new listings just because I replied to the review.

Etsy - why are you doing this - I've just listed a new item in my shop and yes, the negative one-star review of long-ago popped up. It doesn't make us  love you, Etsy, just the opposite.  Change the algo or whatever it making this happen!!

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Re: Very old bad review showing up first under new listings just because I replied to the review.

I've just noticed this too, for some of my necklaces I have a bad review listed at the top for each listing (no longer sold in my shop) and the second bad review is for a ring dish, not even a necklace so if the algorithm is searching for reviews of a similar product it's faulty.  What gets me though like many of you here I have a lot of good reviews lately this is surely more relevant to your products and customer service than reviews of a year or even longer ago. 

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Re: Very old bad review showing up first under new listings just because I replied to the review.

By replying, you made it a "new" review again. There was activity so Etsy moved it to the top again.

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Re: Very old bad review showing up first under new listings just because I replied to the review.

I'm in the same boat with a two star review that I replied to I've deleted the reply to see if that makes a difference and will try replying to some of my positive reviews yo see whether that also helps.

My sales fell off a cliff after the two star review wax put at the top.

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Re: Very old bad review showing up first under new listings just because I replied to the review.

Actually it's worse than I initially thought despite having many positive necklace reviews this month they have stuck every negative review under my necklace listings. Positive reviews that came after these negatives have sunk like a stone so my necklaces only look like they have negative reviews. I think I'll be listing my necklaces on other sites from now, lol. 

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Re: Very old bad review showing up first under new listings just because I replied to the review.

@KCAVintageGems I have a more recent thread all about this issue here: https://community.etsy.com/t5/Managing-Your-Shop/Etsy-Please-Stop-This-Supremely-Unfair-Testing-with... 

There are some tips on how we made get heard in the solution posts that are highlighted. Sorry this is happening to you!

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Re: Very old bad review showing up first under new listings just because I replied to the review.

The exact same thing is happening in my shop, nothing but 5-star reviews yet a 3-star review from last June keeps popping up on top of the majority of my listings. I can't believe how much time I've already wasted on this!

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Re: Very old bad review showing up first under new listings just because I replied to the review.

When adding new listings, reuse/copy a listing that has a review and then change info,. 

That is the only thing that I can come up with to get around it,. 

I had removed some listings and relisted them like that as well. 

its a PITA!   

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Re: Very old bad review showing up first under new listings just because I replied to the review.

I tried that with one of my new listings, unfortunately after 1 day the bad review made it's way to the top.

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Very old bad review showing up first under new listings just because I replied to the review.

I have noticed this too when doing research and clicking on listings. Etsy is showing negative reviews at the very top for some reason, even when there aren't any replies. Makes literally no sense to scare off potential customers with showing a handful of bad reviews first when most shops have hundreds of positive reviews.

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Re: Very old bad review showing up first under new listings just because I replied to the review.

It's happened AGAIN! Just reduced the price on a vintage jacket and the bad review of 2019 (!!) came up right at the top. Why is etsy doing this - and to what purpose ? 

I'm not sure that responding to something this old really works - but it doesn't make me like etsy any better. 

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Conversation Maker

Re: Very old bad review showing up first under new listings just because I replied to the review.

It’s happening to me also.  In the longer thread about this issue, someone mentioned it is happening primarily to star sellers.  I spoke with cs last week, the rep acted as though he didn’t understand what I was saying.  No help there.  This is a terrible thing to do to sellers.

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Re: Very old bad review showing up first under new listings just because I replied to the review.

There are two scenarios at this point. ETSY doesn't pass issues on or they are fully aware of this as it has been reported numerous times. Either way apart from a cut paste response Etsy has made no valid comment on this so far....

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Conversation Maker

Re: Very old bad review showing up first under new listings just because I replied to the review.

@SvgCraftFiles your shop listings look better. did you do anything you thought helped unpin the reviews?

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