ich habe meinen Verkäufer Star für „Nachrichten“ verloren, weil ich bei einem selbst getätigten Einkauf zu spät reagiert habe. Ich dachte der Verkäufer Star zählt nur für Verkäufe und nicht für Einkäufe???
Herzliche Grüße
Hello, and welcome to the Etsy Community Forums!
We suggest using the Forums' Search function prior to posting (just be careful to not bump an old thread that hasn't seen any activity in the last months/years), as questions regarding the Star Seller Program have been extensively covered by our fellow members since its launch, as well as our official Star Seller Guide, which contains in-depth answers to some of the more common questions regarding Message Response Rate, Shipping, Local Pick-Up, Digital Orders, and other topics. You can check it out here:etsy.com/starseller.
Having said that, and since this thread does not pertain to a technical issue, it will be closed to prevent it from going off-topic.
Thank you!
If you have any questions about how the Community Forums work, please read our Community Policies.
All messages count for Star Seller.
Hello, and welcome to the Etsy Community Forums!
We suggest using the Forums' Search function prior to posting (just be careful to not bump an old thread that hasn't seen any activity in the last months/years), as questions regarding the Star Seller Program have been extensively covered by our fellow members since its launch, as well as our official Star Seller Guide, which contains in-depth answers to some of the more common questions regarding Message Response Rate, Shipping, Local Pick-Up, Digital Orders, and other topics. You can check it out here:etsy.com/starseller.
Having said that, and since this thread does not pertain to a technical issue, it will be closed to prevent it from going off-topic.
Thank you!
If you have any questions about how the Community Forums work, please read our Community Policies.