I don’t know why I m not able get in touch with my customers, I m not able reply to their messages.
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If Etsy has muted you, they think you have sent out too many convos in a short amount of time -- so in their system, it seems like you're spamming people. The muting should be temporary.
If they are current customers, you can answer questions about their current order through email instead of through Etsy's message system.
Have you been sending messages to people on Etsy trying to sell your stones? If so, it’s not allowed and you have sent too many and/or been reported as spam.
You can email actual customers who have bought from you, and will have to wait until Etsy reinstates your message privileges. Do not send messages to Etsy members who you are not in a transaction with. I get these messages from stone sellers all the time and report it.
This happened to me while trying to communicate with someone who just purchased my item. I had only sent one message. I’m furious because I can’t find an email for her and now can’t contact her!
The buyers email is on the order. Just click the tiny inverted triangle next to the user name and it should show you the email address.
@ReadySetParentShop - Click on the buyer name on the order. It shows the email.
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If you would like to share your thoughts and get the conversation going about this or similar topics, we ask that you start your own thread instead of bumping an old one, as this can cause confusion for members reading.
Having said that, we are closing this thread as it is indeed a bit older, and the information contained here may be outdated.
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