Undo the change to Order Details !!!

PLEASE undo the recent change to our order information.  Having to click on an extra tab to view order status and tracking details is a BAD CHOICE and causes extra work for sellers. It's a bad change that is bad for sellers.  this is NOT something we asked to have changed so please fix it and put it back so that the information is all on the same popup view! 

Order details  Delivery info  =   these NEED to be on the same window.

Earnings   =    Nobody wants this on the order screen.  Stop changing things that work fine and adding irrelevant information.  

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Re: Undo the change to Order Details !!!

Etsy forums are rarely visited by the Etsy folks to whom you wish to direct your concern...we are fellow Etsy members and there is nothing that we can say or do that will change what the Etsy tech folks have been instructed to do with how Etsy seller tools, features and functions are processed. We can complain/vent/discuss our issues/problems/concerns or whatever else here in the Etsy community but fellow members are about the extent of who will see or hear our concerns.

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Re: Undo the change to Order Details !!!

Not true.  Admin often replies to posts on the Forum or deletes certain posts/threads, proving they are keeping tabs here.  The Tech Forum is probably most likely to be watched.  They may not respond to every thread, but they are reading them.  Of course, since they don't always reply, we never know which ones they've read.

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Re: Undo the change to Order Details !!!

The admin here are moderators. I doubt Etsy corporate admin/C suite are here or that they're paying attention. If they were, we'd actually see results/changes but we don't. Etsy almost never listens to our suggestions. 

It sure would be nice if they hired sellers to suggest/test changes. As the OP wrote, something as simple as putting the delivery info on the main order page would be common sense.

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Re: Undo the change to Order Details !!!


To think that if they were paying attention we would see changes is a fallacy.

They have one purpose...to make money for the stockholders.  It is their fiduciary duty.  To please individual sellers is NOT a primary goal.  We also have to remember that sellers are not a unified group.  For every change Etsy makes, there are sellers both for and against it.

There are times when the two goals coincide and both can be pleased.  And they DO listen.  We have changed their minds on things before.  It doesn't happen often, but once in a while.

They do get seller feedback.  They watch the Forums (as has been apparent on some "hot" issues), and they send out surveys to sellers and buyers both.  I've been sent a number of them.  If they did hire sellers to test changes, those sellers' ideas would have to capitulate to the stockholders' best interests before they could be implemented.

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Re: Undo the change to Order Details !!!

@dayspringcollectible  What do listing forms have to do with stock profits and shareholders? Why would an investor care if our tags were way below the description box making us scroll back and forth? These things aren't remotely related.

They don't need to come to the forum for glitches either. I'm sure they get thousands of messages when something breaks.

The forums are here so support doesn't have to be. We (well maybe not me so much) work for free. Heck, CS even sends sellers here for help. 

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Re: Undo the change to Order Details !!!


Etsy does research on everything and its impact on the bottom line.  Page layouts, customer service inputs, time spent on glitches vs. returns...everything about the site has financial impacts.  Etsy monetizes every decision they make.  That's one of the reasons some glitches, for example, take so long to fix or never are.  The fix needs to provide a return high enough to be worth the time spent hunting for it and recoding.

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Re: Undo the change to Order Details !!!

@FallsAveVintage @dayspringcollectible  Many years ago, Etsy did have beta test groups that you could voluntarily join to test new features. I was in a test group for the text personalization feature & new shipping/order page update from many years ago. You could join the test group & willingly leave it if you wanted to. I remember the first test group for the shipping page update being so bad that many sellers left. They fixed stuff before rolling out to all sellers.

Nowadays they do guinea pig tests. You don't know if you are in a test or the site has glitched out! And you have zero control over how the test affects you. And it feels like some tests/changes are done by interns who have never operated an online shop  

I wonder if any sellers were in a test for the new shipping setup?? I don't recall any sellers mentioning it in the forums. It feels like they just rolled it out & they made it sound new/permanent since they had pop up announcement. I don't think Etsy cares if it negatively impacts sellers unless there are a volume of complaints. They have made changes based on seller feedback before tho. 

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Re: Undo the change to Order Details !!!

Separating the delivery date into a separate tab adds tedious and totally pointless extra clicks.

This update was clearly done by someone who doesn't manage orders, and did not consult with sellers before they pushed it.

Etsy, revert the update ASAP, please!

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Re: Undo the change to Order Details !!!

Totally agree.

If Etsy actually used their own programs to manage an Etsy store, they'd learn that extra clicks are inefficient.

Seems like every change adds clicks ... like the new listing form with more tabs they introduced last year. 

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